Harry and Meghan's daughter Lilibet Diana was born on Friday 4th June 2021, at 11:40am, in Santa Barbara, California, USA.
As a Sun sign Gemini, Lili will be talkative, mentally agile, inquisitive and restless. The Sun is in a sextile aspect to the Moon and this shows that she will be good natured and close to her family. However, she may have a tendency to be highly-strung. With the Sun which is the ruling planet of her chart in sector 10, she will definitely have a career that places her in the public spotlight.
Lili's natal Moon is in the sign of Aries bringing fiery emotions, hasty reactions and a short-fused temper. No-one will dare mess with this girl! She will object in no uncertain terms to anyone who tries to interfere in her life and will be extremely independent. With the Moon in a sextile aspect to Saturn she will be hardworking, loyal and reliable, and the Moon in conjunction with Chiron indicates that women will feature highly in her life - femininity, feminism, women's rights, etc. This combination also suggests that Lili will have many changes of residency.
Leo was on the Ascendant at the moment of Lili's birth. Interestingly, this is the sign which rules, amongst other things, royalty. She will be happy with a radiant personality, well-adjusted and likeable. With a desire to shine, she will seek fame and recognition. This rising sign always brings a powerful impact into the lives of those who have it and attracts admiration from others. People will look up to her and she will ooze infectious enthusiasm. With natural leadership qualities, Lili will definitely leave her mark on the world.
Mercury located in its own sign of Gemini will make communication the dominant theme in Lili's life - speaking, writing, making speeches, etc will all figure highly. With Mercury in sector 10 of her chart, she could have a career in the media. On the other hand, with her Midheaven in Taurus and her Ascendant in Leo, the performing arts are also a possibility and combined with that powerful Mercury, writing, speaking or singing will definitely come into it.
Venus in the sign of Cancer on a World Point shows great compassion as Lili will have the ability to connect and bond with others in the public arena. Easy expression of feelings, emotions and talents is indicated by Venus in Cancer and she is someone who will create beauty and harmony. Venus in a sextile aspect to the Ascendant and in a trine aspect to the Ascendant means that Lili will be diplomatic, kind-hearted, sociable and charming. This planetary position also shows a fascination with her family's history and ancestry.
Lili's Natal Chart - click to enlarge |
With her natal Mars in Cancer, Lili's actions will be motivated by deeply-felt emotions. This may lead to more than a few head-on confrontations bur also repressed anger. Mars in a trine aspect to Neptune will ensure that her goals in life are likely to be achieved as her creative inspiration will know no bounds. With Mars in a positive sextile aspect to her Midheaven, she'll be determined, fiercely ambitious and love a challenge. Natal Mars in an opposition to Pluto will give her great courage. she'll be a tireless worker and attain remarkable feats against all the odds.
Jupiter in Pisces and conjunct the Descendant reveals that Lil will have powerful spiritual leanings and will want to serve humanity in some way, perhaps in connection to health and wellbeing. She'll have a wide range of personal contacts and will be able to influence others through her popularity and social prestige. On the whole, she will be lucky in her choice of partners throughout her life whether they be personal or professional but there will be controversy.
Born under the semi-generational planetary influence of Saturn in a square aspect to Uranus, Lili will be rebellious and resent authority. Her generation will have a desire for change and an urge to break free from rigid routines. Saturn square Uranus will give her a strong sense of responsibility and appreciation of structure and tradition. She may become an activist or campaigner for human rights or the environment and this will gain her many supporters as well as detractors. Throughout her life, she will strive to find a balance between duty and freedom.
Lilibet will be a very dynamic young woman - feisty, stubborn, clever and confident.