Wednesday 25 January 2023

President Zelenskyy's Speech To Congress

When President Zelenskyy visited Washington DC on Wednesday 21st December 2022, the astrology was mind-blowing. Taking place on the Winter Solstice, the transiting Sun was at 0° Capricorn, transiting Jupiter at 0° Aries, and transiting Ceres at 0° Libra. So a Cardinal T-Square on World Points. This is a very powerful configuration.

Intriguingly, the transiting Moon was in the same place as it's position on the day the war began - 8° Sagittarius. Yes, I know, the transiting Moon hits this position every month, but to be there on that particular date when all those other planetary aspects were also active makes it highly significant. 

The transiting Sun was conjunct President Zelenskyy's Solar Arc Uranus, square his Progressed Mercury and was just leaving a trine to his natal Saturn. The Sun is one of the 'activator' planets which, when connected to a Solar Arc planet, triggers that planet into action. I expected his Solar Arc Uranus to bring shocks or surprises, particularly as it was conjunct a World Point which indicates breaking out of a place of safety and doing something dangerous. This is exactly what he did by making his first foreign visit since 24th February 2022 at great personal risk.

Transiting Jupiter conjunct his Progressed Mercury not only symbolises his foreign travel on that day but also his speech to Congress which he conducted entirely in English. This is one of the best planetary combinations for legal issues and the signing of contracts and agreements as it indicates that negotiations will be well received. President Zelenskyy was particularly eloquent and forthright in presenting his speech.  

Transiting Jupiter and Ceres were both square his Solar Arc Uranus. Jupiter rules the USA and Ceres has a strong connection with Ukraine, so this planetary configuration was very symbolic of both nations. Jupiter on a World Point indicates a famous world leader capturing the attention of the people. He certainly did that! Transiting Jupiter was also making it's final trine aspect to President Zelenskyy's natal Mars. This planetary influence is excellent for making fortunate decisions. I've said this before in another post, but I'll say it again: I wouldn't be surprised if President Zelenskyy receives astrological advice. He makes major decisions on very auspicious dates. This one is a prime example.

The planetary configurations present on the Winter Solstice will be re-activated on 21st March - the day after the Spring Equinox - when both the Sun and Moon will be positioned at 0° Aries, making hard aspects to the Sun, Jupiter, Ceres and President Zelenskyy's Solar Arc Uranus. Closer still will be the Full Moon on 5th February when, in combination with transiting Uranus, will trigger all the World Points, so expect significant developments.


  1. I think you could be right about Zelenskyy consulting astrology.

    1. He certainly wouldn't be the first world leader to use astrological advice.

    2. Is it you, Sue??

    3. I wish lol. Seriously, what an honour that would be, but also what a responsibility.

    4. It would indeed.

  2. Truly fascinating. That T-square will be hit rathet often during this year, won't it? It will be interesting to see how this influence pans out.

    1. Yes, many times - and not just at the seasonal ingresses. The thing about multi-planet configurations like this is, that when one planet gets hit, they all get hit.
