Saturday, 11 January 2025

Just 17

After chatting with my clients over the past few months, I've become aware of an interesting trend. Many of them told me that they'd had a life-changing experience at the age of 17. Not the normal life experiences of the average 17-year old like learning to drive, going to college, etc but more unusual ones.

For example, earlier this month, Luke Littler became the youngest world champion in darts history - at age 17. One of my clients unexpectedly inherited a large sum of money from a family friend. Another met the love of her life and they remained together for over 50 years. Yet another was left on his own when his mother died. In fact, there were quite a few people who had experienced the death of a parent at the age of 17.

So, what unusual event happened in YOUR life when you were 17 years old? Comment below.

Wednesday, 1 January 2025

2025 - A New Era

The year 2025 will be a prelude to the phenomenal events and experiences due to take place in 2026.

By the 8th of July 2025 all of the major transiting planets will have entered new signs. During the first six months of 2025, 

Jupiter - which changes signs every year - will move into Cancer. 

Saturn will enter Aries.

Uranus will move into Gemini.

Neptune will enter Aries.

And Pluto will be firmly established in the sign of Aquarius for the next 20 years. 

To say we have never seen anything like this before - at least not in living memory - is an understatement. I'll be detailing each planet moving into a new sign as it happens throughout 2025. 


This year - and continuing in 2026 - transiting Saturn and Neptune will be conjunct on a World Point - this one happens at 0 degrees Aries - the very beginning of the entire zodiac. Although Saturn conjuncts Neptune approximately every 36 years, they have not been conjunct at 0° Aries for over 2,000 years. So, is the Saturn Neptune conjunction of 2025 and 2026 a big deal? You bet it is! 

The Saturn Neptune conjunction starts in mid-May 2025 and continues until the end of September when the aspect separates slightly as both planets retrograde in to Pisces. They then come together again in mid-January 2026 before making one final exact conjunction on 20th February 2026. Astrologers have observed that, when Saturn and Neptune are conjunct, it brings massive change to Russia. The last time these two planets were in conjunction, the Soviet Union collapsed, What will happen this time? 

Architecture, engineering and construction are also Saturnian themes - in fact, any grand structures around the world that the human race has designed (including roads and railways) or have been created by nature, are an example of this. But Neptune is the antithesis - it symbolises erosion, disintegration, fragmentation. Reducing what is solid to rubble, dust or sand. So we may see the destruction of large buildings, bridges, monuments, etc, either as a result of natural disaster or human sabotage. On the other hand, large structures which have already been lost may reappear, as shifting sands and decreasing water levels reveal what has been buried or submerged for a very long time. 

Both Saturn and Neptune symbolise fear. However, Saturn's fears are based on reality while Neptune's fears tend to stem from imagination, illusion, delusion, hallucination, etc. When combined, it could be the case that Saturn might bring our collective fears to the surface by making them appear more real. So, what is the human race afraid of? Another pandemic? The start of World War III? An alien invasion? Or could this indicate an end to conspiracy theories which, of course, are specifically designed to provoke fear? The deceptions and delusions of the last few years will be up for scrutiny, that's for sure, and the end of woke is imminent. By the time this decade comes to a close, we will look back and wonder "What the hell were we thinking?"

This Saturn Neptune influence will be extremely powerful as it takes place not only in the sign of Aries but at the very beginning of the zodiac circle. Even the conjunction is an Aries aspect and as it takes place at 0 degrees which is a World Point, this means a massive change for every one of us. With the planet of reality coming together with the planet of illusion, how will this influence play out? One of the possibilities is the discovery of lost or missing people. Anything which has vanished without trace could suddenly reappear. Anything which has been shrouded in mystery may be revealed. Conversely, that which we consider to be real, might be exposed as a fake, a hoax or complete fantasy.

On a personal level, this major conjunction will affect all of us but will be particularly significant for anyone born between the 19th - 23rd March. Also affected will be anyone born from 20th - 24th June; 21st - 25th September; and 20th - 24th December, and if you were born in the middle degrees (14, 15, 16) of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio or Aquarius. With the Saturn Neptune conjunction in hard aspect to your natal Sun, you may become involved with people who sacrifice themselves (not literally!) for worthy causes, and you'll appreciate people who are not superficial or pretentious. You will seek the basic truth about everything. Under this planetary influence, you will succeed in finding solutions to difficult problems. This could be in either a personal or professional capacity. 

Please remember also, that if any of your natal planets or points are situated on, or around, 0 degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn, this Saturn Neptune conjunction will be very important in your life throughout 2025 and 2026. 

During most of 2025, there is a planetary configuration taking place involving the outer planets: Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. They will be forming a Double Sextile aspect comprising Pluto in Aquarius sextile Neptune in Aries, with Neptune sextile Uranus in Gemini. Uranus will also be in a very positive trine aspect to Pluto. This influence will be a step into the unknown. It could bring a sudden disappearance or re-appearance. but of what - or whom? A slow and revolutionary development may suddenly be interrupted or pushed forward ahead of schedule. What form this will take is not clear.

