Tuesday 23 July 2024

Blog Birthday - 11 Years


Ephemeral Arc is 11 years old today!
for making it such a success

~ Sue

Sunday 14 July 2024

Donald Trump

Back in 2022, transiting Mars, Uranus and the North Node formed a conjunction in the sign of Taurus. Now, two years later, from 12th July - 20th July 2024, Mars is conjunct Uranus again - only this time they will be joined by the Fixed Star Algol. Fixed stars are not actually static but they move so slowly - 1 degree every 72 years - that they appear to barely move at all. Algol is associated with danger and violence and is often referred to as 'The Demon Star'. However, it is also 'The Star Of Spirit' and brings great courage too.

This planetary combination has a very positive side as pioneering, scientific breakthroughs often take place when Mars and Uranus line up. This is because they both symbolise innovation, technology, discovery, new beginnings and looking to the future. They are the planets of initiative, enterprise and radical new concepts.

However, on the world stage, unexpected and dramatic events are likely to occur, particularly in connection to food, finance and territory, including natural disasters like earthquakes, landslides, avalanches, lightning strikes or volcanic eruptions. Because this planetary aspect is taking place in a Fixed Sign, it means that anyone - or anything - with planets in those signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius) particularly if they are on, or close to, the relevant degree (26°) will be strongly affected by this influence. 

Donald Trump is a prime example. With his natal Mars currently being squared by the transiting Mars Uranus conjunction and also conjunct his natal Midheaven, it was almost certain that he would be involved in some sort of dramatic event. Many astrologers describe the Midheaven as being connected to career, but the Midheaven is actually the point which represents public image. It is also the point in the chart which symbolises 'things that happen to you'. Therefore, Mars and Uranus conjunct Donald Trump's Midheaven was an indication of something potentially violent happening out of the blue. 

This is not the first time that Donald Trump has been adversely influenced by transiting Mars in conjunction to Uranus in Taurus. This planetary aspect took place on 18th January 2021 - which was 12 days after the storming of the Capitol, two days before the Inauguration of President Biden and on the day that Twitter banned Donald Trump from its platform. 

The last time Mars was conjunct Uranus - in August 2022 - Donald Trump's Florida mansion was raided by the FBI. A very turbulent week lies ahead.

Thursday 4 July 2024

Sir Andy Murray OBE

British tennis champion Sir Andy Murray OBE was born on Friday 15th May 1987 at 2:10pm in Glasgow, Scotland, UK.

With his natal Sun in the sign of Taurus, Andy is strong and determined both physically and psychologically. He's a hard worker, and he has lots of talent. The Sun in sector nine of his natal chart shows that he is deep thinking and sincere with strong moral values. The Sun is in a square aspect to the Vertex in Andy's natal chart indicating that he may have negative ideas about people in positions of authority. Perhaps this is borne out of a sense of insecurity or shyness. However, he has the ability to attain great status in his own right, and the drive to overcome any obstacles that stand in his way. 

The Moon in Sagittarius shows a strong emotional attachment to his childhood. Andy has high ideals and tremendous optimism. He is extremely intuitive and probably follows his gut instinct a lot of the time. He has the ability to tune in to - and accurately gauge - public opinion. With the Moon in this sign, he was born to travel and have many foreign connections. He lived abroad when he was younger, and may do so again in the future. Situated in Sagittarius and sector four, the Moon is part of a Stellium configuration including Saturn and Uranus. This shows that Andy can sometimes feel uncomfortable when he's forced to act according to the demands of other people or because of the rules of social convention. He hates pomp and ceremony, preferring to be casual and to feel unrestrained. Andy has a total of four planets and one asteroid in sector four of his natal chart. This indicates that his home and family are of the utmost importance. He needs to create a home that can be his personal sanctuary. 

The Moon is in conjunction with both natal Saturn and Uranus symbolising powerful concentration, and a dedication to duty. Self-denial will not have been a problem for Andy. Sometimes highly strung, he will let go emotionally after previously detaching. In a trine to natal Venus, the Moon brings an ease of social graces, and he is very diplomatic and well-mannered. Very supportive of those around him - including his fellow tennis players - he probably doesn't realise quite how popular he is. This young man is extremely modest and self-effacing. The Moon in opposition to Mars shows that he is harshly critical of himself. Although he can be irritable and short-tempered, he is very warm-hearted. Strong-willed, ambitious, and courageous, Andy has a true fighting spirit.

Andy's Ascendant is in Virgo - the sign of precision. This is excellent for someone who needs to have powerful co-ordination in his everyday routine and especially in his career. Extremely skillful and with a sense of perfectionism, care and attention to detail, Andy has a willingness to practise in order to improve. With this rising sign, it has probably taken a long time for him to get used to all the attention he now attracts. Unassuming and shy in new situations, people and public events will have been a very nerve-wracking experience for him. 

With Mercury, his ruling planet, in Gemini, Andy can process information at lightning speed - extremely useful in his profession. He has an abundance of nervous energy and restlessness which will be released by physical activity. Clever, witty, and with excellent hand-eye co-ordination, Andy is, in many ways, a textbook example of Mercury in Gemini. In the 9th sector of the natal chart, Mercury shows that he enjoys sharing his opinions and ideas. It would bring him great pleasure in knowing that something he has done has inspired others to take action, or make changes in their lives. As Mercury is the most elevated planet in Andy's natal chart, I would expect him to attain even greater success after his tennis career has ended through teaching and coaching, writing, interviews, and some very successful commercial ventures.

Venus in the sign of Aries gives Andy his competitive instinct. The thing that's struck me most about his chart is how different he is in private to the way he tends to be perceived by the public. This position of Venus indicates someone who is socially dynamic, rather good at flirting, and prone to instant, impulsive attractions. Venus in sector eight shows intensity in romantic relationships, so casual encounters would be a definite no-no. He will give everything in love and will be totally devoted. Andy has great passion - and not just for tennis.... Venus is in a sextile aspect to Mars and a trine to Uranus in the natal chart. This reveals that he is warm, affectionate, and charismatic. He may also have creative talents which he has yet to discover.

In Andy's natal chart, Mars is situated in the sign of Gemini. This makes him very energetic and when he gets wound up he lets off steam using words - particularly colourful language on the tennis court. Direct and clear when it comes to communicating, he probably loves a good debate. This position of Mars indicates strong arms and hands - no surprises there! Mars in sector 10 of the natal chart shows easy success from a young age. Andy knew from childhood that, in order to achieve his ambitions, he would have to work very hard, and that's exactly what he did. With Mars in an opposition aspect to Saturn, Andy is a perfectionist who is probably never completely satisfied with his own achievements - even though they are outstanding. He sets very high standards for himself. Capable of great self-control and self-denial he can be a hard task master, expecting far too much of himself. Sometimes he may even doubt his own talent and ability. Anger and frustration could be a problem for him too.

Mars is also in an opposition to Uranus in Andy's natal chart and this shows that he was destined to stand out in some way - he's a leader, not a follower. However, a tendency to be stubborn could occasionally hamper his progress and cause unnecessary delays or obstacles. Although he can be very temperamental and impatient, he will tend to get over things quickly. Being highly-strung, he may find it difficult to slow down, pace himself, or relax. Mars in opposition to both Saturn and Uranus carries a high risk of accident and injury. Fiercely individualistic, independent, self-willed and intolerant of restrictions, he may also be extremely rebellious at times. With his abundance of energy, he requires a lot of personal freedom to do things in his own way and at his own pace.