Sunday 23 October 2022

October Solar Eclipse

There will be a Solar Eclipse on 25th October in the sign of Scorpio.

On the world stage, President Zelenskyy, and his political allies: Biden, Macron, Ursula von der Leyen, etc, as well as certain countries including Ukraine, the UK and Russia, will all be potential targets for this year's eclipses taking place in Taurus and Scorpio as they all have their natal Moons in Fixed signs.

In British politics, former UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson's natal Moon will be conjuncted by the eclipse. As the Moon is the ruler of his 10th house (public image and status) he could be recognised in some way and take a step that comes from being a seasoned professional. as his experience will be a valuable asset.

Scotland's First Minister Nicola Sturgeon will experience the eclipse as a square to her natal Mars. Under this influence, there could be outbursts, destructive tendencies and conflicts. She might have to stand up for herself  - or she could be the one initiating a confrontation. Arguing, or ongoing frustration could reach breaking point. If a situation comes to a head, it could be explosive. As Mars is the ruler of her 6th house (daily routine, work, health) there could be a health crisis as a result of full on pressure in her working life. There could also be a change in her title or identity. 

This Solar Eclipse will oppose King Charles’ natal Moon in Taurus, which shows that something could happen that may leave him feeling exposed or vulnerable during the next six months. Circumstances connected to his home, family and the past, may occur and cause emotional upset. There could be a severing of family ties and a sense of betrayal by another person. He may realise that he doesn't have to give in to the demands of others in order to get approval or have status. 

The Solar Eclipse will be conjunct Prince William’s natal Jupiter and Scorpio Midheaven bringing new experiences and a renewed sense of adventure and optimism. He will travel more than usual over the next six months and a flash of insight will revolutionise his outlook on life. He will feel truly connected and contented within his family.

Prince Harry’s Pluto will all be activated by the Solar Eclipse bringing his inner tensions to the surface. He may have to deal with mental trauma, fear, compulsions or obsessions. An upcoming event could trigger the need for him to confront his negative personality traits and the six months following the eclipse could bring the strength - or the help - to face and overcome them. 

In a square aspect to Meghan Markle's natal Nodal Axis, the Solar Eclipse will rattle her boundaries, bringing upset to her familiar settings and people; forcing her out of her comfort zone. She'll be moving towards unfamiliar situations and will be challenged to prove her potential.


  1. If Nicola Sturgeon has a health crisis due to stress, it will be her own fault.

  2. Can't wait to see what's coming for Meghan!
