However, with transiting Saturn in opposition to his natal Uranus at the end of November 2016, and then conjunct his natal Moon and in opposition his natal Sun from the end of December 2016 until late January 2017, a severe reality check could shake him up when the responsibilities he’s acquired will suddenly dawn on him. These negative planetary influences will return from July to October 2017 when his public image will take a nosedive. In turn, this will impact unfavourably upon his personal life.
There's a very interesting planetary influence coming up for President Trump when his Progressed Moon enters the 12th sector of his natal chart in April 2017. This planetary influence will last until June 2019 and will bring a period of endings, emotional confusion, escapist tendencies, and a longing for solitude. Being in the spotlight continually will begin to be a problem for him. I experienced this personally when my own Progressed Moon entered sector 12 in February 2013. I actually wrote an article about it for the blog last year just as it was coming to an end. Here's the link:
For everyone who goes through this, it is a very tough time, and for me, it began with two very personal and stressful events. After that, I was plunged into a state of depression. I would definitely not have wanted to be in the spotlight or in a position of great responsibility during that period in my life. It will be interesting to see what happens to Mr Trump. Having said that, he is very adept at putting on a positive face, so, in public, it may seem like business as usual.
Starting in 2017, and continuing for two years, President Trump's Solar Arc Moon will be in an opposition aspect to his natal Ascendant. This planetary influence may bring adverse publicity and a possible loss of popularity. He could experience an increased need for security during this period, and there will strong links with women. There will also be a powerful feeling of deja vu - maybe another encounter with Hillary?
In May and October 2017 and then again in March 2018 transiting Uranus will be in a trine aspect to Mr Trump's natal Mars. This planetary influence will bring the inclination to make snap decisions, and he will have to try to channel his impulsive urges. However, this is a positive aspect which could bring favourable results. He will be more courageous when facing new challenges and have great confidence in his abilities.
In January, February and March 2018 Mr Trump's Progressed Moon will be conjunct his natal Pluto - and at the same time his Solar Arc Uranus will be conjunct his natal Mars. Intense but buried feelings could emerge under this planetary influence which could result in extreme reactions. A few secrets may be revealed. This will be a very feisty and potentially explosive period. Certain people or events may trigger fundamental changes in his life and he will either become much more - or much less - popular.