The Sun in the sign of Gemini gives Mr Trump a talent for communication. Gemini's are compulsive talkers, texters and Tweeters. However sometimes, as we've seen, they say so much it's hard for them not to occasionally end up offending people. Their words are more quantity than quality - but they also have a 'silver tongue' and are able to talk their way in or out of any situation, and are experts at convincing others that they are right. Mentally agile and inquisitive, Mr Trump is a very intelligent man. The Sun in sector 10 of his birth chart shows that he has a need to be taken seriously in connection with his work, or to be seen as authoritative in some way. Mr Trump is dependent upon the outer trappings of success, i.e. money and fame, and one or both of his parents will have been powerful or ambitious.
The Sun is in opposition to the Moon in Mr Trump's natal chart. He was born approximately two hours before the Full Moon - which also just happened to be a Lunar Eclipse. This is not uncommon in the birth charts of very wealthy and influential people. Having the Sun in an opposition aspect to the Moon will make him somewhat highly strung and argumentative. He may find it difficult to change his habits, and there could also be a constant need to attempt to overcome family patterns of behaviour. Inner tension and conflict is highly likely. With his natal Sun in a positive trine aspect to Jupiter, Mr Trump has very high expectations. He is optimistic, generous, and indulgent. But also boastful and showy. This planetary influence can bring misplaced idealism - he has dreams, but are they realistic?
With the Sun conjunct Uranus in Mr Trump's natal chart he is eccentric, stubborn and unorthodox. Anarchy and rebellion come naturally to him - Donald Trump seeks change and he wants progress. He is dramatic, and at times, overpowering. He has charisma and a magnetism which draws people to listen to him, and his zest for what he believes in is the reason for his popularity. The Sun is in conjunction with the North Node in Mr Trump's chart, and this shows that his ego and pride are tied to his security needs. He will feel at his most confident when he's on stage or at the centre of attention. He needs praise and admiration.
Mr Trump's natal Moon is in the sign of Sagittarius. Many people with this Moon position have foreign connections - they either become migrants or they are the descendants of migrants. In the case of Mr Trump, he is the son of a Scottish mother. The Moon in Sagittarius shows a strong emotional attachment to childhood moral values. His emotional responses reveal a child-like 'innocence' and he seems to lack objectivity. In sector four of his natal chart the Moon indicates a powerful sense of belonging within the family. However, childhood patterns or issues may re-emerge in later life. Interestingly, in Mundane Astrology, Sagittarius represents the USA and sector four symbolises patriotic ideals. Mr Trump may be many things, but no-one could accuse him of not being a proud and patriotic citizen.
The Moon is in a positive trine aspect to Mars in Mr Trump's natal chart. This shows that he enjoys vigorously good health and has endless energy. He's strong-willed, courageous and isn't afraid to say exactly what he thinks. He is highly restless and loves to travel. The Moon is conjunct the South Node which indicates emotional vulnerability, and he may have felt a lack of unconditional love. It's possible that Mr Trump has a deep fear of being dependent upon others. The Moon in an opposition aspect to Uranus could make him prone to stress.and difficult to live with.

Donald Trump's natal Ascendant is in the sign of Leo which is all about pride and ego. People with this rising sign tend to be brash, confident, bossy, opinionated and stubborn. What they want most is to be noticed, admired and to dominate everyone around them. Self-promotion comes easy with Leo rising, and basically it brings the need to be centre stage. Mr Trump is a performer. He loves drama and theatrics - no matter where he is, or in what context. If he was in a circus, he'd be the ringmaster. The desire to shine and to stand out as an individual will be ever present. He wants to achieve at the highest level possible and to be seen as a bighearted, generous, and honourable person. No-one could accuse Mr Trump of being boring - he definitely has a larger-than-life personality. He radiates self-confidence and he seeks fame, but taken too far, this could make him deeply unpopular. By trying too hard to get what he wants, he could end up ruining his chances of success. He feels the urge to make his mark and leave some kind of historical legacy. He does possess natural leadership qualities and is already in a position of authority. To some people he may seem assertive and enthusiastic, but to others he will be perceived as aggressive and overbearing.
The most outstanding feature in Donald Trump's natal chart is the degree of his Leo Ascendant which is in exact conjunction to the fixed star Regulus. This elevates the whole chart and energises his destiny with great power. People with this influence in their chart tend to become extremely famous. The fixed star Regulus is often known as the 'Heart of the Lion', and its name literally means 'the star of kings,'. It is associated with royalty and people in positions of power – independent, outspoken, and wealthy. Born leaders. When the Ascendant is conjunct Regulus it brings tremendous influence over other people, amazing success and great honour, but it also has a very negative side too - trouble, scandal, disease, and sometimes violence.
