Saturday 24 September 2022

Phillip & Holly - What Lies Beneath?

There's no doubt that Phillip Schofield and Holly Willoughby are the best of friends. Her natal Sun is conjunct his natal Moon, he has Mercury and Mars in Pisces and so does she. Her Sun is sextile his Venus, and his Sun is sextile her Venus. All very harmonious and exactly what you wou would want - or expect - to see in two people who are very close.

However, this is not, as appearances would have you believe, a sugary-sweet cosmic connection. There are dark undertones to this partnership with Phillip's Sun in an opposition aspect to Holly's natal Jupiter Saturn conjunction. This can symbolise difficulty in tolerating differences in each other, such as opinions, outlook, lifestyle, etc. A lot of patience and self-discipline will be required to reach a compromise. 

Holly's natal Mercury Mars conjunction in opposition to Phillip's Pluto indicates certain patterns of thinking may clash and will have to be faced head on. There is some sort of unconscious power struggle going on between these two and they both have a need to prove themselves right. Interestingly, there's a sexual component to this aspect which often sustains a relationship despite the fermenting hostility between the two people involved. The problem with this partnership is that Phillip is gay, so there is no sexual attraction to prevent the emotions between them turning into a battlefield. It will be important that they both learn to accept the other's points of view - but have they, or is there simmering resentment lurking beneath the surface? 

Holly's Venus is quincunx Phillip's Pluto and his Venus is opposite her Pluto which suggests there may be a certain amount of coercion involved. Her Nodal Axis is squared by his Neptune which suggests guilt, regret, or betrayal. There's also a hint of sacrifice - but who is suppressing their true ambition and who is making them feel as if they have to?

With Holly's natal Pluto conjunct Phillip''s natal Midheaven, these two are on some sort of power trip. This is a very symbiotic connection as both of them will have seen their careers rise to great success. If one of them decides to leave, there will be a definite power struggle and a ruthlessness of epic proportions. This planetary influence tends to bring stratospheric gains followed by a calamitous fall in popularity.

Coming soon..... Queue-gate and Beyond


  1. I think it's always been obvious that these two were too good to be true.

    1. They've certainly created a goody-two-shoes image for themselves but I think we can all see their true colours now.

    2. Two spoiled brats who've been caught out.

  2. Interesting what you said about sexual attraction. Do you think Holly is disappointed that Phil has never fancied her or do you think she has always known he was gay? Maybe she feels betrayed.

    1. That's a good question, Jill. It seems that Holly has used her natural assets to get where she is and is used to being admired by men. When they began working together, Phillip looked smugly at the camera because he knew that men everywhere would envy him being with Holly every day. If she didn't already know the truth, then it must have really shattered her illusions when she realised that he had never lusted after her.

    2. She's a stereotypical blonde bimbo. Do we really need women like that on our screens? It seems so outdated.
