Thursday 29 October 2020

Halloween Blue Moon

When the Sun is at the 8th degree of the 8th sign of the zodiac (Scorpio) in what was traditionally the 8th month of the year, we celebrate Halloween. Given that the number eight symbolises death, this seems entirely appropriate as on this date people wear costumes to represent the afterlife and everything associated with the hidden realms of the underworld. 

This year, we will have a Full Moon on Halloween, making the atmosphere even spookier and more highly charged than usual. The Moon has a repeat cycle of 19 years. This is when the Moon is at the same degree of the same sign on the same date. However, because this is not exact, the Moon doesn't always hit the target date of 31st October, either being a few hours too early or a few hours too late. That's why we haven't officially had a Halloween Full Moon since 1974, as the ones in between were either on 30th October or 1st November.

But this is no ordinary Full Moon! It's also a 'Blue Moon'. The Moon doesn't actually turn blue, but the term is used to describe a rare second Full Moon falling in the same month. A Full Moon is always in the opposite sign from the Sun, so the Halloween Moon will take place in Taurus the sign of it's exaltation - and intriguingly, also the sign which symbolises witchcraft and pagan rituals. This means that both the planet and the sign enhance each other, with the Moon becoming more powerful. At the same time, it will be conjunct Uranus, so the feeling on Halloween will be highly strung with erratic, emotional reactions. This will be especially true for those born from 29th October - 2nd November and 27th April - 1st May as the Sun, Moon and Uranus will all be in hard aspect to your natal Sun. Get ready for an electrifying night!


  1. Interesting article. Didn't realise that a full moon on Halloween was so rare.

    1. Yes, despite what you see in horror movies, it only happens approximately twice in a century.
