Pop superstar, actress, and businesswoman Kylie Minogue OBE was born on Tuesday 28th May 1968 at 11:00am in Melbourne, Australia. With ALL of her personal planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus & Mars) in the sign of Gemini, Kylie is quick-witted, versatile and a great communicator. She is very flirtatious but also very fickle and is prone to fluctuating moods. Kylie seeks variety both romantically and socially. In a relationship she requires personal space as well as a strong mental rapport with her partner. She has a restless spirit and needs constant change in order to keep her mind stimulated. With so many planets in Gemini, there could be a fear of powerful emotional contacts. Four of Kylie's personal planets are situated in sector 11 - the most emphasised area of her natal chart - and this indicates that she is very sociable. She is highly competitive, excellent at championing good causes, and has clear-cut goals and ambitions. The Sun is in conjunction with both Venus and Mars in Kylie's natal chart making her refined and artistic. She has enormous vitality and is hot blooded, impulsive and full of energy. Decisive and enterprising, she has a desire to achieve and be in charge. Kylie's natal Moon is in conjunction with Mars indicating that she is very warm-hearted. Her fiery emotions make her independent, direct, and strong-willed with both tremendous courage and a fighting spirit. With her natal Ascendant in the sign of Cancer, Kylie is deeply compassionate. This ultra feminine sign is what gives her a sensual aura and goddess-like image. Her family ties are very strong, and together, she and her loved ones share a powerful emotional bond. Adaptable and easy-going, there has always been something familiar about her - she's the girl next door, your sister, and your best friend all rolled into one. This is the feeling that people get from someone with a Cancer Ascendant. Being sensitive to her environment, I wouldn't be surprised if Kylie sometimes feels threatened in public situations. People with Cancer dominant in their charts have a very powerful sense of self-protection, and although she is famous, Kylie will try to remain as private as possible.
With her natal Mercury in a sextile aspect to Jupiter, Kylie loves to expand her mind through travel and meeting people from other countries and cultures. Extremely intelligent and articulate, she is never short of constructive conversation and creative ideas. Her innate optimism and sense of humour make her very popular. Situated on a world point, Kylie's natal Mercury shows that she would become famous through television. Natal Venus in a trine aspect to Uranus is a strong indication of Kylie's creative talents. Naturally charismatic and an excellent flirt, she has many friends, but being emotionally independent, she will not be tied down. Venus rules one-to-one relationships, but connected to Uranus, there can be sudden, exciting, magnetic attractions. Venus Uranus aspects tend to bring impulsive, unusual and unstable partnerships as there is a conflict between the need for love and desire for freedom. Kylie's natal Uranus is in a sextile aspect to her Ascendant. This shows her to be a very creative individual who is able to express herself in a big way. Clever and original, she loves to share her ideas with other people. She dislikes routine and her attitudes are quite progressive. With a strong urge to be herself, and to express her individuality, she values freedom and independence in all areas of her life. As a result, she will constantly be seeking new experiences. A natural leader, Kylie has the ability to gain others' cooperation, support and enthusiasm. Gemini people are the chameleons of the zodiac due to their ability to adapt to changing circumstances, and Kylie is no exception. As musical styles and trends evolved over the decades so did Kylie. Always tuned into the zeitgeist, she has gained popularity by continuously transforming herself and increasing her fanbase. That is the secret of her success.
The wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle will take place on Saturday, 19th May at 12:00pm in Windsor, England, UK. The chart for the wedding is not only the 'birth' chart of the marriage itself but also a snapshot of what might be happening on that particular day. I can see that both the Sun and the Ascendant are in Fixed signs. This indicates that their marriage will be strong and stable. The Sun situated in sector 10 shows that the wedding will be a prestigious and powerful event which will bring enormous respect. The Moon in the marriage chart is in the sign of Cancer and also in sector 11. This will bring great emotional strength and sensitivity. Together, Harry and Meghan will find a sense of belonging through like-minded friends and the organisations they are involved in. Supporting emotive causes will enhance their popularity. As part of a Grand Trine configuration comprising Jupiter and Neptune, the Moon in this position will bring kind, warm-hearted benevolent feelings. However, the Moon is also in an opposition aspect to Pluto which indicates obsession, jealousy and impulsive reactions. This marriage may have to withstand many crises and fated events. High drama and unwelcome surprises are definitely showing in the chart for Meghan and Harry’s wedding this Saturday. With Mars in a square aspect to Uranus there could be explosive upsets, insecurity and over-reactions. Unforeseen circumstances and rash behaviour could be a problem but the wedding should be an exciting occasion and bring the couple much success. The wedding chart Vertex is in Capricorn and this indicates that Harry and Meghan will be expected to carry out the duties and obligations which will prepare them for positions of greater responsibility. The Vertex in a conjunction with Pluto suggest that they might experience issues of control and Pluto in conjunction with the asteroid Lilith indicates that honesty, truth, equality, and respect will have to be acknowledged. Venus in the marriage chart is situated on a World Point indicating that the public will connect and bond with Harry and Meghan both on the wedding day and beyond. Venus in sector 11 shows a spirit of goodwill and popularity towards the couple. The marriage Sun is conjunct Harry's natal North Node indicating tremendous public popularity. Jupiter is conjunct his Midheaven which shows happiness and confidence. The marriage asteroid Juno will be conjunct Meghan's natal Midheaven and square Harry's natal Ascendant on Saturday and this is a clear indication of great success.
On 15th May 2018 transiting Uranus will enter the sign of Taurus for the first time since it left there in 1941. It will temporarily move back into Aries on 6th November 2018 before re-entering Taurus on 6th March 2019 where it will remain until 7th July 2025. Uranus has an 84-year cycle and changes signs every seven years. As a major transiting planet, Uranus has a global effect, so during the next seven years we can expect interesting new discoveries and inventions, as well as major advances in technology. Increased exploration of our own planet and others throughout the universe is also highly likely. Also, because Uranus, through its natural rulership of Aquarius, symbolises the flow of energy, particularly electricity, I would expect some sort of innovation involving this concept - perhaps by finding new energy sources using the oceans or harnessing the power of lightening. In astrology, Uranus is often referred to as 'The Great Awakener'. This is because it tends to reveal what's really going on by making us see things from a different perspective. This effect has already begun with the Facebook fiasco as Uranus destabilised security via technology. We are all going to have to wake up and get back to reality because there will more revelations to come. This is just the tip of the iceberg. Transiting Uranus often brings sweeping, global revolution. As the planet which rules electronics and technology - particularly computers - it has brought a huge surge in the popularity of social media during the last seven years. Uranus is about bringing people together but the sign of Aries is about selfishness and the fight for prominence, so this astrological influence has brought people together in a competitive way with TV talent shows, cosmetic surgery, and digitally enhanced selfies. Now, as Uranus enters Taurus, we will all come back to earth with a huge bump. In ancient mythology, Uranus was overthrown by his son, Saturn. As a result, Uranus cycles are associated with the replacement of established leaders with radically different, new ones. This applies to royalty, politicians, and religious heirarchy. Indeed, the British Royal Family will go through a major change from now onwards. A very, very major change. They are preparing for it right now - why else would there be so much royal 'activity' during 2018 with weddings and births? Conspiracy theorists claim that the British Monarchy knows all about astrology and how to use it to their own advantage. I don't know if that's true, but from what's going on this year, it does seem as if they are aware of what's coming next and are preparing for it. Maybe it's just a PR exercise or morale booster to ease the onset of Brexit in 2019. Then again, it could be something else.....
