Classical singer Carlos Marin was born on Sunday 13th October 1968 in Mörfelden-Walldorf near Russelsheim, Germany and raised in Spain. No birth time available. As a Sun sign Libran, Carlos is very refined and charming with a strong sense of image. He is diplomatic, congenial and very romantic. His Sun is in conjunction with Mercury making him a great communicator - he can speak and sing in several languages. The Sun in an opposition aspect to Saturn indicates ambition, patience and dedication. With his natal Moon in its own sign of Cancer, Carlos has great emotional strength and sensitivity. Although he may sometimes be easily wounded by a careless word, he is highly attuned to the feelings and moods of others. Men with a dominant Cancerian influence in their charts possess an innate understanding of women and Carlos is no exception. He loves women - and they love him..... Mercury in Libra shows that Carlos is good at weighing up options and reaching a balanced decision. He may sometimes compromise his own opinions in order to please other people. He needs a strong mental affinity in close relationships. With natal Mercury in an opposition aspect to Saturn, Carlos is very honest and straightforward. Polite, yes - but very down-to-earth and direct. You will always get the truth from him - no bullshit. This man has incredible integrity and a strong sense of discipline and commitment. With Venus in Scorpio, Carlos is intensely passionate. Scorpio is the sign of deep emotion and Venus is all about conveying feelings of love. With his powerful singing voice, Carlos embodies this concept perfectly. Venus in conjunction with Neptune indicates that he is highly sensitive, romantic and idealistic. With Venus in a sextile aspect to Jupiter, he is sociable, graceful, charming and popular and knows how to handle people in any situation. He has an eye for quality and a taste for luxury. With his dynamic, dramatic and passionate performances, it's clear to see - and feel - the strong Venus in Scorpio influence of his birth chart. Venus in a positive sextile aspect to Pluto emphasises this and gives him a magnetic personality which exudes a very sensual nature.
Mars in the sign of Virgo indicates that Carlos is precise and methodical. Obsessed with detail, he picks up on every little thing. He's not afraid of hard work, possibly to the point of over-exertion, and is very self-critical. Constantly learning more ways to enhance his skills, he is forever seeking perfection. With Jupiter also in Virgo, Carlos seeks technical excellence in his profession and is exceptionally dutiful towards his work. He understands the relationship between a healthy mind and body and therefore is very strict in regard to his lifestyle - he doesn't smoke and is probably careful about what he eats and drinks. Jupiter in conjunction to Pluto will bring him tremendous confidence and major accomplishments. He has an incredibly strong need to make it big in the world, and a desire to succeed at the highest level. Setbacks or failures do not worry him as he sees opportunity in every challenge. This aspect has the potential to make Carlos a very powerful figure. He will make a big difference in the world and enhance the lives of many people.
Actress Jodie Whittaker was born on Thursday, 17th June 1982 in Huddersfield, England. No birth time is available, so unfortunately, it's not possible to analyse the Moon or the Ascendant in her natal chart. As a Sun Sign Gemini, Jodie is bright and very talkative - a born communicator. Mentally agile and inquisitive, she will enjoy acquiring knowledge and learning new things. The Sun is in an opposition aspect to Neptune in her natal chart, and this planetary combination is frequently found in the charts of people who are in the entertainment industry as it brings strong creative potential and artistic talent. In a trine aspect to Jupiter and Pluto, she will have a benevolent and easy-going personality. Jodie may find that good luck comes to her through the crises in her life. With Mercury in the sign of Gemini, Jodie has a logical and versatile mind which is capable of processing a lot of information quickly and thoroughly. Articulate and witty, she needs constant mental stimulation. Mercury in a trine aspect to Mars shows that she is a skilled speaker and has lots of common sense. Determined and courageous, she has no problem making decisions - even if she knows her choices might not be popular. Mercury in an opposition aspect to Uranus indicates that Jodie may be highly strung and prone to nervous tension. She has a great memory and is also astute, single-minded and forward looking. This woman knows what she wants! Venus in the sign of Taurus indicates that Jodie has tremendous talents - possibly more than she realises. Obviously she's an amazing actress, but I wouldn't be surprised if she is also a great singer, musician or artist. With her natal Mars in Libra, Jodie will know how to compromise and she is excellent at conflict management. Mars in a sextile aspect to Uranus shows that she may need to channel impulsive urges in a positive and constructive way. This planetary influence also gives her an adventurous outlook which inspires other people. Although strongly independent with a fighting spirit, she works well in groups and takes the lead. Risk taking is not a problem for Jodie and she should always trust her instincts. With a strong desire for excitement, her high energy levels and spontaneity may sometimes unnerve the people around her. She is very independent and needs a certain amount of freedom in relationships as well as in her career. She makes a positive impression on others and she is the one that can get things moving with her initiative and motivation. When people meet celebrities with Mars sextile Uranus they will often mention their presence or aura that fills the room. Saturn in Libra shows that Jodie works hard to maintain the important relationships in her life and may be overly critical if others do not reciprocate. In a square aspect to her natal Nodes, Saturn could bring a sense of deep guilt - often in connection to family history. Perhaps because of something which has been passed down through her family for many years. JODIE IN DOCTOR WHO The actors who portray the Timelord always have powerful connections to the Doctor Who natal chart - and Jodie is no exception.Her natal Sun is in aspect to the DW Moon, Venus and Mars, but the most important is a conjunction to the Doctor Who Ascendant which will enhance the popularity of both her and the show itself.. They will both be in the spotlight like never before and this astrological influence will bring a total reboot for Doctor Who. Jodie's natal Uranus in conjunction to the Doctor Who natal Sun indicates that having her on board the Tardis will change the course of the show's direction and improve its image. This aspect will bring an air of excitement and originality. There could be unusual twists and turns during Jodie's time in the Tardis because whether she is aware of it or not, she has come into this role to challenge everyone to accept a nontraditional or unconventional style of Timelord. In turn, this experience will trigger Jodie's need to explore her own individuality. Many, many ups and downs are in store both for the character, the series - and Jodie herself. Get ready for a wild ride! Jodie's Neptune conjunct the Doctor Who Descendant shows that casting her as the new Doctor is an inspired decision. However, there is also a hint of misunderstandings and a betrayal of trust. What this will mean, I'm not sure. Time will tell..... One of the most exciting aspects between the charts is the conjunction of Jodie's North Node to the Doctor Who North Node which indicates that she and Doctor Who share the same path of destiny. Whatever happens next, this was meant to be.....