All of this is a prelude to a more complex aspect pattern which will take place in 2026 involving Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. The world as we know it is changing rapidly from 2025. Now is the time to open your mind to all the mind-blowing events and experiences that are about to begin. 

Saturday, 21 December 2024

Merry Christmas

Wishing All My Readers A Very

Friday, 1 November 2024

Transiting Mars Through Cancer

Mars entered the sign of Cancer on 4th September 2024 where it will remain until 4th November. It will then spend a couple of months in the early degrees of Leo, after which it retrogrades back into Cancer on 6th January 2025. It resumes direct motion on 24th February before leaving Cancer on 18th April 2025. 

A Mars transit usually lasts for around six weeks, This one, the first Mars retrograde period to occur in 2024, will continue for over six months, making this Mars transit a very powerful one. The last time Mars was in a long run through Cancer was in 2007. So, what lies in store for the world this time?

Mars in Cancer tends to bring a lack of control and the urge to dominate. In a personal chart, this planetary influence indicates 'letting off steam' but this is Mundane astrology which affects the entire planet, so this definition has to be translated into a more basic form. Therefore, letting off steam could literally be just that, possibly in the form of natural disasters such as volcanic eruptions. It could even symbolise boiling geisers as the Yellowstone Caldera - a supervolcano located in the the state of Wyoming, USA - is long overdue for a major blowout. When it does happen, it will be a cataclysmic event. 

Countries ruled by the sign of Cancer include, Scotland, the Netherlands and New Zealand. Add the Mars effect and could this mean some sort of conflict within one of these nations? Civil unrest? Or perhaps, as mentioned above, natural disasters? Mars also triggers accidents and given the highly emotional nature of Cancer, overreaction could be a problem. Cancer rules emotions and Mars rules the physical expression of emotion, so when combined, the effect can be explosive. Cancer rules the sea and Mars symbolises weapons, so sea-to-air missiles may become headline news and also warships, submarines or torpedoes. 

On a positive note, Mars in Cancer is one of the key indicators for the end of the war in Ukraine. Also, when it moves in and out of Leo during this transit, it will form strong aspects to President Zelensky's natal Sun, Venus and Mars. The first one occurs the day before the US Presidential Election. This is very interesting as whoever becomes the next president will affect him - and Ukraine - on a very deep level.

Transiting Mars will be in an opposition aspect to transiting Pluto three times: 

28th October 2024 until the 11th November 2024From 28th December 2024 to 7th January 2025 and finally from the 20th to the 30th April 2025. This opposition will be a dramatic turning point, and an explosive encounter between Mars and Pluto. A lot of things are coming to a head.

Thursday, 17 October 2024

Liam Payne R.I.P.

As we come to terms with the sudden and shocking death of Liam Payne, I thought I would re-publish the astrological profile I did of him 10 years ago. 

"Liam Payne was born on Sunday, 29th August 1993 at 1:00pm in Wolverhampton, England.

Liam has his Sun in Virgo conjunct Mercury, and his Moon in Aquarius making him an excellent communicator: sensible, tactful and diplomatic. He knows what to say, and how and when to say it. His aptitude with words - speaking, writing, and of course singing - is outstanding and he will be able to use this natural ability to inspire and influence others. With two personal planets in Virgo he is very conscientious and also very modest. There is also an indication in his chart of lack of self-esteem which probably stems from his early years. Efficient, with great attention to detail, he knows how to turn an idea into something practical and useful. With the Sun and Mercury in the 10th sector of his birth chart, he takes his professional reputation extremely seriously. Destined to have a public career which would put him in the spotlight, he was born to perform. Further down the line he is very likely to become involved in humanitarian campaigns or politics, but he is only 21, so that's a long way off at the moment.

The Ascendant (the most important and most personal point) in Liam's natal chart is in Scorpio - the sign of intense feelings and deep emotions. Extreme issues are associated with this sign, such as: wealth, power and death. I wouldn't be surprised if Liam was born just before, or just after, a death in his family. Life and death situations are more common with this sign than any other.

People with Scorpio prominent in their charts are passionate about all sorts of things. Their reactions are intense and they provoke powerful reactions in other people too - i.e. obsession and jealousy. Strong-willed and powerful in a quiet, understated sort of way, Liam is a force to be reckoned with. He will know instinctively what's going on in someone's mind, almost to the point of 'seeing' their thoughts. He will be able to read their emotions, and no-one will be able to hide their true motivations from him. Trusting other people won't come easy to Liam, especially as he needs to protect his privacy, but when he does, he will be extremely loyal and devoted. However, if they let him down he will find it very hard to forgive, and impossible to forget.

