Wednesday 13 April 2022

President Zelenskyy & Boris Johnson

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson travelled unannounced to Ukraine on Saturday 9th April and spent five hours in Kyiv with President Zelenskyy. Astrologically, they have much in common: Both have Sun conjunct Venus in Air signs. Both have Air sign Ascendants and both have their Moons in Fixed signs.

President Zelenskyy's Synastry with UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson is excellent. Both are Air Sun signs - Aquarius and Gemini. With Boris' Sun and Venus conjunct Zelenskyy's Jupiter there will opportunities to learn from each other and a show of mutual support. There's great warmth and affection in this friendship - and yes, it is a genuine friendship. Boris' natal Mercury is conjunct Zelenskyy's Ascendant, while Zelenskyy's Mercury is square Boris' Ascendant, so definitely a meeting of minds with above average communication. Boris feels an affinity with Zelenskyy which stirs his admiration; and Zelenskyy's warm and generous response to him brings a very positive atmosphere in which to discuss more serious topics. 

Boris' natal Moon is in a square aspect to Zelenskyy's natal Sun and Venus, and again, this indicates a close connection between them. With his Moon square Zelenskyy's natal Mars, these two men will be able to freely express their true feelings and emotions to each other in a direct and honest way. There will have been many candid conversations between them. Interestingly, Moon Mars aspects in any chart represent courage, strong will and a fighting spirit. Together, these two leaders will not give up - or back down. 

Boris - Natal Chart

Boris' natal Mars is in a positive trine aspect to Zelenskyy's natal Sun showing that, together, they share enormous vitality and enthusiasm. They are constructive and decisive with a desire to achieve and be in charge. This planetary influence emphasises initiative and motivation. They are literally in the mood to do battle.

Boris' natal Midheaven in an opposition aspect to Zelenskyy's natal Mercury is an extremely positive combination in any professional partnership including business or politics.

With Boris' natal Jupiter and Pluto in a trine aspect to Zelenskyy's natal Mercury, it's a strong indication of mental compatibility. Even if they sometimes don't see eye to eye, which is unlikely, they will still complement one another. Zelenskyy is good with the finer details while Boris will like to orchestrate the bigger picture. Both are fast-thinking with incisive understanding of each other and the current political situation. 

With Boris' natal Ascendant and Midheaven in hard aspect to Zelenskyy's Pluto, their relationship was fated. Together, they have tremendous staying power and will be a force to be reckoned with.