In astrology, the number 108 also appears frequently. The distance from Earth to the Sun is approximately 108 times the diameter of the Sun itself. The distance between the Earth and the Moon is also about 108 times the diameter of the Moon. The Earth is said to have an astrological cycle of 2160 years (20 x 108) known as an Age. See my previous post 'The Age Of Aquarius'. In astrology, an angle of 108 degrees is called a Tridecile. When a circle (the zodiac) is divided equally by 10, each resulting angle is 36 degrees. A tridecile is 36 x 3 = 108 degrees. The 108° aspect is classed a minor aspect, not because it lacks power, but because these aspects - as well as other minor aspects - require extra calculation by the astrologer when analysing a chart. Unlike the major aspects, they are not immediately obvious, so do not have the at-a-glance impact. Therefore, unless specifically asked for, they are unlikely to be included in most chart analyses, being far too time-consuming. I have to admit, I have only recently started paying more attention to minor aspects but did use them in the past.
As an astrology student I remember being instructed on the mantra 'as above, so below'. The meaning is that we are all part of the universe and that whatever happens 'above' in the sky is reflected 'below' on Earth. Astrology puts us at the centre of this giant cosmic computer, and the modern interpretation of how astrology works is based on the symbiotic relationship between planet Earth and the Universe. Together, we move synchronistically like cogs and wheels inside a clock - always in motion, always connected. Just as the ocean tides ebb and flow to the rhythm and gravitational pull of the Sun and Moon, everything on Earth is tied in to the movement and relative positions of the planets. Often described as the Macrocosm and the Microcosm - the large universe and the small universe - we now know that, there is no above or below. The universe surrounds the Earth and influences everything upon it, just as the atmosphere controls the weather, only on a much larger scale. We are components in the same mechanism, life on Earth is life in the Universe.

Throughout spiritual teachings this mystical number occurs time after time. Hindu deities have 108 names, and India is said to have 108 sacred sites. In China, some forms of Tai Chi have 108 moves. Many Buddhist temples have 108 steps representing the 108 steps to enlightenment, and in Japan, at Zen Buddhist temples, a bell chimes 108 times at the end of the year. The secrets of the Universe have yet to be revealed but through our spiritual understanding of 108, we just might be a little closer to finding the truth.
Fascinating article. IMO all spiritual disciplines are connected. What's your take on this Sue?
ReplyDeleteI agree, Joanna. I do think there are connections between many, if not all, of these subjects - and that includes religions too. It's just a shame that we allow our own beliefs to overshadow the beliefs of others. Spirituality is not a popularity contest. It should unite us.
DeleteI love anything to do with numbers. There's so much about the world of mathematics that transcends the physical realm and seems to indicate some sort of cosmic code.
ReplyDeleteMe too, Nadia. I used to hate mathematics when I was at school, but as an astrologer, I have to use it all the time. Now I understand what it's all about.
DeleteI once saw a documentary which said that everything in nature is based on the number 6.
ReplyDeleteI remember that documentary, I think it was BBC2's 'Horizon' programme. It featured a professor of mathematics who had studied how the natural world has an order based on the number six. From the number of petals on a flower, the fractal forms of ferns and the hexagonal cells built by bees. Fascinating.
DeleteIf the distances between the earth and moon, and earth and sun, as well as their relative sizes are all 108, how did ancient cultures know that since it can only be measured by modern scientific techniques? Or was it just a huge coincidence that they chose that number for their belief systems? Love the article btw!
ReplyDeleteThat is the $64,000 question.... There is a theory that ancient cultures were given advanced information from visiting extra-terrestrials. This knowledge, and the fact that these superbeings came to them from the sky, could have led them to worship the aliens as gods. It's an interesting explanation.
DeletePlease do more like this Sue, it's fascinating.
ReplyDeleteCan't promise anything as I have articles planned up to December, but I'll see what I can do.
DeleteHi Sue. I came across your blog recently and enjoyed reading this article I'm a yoga instructor and well acquainted with the number 108 which appears in ancient sacred texts, for example there are 108 tantras. You said in your article that in numerology the number 9 is the end of each number cycle, but it also symbolises universal love, eternity and awakening. In Ayurveda, there are 108 sacred points on the body and Mala bead necklaces have 108 beads, which are used to count during meditation.
ReplyDeleteIn yoga, we practise 108 Sun Salutations to mark the change of the seasons at the equinoxes and the solstices. Sun Salutation is one of the most important practices and is a set of 12 yoga poses which can be performed while chanting 12 different mantras. We do these every morning at sunrise. It's designed to connect us to the energy that exists all around us.
Hi, Anita, thank you for the info. There are so many connections between yoga, numerology and astrology. I guess all spiritual practices believe in the same truth - that we are part of the universe and therefore the universe is within us.
DeleteYou're right, it's all the same source, more or less. Would you say though that astrology is a spiritual practice? Do you gain spiritually from your work as an astrologer?
DeleteI used to get annoyed by sceptics who mocked astrology by referring to it as a 'belief' as if it's a religion, which it isn't. Is astrology a spiritual practice? Certainly, there are many references to fate, destiny and karma in astrology, so that side of spirituality is definitely acknowledged. For example, the Lunar Nodes are very entwined in the theory of karma and past lives. I'm not sure if I gain spiritually from my work. I've never really thought of it in that way, although I do get immense satisfaction from doing it, or at least completing it, since the work itself does involve a lot of mathematics followed by a lot of writing, editing, etc. But if the knowledge and practice of astrology is all about tapping into the soul of the universe, then yes, I do feel very uplifted by it, so I guess that's a spiritual experience. Thank you for this question, Anita. No-one has ever asked me that before. It's very thought-provoking.
DeleteI found what you said about Sun Salutations and how they are done at Sunrise very interesting. In astrology, obviously the Sun sign is important, but the most important and personal point in any chart is the Ascendant, located in the Rising Sign which is the sign rising on the Eastern horizon at the moment of birth and, of course, where Sunrise takes place.
It seems we are both learning from each other and finding common ground. I didn't know about the rising sign. Have you ever considered trying yoga?
DeleteNo, unfortunately yoga is physically impossible for me.