With his Moon in the sign of Aquarius and in an opposition aspect to Venus in his birth chart, Liam has great charm and exceptional social skills. Being fair-minded, he's a natural mediator and peacemaker. Co-operation is very important to him - he can't stand aggravation. He is very supportive and is well-respected by those close to him. Venus in the sign of Leo gives him artistic creativity. Venus in the 9th sector of his chart shows that Liam has a love of travel and adventure. Foreign places, people and culture hold a great attraction for him.

Mars in Libra, in sector eleven of his birth chart, and in conjunction with Jupiter, shows that Liam has amazing physical energy and a competitive spirit. With a positive attitude, he needs to be busy otherwise he'll feel restless. He's got a strong sense of justice and isn't scared to stand up to people in authority. Working as part of a team or close partnership, is important to him and he will make the effort to maintain harmony within a group.

Uranus and Neptune are situated in the 3rd sector of Liam's natal chart revealing that he is an independent thinker with innovative ideas. His has an original, inventive mind, and he may be prone to sudden, intuitive insights, often being able to see solutions to problems long before anyone else. It's likely that he finds it hard to 'shut down' at the end of the day - this planetary position tends to produce constant mental acrobatics, keeping the brain in a very active state even during sleep. Inspiration, however, will flow easily to Liam, and he has a heightened sense of imagination.

With Pluto in sector one of his natal chart, Liam has the potential to reach out and powerfully influence the world at large. He has a very strong, magnetic personality - even if he doesn't realise it yet. In a square aspect to Saturn, Pluto in this position indicates suppressed pain - both physical and emotional - and a tremendous ability to overcome hardship. He has remarkable powers of endurance. Like the phoenix rising from the flames, he is a survivor, always emerging stronger than before. Dedicated and determined, Liam's status and success will continue to increase, reaching new heights."

Tuesday, 10 September 2024

DNA Profiling: 40 Years

On Monday, 10th September 1984 at 9:05am Professor Alec Jeffreys (born 9th January 1950) developed the technique of genetic fingerprinting in the Department of Genetics at the University of Leicester. Now known as DNA Profiling, his groundbreaking discovery has revolutionised our lives.

When Genetic Fingerprinting - so-called because like fingerprints, our DNA is unique to each of us - was discovered, the Sun was in Virgo, the sign of analysis, scrutiny and precision, barely two hours after a Full Moon in Pisces. This sign symbolises unlimited possibilities and things we cannot touch or see. This includes the microscopic world. Things which exist at the molecular level, atoms, particles, etc.

The Full Moon aspect is squared by Mars thus forming a configuration called a T-Square. In astrology the Sun represents the father and the Moon represents the mother - the very people who pass on their DNA to us via conception. The Moon rules bodily fluids and Mars rules blood. Until the potential of DNA was fully realised, blood groups were the only way to attempt proof of paternity.

The Moon was in a very positive trine aspect to the Midheaven indicating that this would influence the public in a very positive way. You'll know what that means if, like me, you have sent your DNA to a genealogy website and discovered ancestors and living relatives you never knew you had. 

Mercury was at the very beginning of Virgo and in a T-Square to the Nodal Axis, as well as in a trine aspect to Jupiter and a sextile to Pluto. This position of Mercury indicates that a very positive medical breakthrough was taking place on that day. Mercury was also in a hidden trine aspect to Neptune indicating that this would be connected to the microscopic world..

The Ascendant was in Libra with the chart ruler Venus also in Libra conjunct the actual degree. It also formed a sextile to Uranus. Venus and Libra symbolise how we connect to others - the basic principle of DNA profiling - and in a positive sextile aspect to Uranus, the planet of innovation. 
The DNA Profiling discovery chart

Mars is conjunct Uranus in the DNA chart and this planetary combination has a very positive side as pioneering, scientific breakthroughs often take place when Mars and Uranus line up. This is because they both symbolise innovation, technology, discovery, new beginnings and looking to the future. They are the planets of initiative, enterprise and radical new concepts. What happened on 10th September 1984 was the epitome of that Mars Uranus definition. 

Neptune conjunct a World Point (0° Cap) Neptune rules particles, atoms, molecules, the pieces of something that make up the whole. This includes DNA. Being on a World Point indicates something very important in connection to what has often been referred to as 'inner space' which, until the invention of the microscope (c.1590) had remained hidden and mysterious. 


A DNA 'barcode'

In the year of Alec Jeffreys' momentous discovery, Uranus in his Annual Degree Projection chart was conjunct a World Point at 0° Capricorn forming an opposition aspect to his natal Uranus. This planetary influence tends to bring an urgent feeling of needing to make something out of your life and I wouldn't be surprised if this is what spurred him on in his quest. The Uranus opposition is often a peak time in a person's life - reaching a pinnacle in their career and elevating their status. When Uranus conjuncts a World Point it highlights creativity and genius through your career which manifests on the world stage. In turn, this brings success, recognition, popularity, or even cult status. It is a particularly beneficial influence for science and technology.

