Thursday 15 April 2021

Luke Evans: Forecast - Part 2

This part of Luke's forecast, I have to admit, makes absolutely no sense to me. If you have been a regular visitor to the blog over the years, you'll have seen that I've mentioned the curious phenomenon surrounding actors which means that a proportion of their life events take place through their work. In other words, because they spend much of their time pretending to be someone else, playing the role of another person, and temporarily living someone else's life through the medium of drama, the experiences they have are somehow channelled away from their personal lives and manifested instead through the character they are currently playing. Therefore, much - but not all - of what I have predicted below is probably going to happen as part of a movie plot. On the other hand, when you don't know a person very well, anything is possible, no matter how outlandish their astrological forecast appears to be..... Expect a few surprises!

Luke's Solar Arc Uranus began to conjunct a World Point in 2020. Lasting until the end of 2022, this planetary influence will bring a very personal achievement and he may find himself in the spotlight for a very unexpected reason. Under this planetary effect there will be startling disruptions to his normal work routine and public image. He may do something, or make an announcement, which will shock the public. Non-conformist and radical, new ideas could be involved and there might some sort of revolutionary behaviour. I see him being involved in martial arts or something connected to military activities. 

Luke's Solar Arc Pluto began to form a Grand Trine aspect to his natal Mercury and Jupiter in 2020 which will continue until 2023. During this period of time, Luke's voice, words, and his media presence will become more important than usual. The press, the internet, and the world of publishing will take centre stage in his life for some reason. What he says, what is said about him, both spoken or written will be of supreme interest in the public domain. Also, there will be issues of power, control, dominance, and intense people or situations to deal with. 

Luke's Solar Arc Chiron will be in an opposition aspect to his natal Neptune from 2021 until 2024. This long-term influence will bring higher levels of compassion and leave him feeling extremely sensitive. A major disillusionment could bring him more in touch with reality, and he could experience a psychic event for the very first time. This planetary effect may have him feeling overwhelmed with emotional energy.

In 2020, Luke's Solar Arc Vertex formed an opposition to his natal Uranus which will continue until 2023. This influence will open his mind to out of the ordinary emotional, psychological or physical events. Profound experiences involving relationships frequently occur when the Vertex is triggered, therefore powerful emotions such as passion, love, hate or jealousy are likely to affect him in some way. This period could radically change Luke's life through some very unusual and dramatic circumstances. Why am I seeing electricity and spheres of light? 

Luke's Progressed Mercury will be in opposition to his natal Moon from 2021 to 2023. This planetary combination suggests that gossip, rumour, and adverse publicity could be a problem throughout this time. This influence could bring a conflict between the emotions and the intellect. His heart may tell him one thing and his head will tell him another. In his domestic environment, the pace of events could accelerate and his routine may need to be adjusted to accommodate this. His communications, especially with women, may be more complicated, resulting in arguments. During this period, he may feel out of touch with the mood of the public. His opinions or ideas might not be popular and this could be connected to some sort of career change or altered circumstances in the working environment. 

Under this planetary influence, Luke will be keen to talk about personal concerns. His moods will be affected by what is said - or not said - and reading between the lines could bring more questions than answers. By stepping back from an emotionally charged issue, he will gain a clearer idea of how to respond, otherwise he may take constructive criticism the wrong way. A sensitivity to the opinions of other people may cause him to avoid heavy emotional discussions.

Progressed Mars began to form a conjunction to Luke's natal Chiron in 2020 which will continue until 2022. This indicates that he will be taking a major independent step by doing something for the very first time. An event - or series of events - will lead to a major change in attitude towards something in his private life. During this phase, issues related to the past will come to the surface, and he'll have to deal with problems which he assumed were dead and buried. This will be a time to get rid of painful thoughts and past hurts by taking action to put an end to his old fears. It will be important not to feel defeated by the worry of conflict by avoiding confrontation. 

Raising awareness of a problem is the first step towards healing the past, and in his private life, Luke could experience issues with those close to him that have reached the point of no return. These issues may have existed for quite a while but will suddenly re-appear out of nowhere or flare up demanding some sort of showdown. This planetary aspect could bring reactions which he may not appreciate, but in the process, he will learn more about how his actions affect others. Something he's always wanted will no longer seem meaningful to him, or he might see the reason for pursuing it is irrelevant and will decide to let it go. This planetary combination will enable him to make better choices.


  1. This is mindblowing! I see what you mean by it possibly being a movie plot but you never know!

  2. Rachel Morrison15 April 2021 at 19:12

    "Electricity and spheres of light"? Could Luke be in a sci-fi movie during the next 2 years?

    1. That would be great, wouldn't it? As far as I'm aware, he hasn't done anything in that genre as yet. As a science fiction fan, I'd love it if he did.

    2. Electricity and spheres of light? Maybe he'll be invited to switch on the Christmas lights in London this year :)

    3. Nevermind Sci-fi, everyone wants him to be the next James Bond.That might explain the bizarre predictions in this reading (no offence Sue). On the other hand, that bit about him shocking the public, could he be a baddie in a Bond movie instead?

    4. Good point, Anonymous. The electricity and spheres of light could be anything from Christmas lights to UFOs.

      Yes, Mike, that's true. It seems everyone wants Luke to be James Bond, but I wonder if he wants that? It's a huge commitment. Perhaps being a baddie would be a better option as he'd only have to sign up to one movie.

    5. Apparently, Luke said in an interview about 3 days ago that he'd love to the next James Bond.

    6. Thank you. That's interesting.

  3. Whether these predictions are connected to a movie or not, I'm very keen to see how all this develops for Luke in the next few years.

    1. Me too, Joanna. When I write forecasts like this, I can never comprehend how it will all unfold. Predicting future events is like opening a book at chapter 7 and not knowing what the story is about. It's the journey through the first 6 chapters that makes sense of the whole thing. Right now those chapters are unfolding in Luke's life and by 2023 all will become clear.

    2. I wish it wss 2023, the suspense is killing me!