Meghan Markle was born as Rachel Meghan Markle on Tuesday 4th August 1981 at 4:46am in Canoga Park, California, USA. Interestingly, she was born on the 81st birthday of Prince Harry's great grandmother, and just six days after his parents' wedding. As a Sun sign Leo, Meghan will be at ease associating with royalty as she is confident and dignified in social situations. She has a desire to prove her strengths and abilites. The Sun is situated in sector one of her natal chart bringing natural qualities of leadership and tremendous enthusiasm. She will be very eager to leave her mark on history. The Sun in conjunction with Mercury indicates that she is an independent thinker who forms her own opinions. The Sun in a trine aspect to the Midheaven shows that Meghan has a positive outlook on life, with a powerful urge to be recognised. This planetary influence tends to bring great success. With her natal Moon in Libra, Meghan will have a powerful need to be in a partnership. Without someone to share her life with, she will feel incomplete - but safe and secure when in a strong relationship. Charming and attractive, she will win hearts with her gentle and refined ways. Harmony, peace, and sharing is very important to her. However, this Moon position can bring a tendency to see flaws in relationships, and although diplomatic with everyone else, winning an argument with those closest to her will be paramount. The natal Moon in sector three shows that Meghan is very responsive, communicative, and curious. She may have a talent for imitating others and learning languages. She will often make decisions for emotional or personal reasons, and her feelings could influence her thoughts. Comfortable talking about personal issues and sharing confidences, she will enable others to express their own innermost thoughts. Meghan has good psychological insight. Meghan's natal Moon is part of a planetary configuration called a Stellium. This occurs when three or more planets are in conjunction with each other. The Moon is in conjunction with Jupiter and Saturn, bringing generosity and a warm heart. Sometimes quite opinionated, she has a strong sense of right and wrong, and feeling very passionate about justice and equality, she is keen to help others. She has an innate understanding of human nature and the world around her, and she would make an excellent teacher. This planetary influence indicates a strong attachment to the past, to history, and to cultures of the world. Meghan is very sensitive despite her cool exterior. Some hardship or adversity will not be a problem for her, as she will feel invigorated when she's required to overcome challenges, and she is more able than most to keep calm when under pressure. Hardworking and reliable, Meghan could become a loyal and dutiful addition to the monarchy. With her Ascendant in the sign of Cancer, Meghan will have very strong instincts. She will come across as a caring person and very approachable. With the sign of Capricorn on the Descendant, she will be looking for structure and security in her partner and their relationship. Strength, as well as financial and emotional stability in a partner will be very important to her, and she will be more than willing to give up her personal freedom in order to get it. Meghan's natal Mercury in Leo indicates strong-minded opinions which may be expressed with great authority. She is probably very good at communicating with children and young people. With Mercury in a sextile aspect to Jupiter, she has a thirst for knowledge and information. She will have many constructive and creative ideas.
Natal Venus in the sign of Virgo shows that Meghan's standards may be too high in relationships. Her most compatible and successful partnerships will evolve through a practical approach to love based on shared work and mental compatibility. Situated in sector two of her chart, Venus may bring a tendency for indulgent and expensive habits, as well as powerful emotions which could lead to possessiveness. With her natal Mars in Cancer, Meghan's actions may be motivated by deeply felt emotions. Repressed anger could be a problem for her and when confrontations arise she might experience a lack of self-control. Mars in sector 12 of her chart could bring a feeling of vulnerability, perhaps with self-destructive thoughts. People with Mars situated in this area of the chart often experience regular nightmares. Meghan's natal Mars is in a square aspect to her Moon, Jupiter, Saturn stellium, as well as her Midheaven. Open, direct, strong-willed, and ambitious, she has tremendous courage and a fighting spirit. She is good at making decisions, but sometimes her actions may be too hasty. Meghan has powerful determination and she loves a challenge, but might be prone to conflicts and disputes. Natal Uranus is in sector five of the chart and in a trine aspect to Meghan's Ascendant. This shows that she thrives on changing circumstances and loves anything out of the ordinary. She has a heightened need to express her individuality and tends to look for constant excitement. Championing radical causes is something she is - or will become - keen on doing. She has an urge to be seen as different or unconventional. She could have a problem with authority figures and will stubbornly refuse to take advice.