With his Solar Arc Nodal Axis beginning to form a square aspect to his natal Pluto, the year 1984 was always going to be a pivotal one for Alec Jeffreys. The Nodes represent the past and the future while Pluto rules genetics. This is exactly what his discovery achieved - it brought the basic essence of life itself from its origins and propelled it into the future.

In the year 1984, Alec Jeffreys' Solar Arc Uranus began to form an opposition aspect to his natal Jupiter. Uranus is the planet of revelations, as well as revolutionary discoveries and inventions. Jupiter symbolises exploration, new information, and exposing the truth. Together, they awakened Professor Jeffreys to a whole new level of reality. 

DNA Profiling is a forensic technique used in criminal investigations. It is also used in paternity testing,and in genealogical and medical research, as well as in the study of animals and plants. DNA Profiling has been of benefit to us all in so many fascinating ways. It has changed our perception of life itself and the world is so much better for it. In my opinion, it is a miracle of modern science.

Saturday, 24 August 2024

War In Ukraine: The Conclusion - Part 2

Last year, on Ukraine's Independence Day, I discussed the astrological indicators for the possible end to the war. I also promised more information in Part 2 without intending it to be 12 months later. However, due to a deluge of astrological work off-line and personal issues to deal with, it was delayed. So, here we are at last.

When attempting to discover patterns and cycles for the end of any war, it's vitally important to study the chart for the date when the war began. World War II started on 1st Sept 1939 and the Russia-Ukraine war started on 24th Feb 2022: Of all the wars I've researched, World War II is the one that resonates the most with the Russia-Ukraine War. 

At the start of World War II the transiting Sun was in the sign of Virgo. At the start of the Russia-Ukraine war, the transiting Sun was in Pisces, exactly opposite. So, both Suns were in Mutable signs.

For both wars the transiting Moon was in a Fire sign and in hard aspect to Jupiter.

Mercury was square Uranus

Venus was in the element of Earth

Mars was in Capricorn: 24° for WWII and 22° for the Ukraine War, With both in aspect to Neptune.

Saturn was in a Fixed sign for both wars..

For the start of both wars transiting Uranus was in Taurus: 21° for WW2 and 11° for Ukraine.

Neptune was at 22° Virgo at the start of WWII and exactly opposite at 22° Pisces for the war in Ukraine.

The Nodes were in Scorpio-Taurus for WWII and in Taurus-Scorpio for the Russia-Ukraine war. 


Throughout my research into the astrology of war, something interesting arose involving Uranus. In 83% of the wars I studied, Uranus was positioned in a Fixed Sign at the start of the conflict - with 60% of those positions being in Taurus. 

When the Crimean War began in 1853, transiting Uranus was at 11° Taurus. When the Russia-Ukraine War began in 2022, transiting Uranus was also at 11° Taurus. When Putin illegally annexed Crimea in 2014, transiting Uranus was at 11° Aries. When World War II began in 1939, transiting Uranus was at 21° Taurus and when it ended in 1945, transiting Uranus was at 11° Gemini.

What is it about 11 degrees and why do the majority of wars start under the influence of a Fixed sign Uranus? This is something I have yet to discover. 

When a new war begins, transiting Uranus frequently re-activates a previous war position..For example, when the First World War ended, transiting Uranus was at 23° Aquarius. When the Second World War began transiting Uranus was in a square aspect to it, at 21° Taurus. When WWI began, Uranus was at 10° Aquarius, activating Uranus at 11° Taurus in the Crimean War chart. When the Russia-Ukraine War began, Uranus was at 11° Taurus - again, forming a hard aspect to both WWI and the Crimean War. 


On 6th June 2024, the world commemorated the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings and the allied heroes who stormed the beaches of Normandy, France. D-Day was a very important pivotal event which drastically changed the course of World War II and ultimately led to its end in Europe 11 months later. This fact alone strongly suggests that a similar initiative is exactly what is required to bring the Ukraine war to a close. But how? Warfare in the 21st Century is very different to 80 years ago and although there has been a 'boots-on-the-ground' approach to the Russian invasion, much of the action is executed via modern technology such as drones. 

As I write this, Ukraine has, for the first time since the war began two and a half years ago, crossed the border into Russia and initiated a counter-attack. Could this ultimately lead to a ceasefire? A peace treaty? Victory for Ukraine? One thing is for sure, Russia's downfall is imminent and will most likely occur in 2026. The question is: Will it take place before or after Ukraine wins? 

There are many dates coming up which indicate the potential end to this war and the first one is due on 22nd January 2025. Watch and wait.....