Mercury in the sign of Cancer gives Donald Trump a very good memory and a great head for business. His thoughts tend to be shaped by emotional responses, and he is susceptible to what others think. In sector 11, Mercury shows that he has an intellectual concern with humanitarian or social issues. He thrives when in a group of like-minded people, and Mercury in this position brings the ability to be a group spokesperson. Mercury in a square aspect to Neptune indicates that despite his outer image, Mr Trump is a worrier. However, this aspect also shows a tendency towards dishonesty and deceit, even if he may only be deceiving himself. Mercury square Eris suggests that he can't really trust anyone - especially his friends and associates. He is changeable and flamboyant. Mercury in a square aspect to Neptune can also symbolise a lack of self-belief..... Yes, I know what you're thinking. But it's important to remember that Donald Trump is a Gemini with Leo rising, therefore much of his outer personality is a performance, it's his public image. Gemini people, just like their sign, always have two faces - so in private, he's probably a different person.
With his natal Venus in the sign of Cancer, Mr Trump will be highly protective of his partners and children. Financial and domestic security will be be vitally important to him. He may be moody and hyper-sensitive, but he can also be compassionate. With Venus in sector 11 of his chart, he has many acquaintances, although not necessarily close friends. He possibly has a tendency to keep people at a distance, and will feel 'tied down' in relationships. Venus is in a conjunction with Saturn indicating a strong sense of duty, but perhaps sacrificing emotional connections for professional ambition.

Natal Mars in the sign of Leo is a very energetic and dynamic influence. It gives Mr Trump a love of sport, and amazing vitality - his enthusiasm knows no bounds. Tirelessly and consistently enterprising, he has the ability to uplift and inspire other people. He has a passion for speculation - definitely not someone who is afraid to take risks. With his natal Mars situated in sector 12 of his chart, Mr Trump may have trouble discriminating between his own and other people's aims. In other words, he will expect those around him to conform to his wishes and won't understand why they don't share his interests. This position of Mars can be very self-destructive. Mars in a square aspect to the Midheaven shows determination, fierce ambition and a love of challenge. Mr Trump has excellent organisational skills, but his hasty attitude may bring many disputes and conflicts.
Jupiter is in a very positive trine aspect to Uranus in Donald Trump's natal chart. This planetary influence gives him tremendous leaderships qualities, radical thinking, and unconventional beliefs. He is wilful, dogmatic, argumentative and outspoken - but above all, he is lucky.
As an American, I'm EXTREMELY worried about him becoming president. He has inspired a lot of hateful people in this country and I'm afraid that they might join together...Perhaps the second part of your article will touch on this, but should we be worried about "President Trump"?
ReplyDeleteBefore I began working on Donald Trump's horoscope I was worried about doing it because I have to remain neutral when I analyse someone's chart. I didn't know if I'd be able to do a good job without being either too negative or too positive. However, his chart describes him exactly, so I'm fairly sure I've been able to deliver a well-balanced assessment of his personality.
DeleteDonald Trump brings out extreme reactions in everyone - you either love him or hate him. Here in the UK - and in the rest of the world - we have been shocked by his arrogant rants. But the interesting thing is that he is constantly on TV here. Until recently, there was hardly any mention of the other presidential candidates. So, is DT's outlandish behaviour just a bizarre PR stunt?
In Part 2 I'll be predicting what is likely to happen for Donald Trump - both personally and professionally.
DeleteNot surprised he's got Leo rising. He is so full of himself.
ReplyDeleteYes, Leo risers have a need to dominate and feel superior.
DeleteI get what you're saying about him being a performer, so maybe a lot of what he says is just headline-grabbing attention-seeking garbage? The worry is if people believe him, vote for him, he gets into the White House and then what?
ReplyDeleteTwo things concern me if Donald Trump becomes president.
Delete1. If he means everything he says, then we'll all be in trouble.
2. If he doesn't mean what he says, then those people who voted him in will become very angry when he fails to deliver on his promises, and that could trigger some very bad
His supporters concern me the most. Regardless of whether or not Trump wins, he has opened this Pandora's Box of fearless hatred that'll be hard to get rid of.
DeleteYes, I agree, it's very frightening.
DeleteI know many Geminis and they are all very two-faced. You can't trust anything they say.
ReplyDeleteYes, that's true of most Geminis. However, I don't think they are always deliberately deceitful. They just want to be popular and therefore they tend to agree with people all the time. They say a lot but it's often very superficial.
DeleteHe is such a Leo Rising it's not even funny.
ReplyDeleteI definitely wasn't surprised when I saw he had Leo Rising - he's absolutely a typical example.