Monday 15 August 2022

Transiting Mars Through Gemini

Transiting Mars goes on a long trek through Gemini from 20th August 2022 until the end of March 2023. President Zelenskyy's natal Ascendant and Boris Johnson's natal Sun are in Gemini, so this planetary influence will make a big impact on both of them. President Zelenskyy's natal Ascendant will be conjuncted three times by transiting Mars in Gemini. The final hit will take place in early March 2023. Interestingly, this is when many astrologers predict Putin's demise. We shall see..... Also, keep an eye on Donald Trump. Just saying.

So much that's present in our daily lives comes under the domain of Gemini: Communication, transport, electronic devices, commerce, education, information. The people we see: Neighbours, siblings, friends, colleagues. The places we go to: School, college, university, shops, train stations, the local garage and the equipment we use: Cars, computers, phones, any hand-held tools or gadgets. Having Mars there for seven months will bring a sense of aggravation to all of these. This planetary influence will make people argumentative and outspoken, and impatience could lead to ill-considered actions. 

Mars in Gemini is mentally assertive and competitive. Speaking forcefully or bluntly is a trait of this planetary effect which could bring tension with neighbours - and on the world stage 'neighbours' are countries which border each other. We already have trouble between Ukraine and its neighbour Russia, and China is on the brink of attacking its neighbour Taiwan. Will this escalate or will there be yet another threat somewhere else?

Impulsive decisions, or a lack of attention to detail may cause major problems. Over the next few months there will be a surge in communication output. But could the wrong decision be made, resulting in serious consequences? A cyber attack is one possibility. I'm getting a sense of communication in overdrive, or some sort of dramatic event affecting commerce,  telecommunications or the media. Words and information will be high in quantity but low in quality. There will be an abundance of disinformation and misinformation. Gemini also rules infrastructure: roads, railways and airports.

Sparks will fly, that's for sure!.A tendency to react - or overreact - to even the most constructive criticism will be taken as a personal insult under this planetary influence, making this a bad time for subtle negotiations. A lack of tact may provoke needless arguments or aggression. Social media will go into meltdown - as if it's not bad enough already - and is quite likely to become a virtual warzone. Be careful!

Mars will be retrograde in Gemini from 31st October 2022 until 13th January 2023 - bringing a sense of moving in the wrong direction. Mars symbolises focus, clarity and decisiveness but when retrogrades occur this trait is weakened. In the ambiguous sign of Gemini, the effect is compounded leading to duplicity, switching allegiances, mixed messages, confusion, or doubt. Normal rules might not apply in warfare because of Mars (the god of war) in retrograde. Could there be some sort of mutiny? Will the wrong targets be hit? Perhaps even a surrender?

On a personal level, if you are a *Sun sign Gemini, then over the next seven months, as transiting Mars conjuncts your natal Sun, you'll become much more competitive, compulsive and hot blooded. Full of energy, you'll have the desire to achieve more or be in charge of some important situation, whether this is in your personal life or your work. Be confident - but don't be aggressive. 

*If you want to know exactly when this will happen for you, just comment below this article with the day and month of your birthday. For example: 8th June. 

Monday 8 August 2022

Boris Johnson - Part 2

With Solar Arc Jupiter in a sextile aspect to Boris' natal Pluto, there was a danger of squandering potential success by using unscrupulous means. Conflict with authority, inflated sense of self-importance and traumatic losses are all indicated. Jupiter is also in a square aspect to his natal Ascendant bringing difficulty in reconciling the need for freedom with obligations to others. Both of these planetary influences will continue until 2024. 

Solar Arc Jupiter began to form a conjunction to Boris natal Midheaven this year. This aspect will be exact in 2023 and will continue throughout 2024 before ending in 2025. Although Jupiter is often seen to have a beneficial effect, it's actual function is to accentuate and amplify. Therefore, it often acts as a destructive influence by producing over-confidence leading to downfall. Former UK Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher had this same influence - by transit - when she was forced to resign. 

With Solar Arc Saturn in opposition to his natal Moon until 2024, Boris will be reassessing past deeds and seeing himself in a more realistic light. This planetary influence will be very difficult for him emotionally. He will need to feel a sense of inner fulfillment in his work, but during this period he may experience conflict between the demands of his career, activities in the outside world, and his need for personal happiness. This planetary combination will bring a time of perspective during which he may need to make some adjustments to the organisation of his life. 

There are many aspects involving Uranus in Boris' chart this year, so it was no surprise that there would be a few sudden and shocking developments. Uranus brings change - whether you want it or not - and has a 'flip-over' effect turning a current situation on its head to suddenly become the opposite way around. This is exactly what has happened to Boris as his Solar Arc Uranus has been in conjunction to his natal Moon since 2020 and will continue until 2023, bringing unpredictable, disruptive but liberating experiences. He may not feel positive about his current situation right now but as the months roll by, he will realise that he has been set free from a restrictive environment. 

Boris' Solar Arc Ascendant will be in a square aspect to his natal Uranus until 2024 bringing a highly energetic but frustrating couple of years during which he will fight very hard to assert his independence and personal freedom. He'll be unwilling to conform to the expectations of other people and will be restless, impatient and impulsive when dealing with them. He will want to present himself as a unique individual and as a result he may act in outrageous ways. Relocation is likely too - and I don't just mean moving out of Number 10. There will be a lot more surprises to come during the next two years.