Before reading David's Forecast, please read this excerpt from my article 'Drama and Destiny': "Actors spend a large amount of their time 'being' someone else, and when they do, whatever is happening in their astrological charts is 'lived out' or expressed through the character they are playing during that period. In other words, the planetary energies taking place in an actor's chart are manifested in the form of dramatic art. So, for example, if I was doing a forecast for an actor and the planetary influences suggested that they would be involved in a dangerous situation, then it's highly likely that the 'dangerous situation' would appear on TV, film, or stage as part of the story. Of course, it's also possible that the danger could come directly into the actor's life from an actual source - falling scenery on stage, or an exploding spotlight, for example. This is a very curious situation that I'd never expected to encounter. Everyone experiences their current chart activity in various areas of life, including work, but for people whose career actually involves becoming another person, it seems as if they are living half of their existence in a parallel universe." In David's Annual Degree Projection chart Mercury will be in a square aspect to his natal Nodes for the 12 months from his birthday on 21st June 2017. This influence frequently indicates issues connected to vehicles, transport or just generally moving around. Communications and agreements might take on added importance, as well as serious discussions and negotiations. Before issuing a statement, writing something important, or signing papers of any kind, it will be vital that he think things over first. Extra scrutiny and attention to detail will help to prevent potential misunderstandings. With his Annual Degree Projection Mars in an opposition aspect to natal Pluto, David's sense of determination will be very strong during the next 12 months, but circumstances, or the actions of other people might seem to test his patience more than usual. Fully focused on what he's doing, he won’t tolerate any interference. Powerful reactions are indicated by this planetary effect and he may feel pushed and driven by inner compulsions. This situation may trigger frustrations that he's been holding in for a while, and they could now rise to the surface with great intensity. Projects that were started about a year ago, will be severely challenged by other people, and as a result, he could be caught in power struggles. David's physical energy will be high but he should avoid driving himself too hard by overworking and burning himself out. David's Annual Degree Projection Jupiter will be in a positive trine aspect to his natal Mercury for the next 12 months. This planetary influence is all about communication, information, and social interaction. It will bring good news and positive thinking. This will increase his open-mindedness and bring a thirst for knowledge. He may become interested in religion, law, languages, foreign cultures, or philosophy. Helping out charities or human rights organisations is highly likely. Making friends will be easy and mutually beneficial friendships could prove to be very useful in the future. Public speaking will be part of David's life over the next 12 months and people will be keen to listen to his point of view. He will also become involved in writing and publishing. At the beginning of April 2016 transiting Neptune began to form an opposition aspect to David's natal Pluto. Lasting until the beginning of February 2018, this planetary influence could bring a period of confusion and self-doubt about his career. Situations could arise that may threaten his material security in some way. He will need to be very careful when involved in negotiations or contracts, as there will be an element of secrecy or deception connected to them in some way. This planetary influence will bring a major transformation in his personal life. It could also involve hidden situations being revealed. Circumstances could bring him into contact with intense issues which will have a lasting impact. In January 2017 transiting Saturn began to form an opposition aspect to David's natal Mercury. This planetary influence will continue until the end of October 2017 and during this time his ideas and plans may run into serious resistance from others. This may result in the ending of relationships with those who oppose him, or in the breakdown of communication between him and someone else. He will have to use considerable willpower to withstand the challenge of negative feedback - but he will also need to become more flexible in his thinking. Being too rigid will only make the situation worse and may lead to his confidence being undermined. At the end of May 2017 until the end of January 2019 transiting Uranus will be in a sextile aspect to his natal Venus bringing a boost to his social life. During this period he will have opportunities for various encounters with others, and he will form new friendships with people who are very different from his old friends. Some of these may begin under out-of-the-ordinary circumstances. He may also become involved in unusual social activities, doing things for entertainment that he wouldn't normally do. This planetary combination will push him to break out of his normal life routine and see the potential for a whole range of new experiences. David's Solar Arc Pluto is in a trine aspect to his natal North Node from now until 2019. Deep and powerful psychological issues are indicated by this planetary influence which may be associated with the domestic environment. There could be transformations, renovation, or some sort of reorganisation taking place within the home or family. With his Solar Arc Vertex in an opposition aspect to his natal Pluto, situations, circumstances, and people that are no longer relevant will be eliminated from David's life.
