Sunday 8 October 2023

Holly Willoughby

When I did a forecast for Holly Willoughby and Phillip Schofield almost exactly a year ago on 28th October 2022, they were in a very precarious position due to their mysterious queue jumping incident past The Queen's coffin. An incident for which there has yet to be a credible explanation. The seeds of doubt and suspicion were sown and the golden couple of daytime TV had their images permanently tarnished. Although they smiled their way through the controversy, things didn't quite return to normal and in May 2023, with more drama surrounding him, Phillip Schofield resigned.

Since then, despite calls for her to leave, Holly Willoughby has remained in her position as presenter of This Morning. However, this week, on 4th October, her situation took a sinister twist when it was announced that a 36-year old man had been arrested for planning to kidnap and murder her. The circumstances surrounding this have yet to be revealed but at the moment Holly and her family are under police guard at their home. 

So, what's going on her chart right now? Firstly, I must point out that I have no birth time for Holly, so therefore, her entire chart is not available. That means no Moon degree, no Ascendant, Midheaven, Vertex or house cusps. Despite that, there is rather a lot going on.


In my previous article, I wrote:

"In March 2023, Saturn will enter Pisces and will conjunct Holly's natal Mercury and Mars, giving her a serious, possibly gloomy outlook and a lack of confidence which will test her ability to endure setbacks." This planetary influence has been affecting her more strongly during the last two months. It will ease off slightly until mid-December 2023 when it picks up again for one final hit throughout January 2024. Not pleasant at all.

On 4th October, transiting Mars was in an exact conjunction to Holly's natal Pluto. This influence brings the threat of violence and situations in which negative reactions such as anger, fanaticism or ruthless behaviour have to be dealt with. Fortunately, it won't last long.

Transiting Uranus is currently in a square aspect to Holly's natal Sun. It is a very stressful planetary combination and represents sudden separations and reversals of circumstance. Ideas definitely don't go according to plan under the effects of this influence as it brings unrest, inner tension, and unexpected setbacks which result in a restriction of freedom. This aspect began in May 2023 around the time Phillip Schofield resigned and it won't end until June 2024 with a slight relapse from mid-December 2024 continuing until mid-March 2025. 

At the same time, and lasting until May 2025, transiting Uranus is forming a configuration called a Yod with her natal Neptune and Pluto - the planets of shocks, scandals and secrets. Under this influence, Holly will find herself in a haze of confusion while simultaneously facing the challenges of the real world head-on. Extreme confrontations and abuse of power. are common with this configuration  Gradually, Holly will experience an awareness of the need to make profound changes in her life. 


  1. I know she is not as popular as she used to be but don't you think it's disgusting that some people are saying she's faked the whole thing?

    1. I understand that people get sick of celebrities who court attention and who try to boost their popularity by sometimes using dubious means. But what's happening to Holly is real and no-one deserves to be in a situation like this.

  2. Isn't it frustrating when there's no birth time?

    1. Extremely frustrating, Sam. Without it, half the information from the chart is missing.
