Friday 18 December 2020

2021 - The Beginning Of A New Era

On Monday 21st December 2020 conjunction between Jupiter and Saturn will take place at zero degrees (0°) Aquarius. This marks the beginning of a major new era which will bring hope and enlightenment. After all the heavy, oppressive Capricorn energy we've been under this year, 2021 promises to lift the load. There will be no overnight miracles, but there will be a gradual easing of restriction, worry and pessimism. We are about to enter a positive new era. Aquarius is about tolerance, philanthropy and humanitarianism It brings people together, celebrates diversity and recognises individuality. The renewal of society is iminent - and we will all be involved in the changes that are due throughout the next few years. 

Jupiter and Saturn meet every 20 years in an aspect known as the Great Conjunction. This time, not only a new 20-year cycle begins, but also one that will shape the world for the next two centuries. The conjunctions of Saturn and Jupiter occur in the same element for approximately 200 years. Now the current cycle in the Earth element is coming to an end, and with the Great Conjunction in Aquarius, we are at the very beginning of a new cycle in the element of Air when knowledge, communication and technology will dominate the next two hundred years.

Jupiter and Saturn have not been in conjunction in the sign of Aquarius since the 15th century. The last time they were together in that sign was in 1962 when they formed part of the 'Age of Aquarius' line-up which comprised a total of seven planets plus the South Node - all in Aquarius. The result was the beginning of a new, radical, forward-looking decade powered by a generation of young people born during, or just after, World War II, who decided to overturn the status quo. Although it would be 1967 before they really came to prominence, leading to the Hippie Movement and the beginning of a phenomenon called The Summer Of Love. The year 1962 and the Aquarius planets that defined it, brought a cultural revolution which would reverberate.throughout the entire decade and beyond.  

There have been other years since 1962 when a line-up of planets has occurred in Aquarius: 1986, 1998, and 2009. However, the year 1962 still remains the most dynamic of all  - so far -because it not only contained the highest number of heavenly bodies but also a Solar Eclipse. On Thursday 11th February 2021 there will be the biggest Aquarian planetary line-up in 59 years! Interestingly, when Jupiter transits Aquarius, mass social gatherings tend to be a theme, often connected to love, compassion, and a spirit of philanthropy and humanitarianism. Live Aid in 1985 is a prime example, and it will be interesting to see if something similar happens in 2021. Will this bring an explosion of creative talents? Another cultural revolution? Watch this space....

In early January 2021 transiting Mars will finally leave Aries after a six-month long stint and this will be when we start to rebuild our society.. During the rest of the year, Mars will be the driving force of positive progress as it freely transits throughout 2021 without any retrograde motion. 

A recurring theme throughout 2021 will be a square aspect between Saturn and Uranus which happens approximately every 21 years. These two planets represent opposing outlooks: Old versus new; the past versus the future; traditional versus unconventional. Under this planetary influence there will be tension as our need for freedom and spontaneity will clash with a need for structure and stability. Rules and limitations will be challenging, but without them there will be chaos. Under this planetary influence, there may be sudden and unexpected twists that will force us to do things differently or free ourselves from our past ways of thinking. Striking a balance between convention and innovation will be the main challenge of 2021. However, there will be a feeling of frustration related to differences in opinion - probably political.

On a more personal note, those of you born with planets or points in Aquarius will feel a surge of power, a new position of responsibility could arise and you'll experience a growing sense of optimism. The other Air signs will also benefit as Jupiter will form a trine aspect to Gemini and Libra Suns, as will Sagittarius and Aries when Jupiter sextiles their natal Suns. There are certain Aquarians who will be particularly affected/influenced. Those born on 11th February. will not only have a six-planet line-up in your sign conjunct your natal Sun on your birthday, but transiting Jupiter will hover over your Sun later in the year as it goes into a phase of retrograde, stationary and direct motion. In fact, everyone born between 11th to 21st February will be intensely influenced by Jupiter from 26th March until the end of the year. 

The sign of Aquarius is associated with progressive thinking and freedom. There used to be a saying "There is only one race, the human race." That is the bottom line - there is no 'them and us', there's just US. The international global community will become more important than ever in the years and decades ahead, and it is starting now! The generation born under this phenomenal planetary influence will come of age at the next Jupiter Saturn conjunction on 31st October 2040. Speaking of babies being born under this influence.... Aquarius is one of the signs of fertility, and with Jupiter, the planet of abundance situated there, will there be a post-pandemic Baby Boom? What will be their role in our destiny? Watch and wait....


  1. So 2020 was literally the end of an era?

    1. Yes, it was. We need to learn lessons from 2020 and not just revert back to where we were before. Big and very positive changes are on the way.

  2. My birthday is on 11th February. I'm really excited now after reading this!

  3. I came here through your Twitter links. Great blog. This conjunction is so fascinating astrologically and astronomically. Also, how cool is it to read about this and then look outside to actually see Jupiter and Saturn in action, so to speak. Thanks for writing the article.

    1. Thank you so much. I think this Great Conjunction has really captured people's attention because it's actually a physical event in the sky that they can observe in real time. It's generating the same level of excitement as a solar eclipse. A very good time to be an astrologer, or an astronomer.