Actor, director, producer, and screenwriter David Morrissey was born on Sunday 21st June 1964, in Liverpool, England, UK. David was born on the cusp between Gemini and Cancer, so because his time of birth is unknown, it's not possible to say for certain which sign the Sun is in. If he was born before 9:57am he'll be a Gemini - after that, he'll be a Cancerian. One thing I can say though is that he was born on the Summer Solstice and therefore his natal Sun is positioned on one of the four World Points which are specific areas of the zodiac that bring potential for public recognition. With his natal Sun on this point, his energy, vitality, and creativity would get him noticed. David's natal Sun is not only in conjunction with a World Point, but also with the North Node indicating success and popularity. The Sun in his natal chart is conjunct Venus bringing a love of the arts, music, and possibly poetry. Social relationships are extremely important to him and he will be charming with an easy-going manner. I feel that being famous will not be a negative experience for David as he enjoys being personally popular, and to be liked and appreciated. Peace and harmony is very important to him, and he is diplomatic and tolerant. With his natal Sun in a trine aspect to Saturn, David has had the ability to achieve recognition due to his excellent work ethic and self-discipline. This planetary aspect indicates support, encouragement and assistance from someone in authority when he was young, and as a result, he will have common sense and self confidence. Taking on responsibilities is not a problem for him as he has a natural sense of duty, and he knows that by doing what is right, he will achieve success. The Sun is in a sextile aspect to Uranus in David's natal chart making it easy and natural for him to embrace new methods of doing things, and to express himself in unique and inspiring ways. He doesn't have to make an effort to stand out - he is original, creative, and progressive without trying. Although he may question rules and traditions if they don’t seem to make sense, he won't view them as threatening. Completely unpretentious, David values honesty and truth, he believes in equality for everyone, and can easily understand and communicate with people from all walks of life. He has great enthusiasm, and generally finds most things interesting because he tends to attract unusual or adventurous experiences. He is appreciated by others because of his open-minded, fair, and non-judgemental attitude. He is rarely shocked by anyone or anything that's different or out of the ordinary, and because of this he can always put people at their ease. In David's natal chart the Moon is in the sign of Scorpio. Emotional intensity is a hallmark of this sign, and with his Moon positioned here he will have the ability to see beyond the surface and get right to the core of a person. Being able to detect what isn’t obvious to most people can feel intimidating to others, but at the same time it is also magnetic and fascinating. Emotional upheaval could bring plenty of dramatic ups and downs in David's life, but because he is an actor, this energy will often be expressed through his work. With his Scorpio Moon, anything superficial or meaningless will be completely unfulfilling for David. He will have an all or nothing approach to life, and commitment will be everything to him. Moon in Scorpio people often have a strong fear of betrayal and for this reason they often feel a certain degree of suspicion. David is extremely loyal and will expect the same in return. If anyone lets him down, he will find it extremely hard to forgive and impossible to forget. However, he will appreciate total honesty and integrity. Intelligent and astute, his intuition and sense of perception are extremely powerful allowing him to quickly assess any person or situation with amazing accuracy. He has an innate ability to understand human nature and psychological motivation. Mercury, Venus and Mars are all in the sign of Gemini in David's natal chart. Articulate, with a fantastic sense of humour and a quick mind, he has a constant need for mental stimulation. He seeks variety in his social life, preferring to meet interesting people with whom he has a strong mental rapport. He has a love of words and is a sympathetic listener who people are magnetically drawn to. He is charming, sociable and friendly - although he is not afraid to speak his mind when necessary. Mentally restless, he may sometimes find it hard to switch off and relax. In David's natal chart, Mars in a square aspect to the opposition aspect of Saturn and Uranus produces a planetary configuration called a T-Square. This influence brings a contradiction of wanting to move forward while at the same time feeling held back. He may feel compelled to do something and then suddenly talk himself out of it. With this planetary configuration, respect for tradition is in a head-on collision with the need to overturn the status quo. David is someone who is hard-working, disciplined, and at times, stubborn, impulsive or rebellious. As this planetary combination indicates possible injuries, I wouldn't be surprised if he is accident-prone. Authority figures or people in uniform may feature highly in his life too - either in reality or through his work.
With Jupiter in an opposition aspect to Neptune in his natal chart, David is idealistic and kind-hearted. He will either be strongly attracted to spirituality - or will completely reject it. Supportive of others, he is willing to stand up for people who cannot do it for themselves. With a strong sense of altruism he needs to be of service to humanity in some way. The ability to act as a spokesperson on behalf of others will be one of his most powerful assets.