Sunday 7 April 2024


The Scottish National Party was formed on Saturday 7th April 1934 in Glasgow, Scotland, Uk. 
Before I begin, I need to make it clear that the following analysis is about the SNP (Scottish National Party) itself - not Scotland and not the people of Scotland. So, what you read below is in the context of the party's identity and its members - including the current Scottish Government.


On the 8th April 2024 there will be a Solar Eclipse at 19° Aries. Lasting for at least the next six months, this will trigger the Sun, Mars and Jupiter in the SNP natal chart bringing significant milestones. The SNP is 90 years old this year and it will be 10 years since the independence referendum, so perhaps those will be the milestones. They could be faced with a crisis and it's also possible that there will be a big revelation in connection to identity. Expect outbursts, and the eruption of underlying conflicts. Arguments or ongoing frustration could reach breaking point. If a particular situation comes to a head, it could be explosive and take months to sort out. 

Transiting Chiron has been conjunct the SNP Sun and Mars, as well as opposite the SNP Jupiter, since April 2023. Continuing until mid-2025, this influence brings power struggles, discrimination, xenophobia and a lot of disrespect. 

Between now and April 2025 there is a curious cluster of planets in the SNP Solar Return chart. A Stellium configuration comprising the Moon, Mars and Saturn in the sign of Pisces. Nothing particularly unusual at first glance. However, these planets rule the signs of Cancer, Aries and Capricorn - all of which are the Sun signs of previous First Ministers of Scotland: Nicola Sturgeon (Cancer), Alex Salmond (Capricorn) and John Swinney (Aries). Then, of course, the current FM, Humza Yousaf is also an Aries, as is Kate Forbes, a possible future FM. So, what does this mean? Are Sturgeon, Salmond and one or more of the Aries SNP members getting together for some reason? Will this be a collaboration? Watch this space.....


Solar Arc Mars will be in a square aspect to the SNP Sun during 2024, 2025 and 2026. This will bring a strong desire to assert themselves aggressively. This planetary influence will create tension and frustration, leading to outbursts if they don’t get their own way. They may have to reach some compromise..Pushing too hard will get them nowhere.

During the same period (2024, 2025, 2026) Solar Arc Jupiter will also be square the SNP Sun. It could be easy to overdo anything under this planetary influence, so they should take care not to spend more than they can afford. This planetary combination is about doing things to excess and being self-indulgent. 

Another planetary influence around during this time is Solar Arc Saturn in a sextile to the SNP Pluto. This will bring progress, professional benefits, and the opportunity for growth. They will have the ability to make a big impact on the outside world but only if they eliminate weaknesses within the SNP itself. They need to gain control and will have to undergo some sort of social transformation or political test. The structure that the SNP has established during the last 90 years will change significantly,as this planetary influence marks the end of one era and the beginning of another. 

As an opposition unfolds between Solar Arc Lilith and the SNP Sun throughout the next three years, this influence will stir deep-seated emotions and a desire for power. However, in order to reap results, they will have to expand beyond their comfort zone and explore new possibilities.This period will bring the SNP many challenges - including a clash of egos - within the party and misjudging their potential or leadership abilities. All of which could take them down a dead-end street. A wild and emotional journey lies ahead during which their optimism may be overshadowed by disharmony. 

Solar Arc Eris, the planet of whistleblowers, troublemakers and gatecrashers, will be conjunct a World Point (0 Cancer) in the SNP chart until 2027. During this period it will bring a dilemma between professional goals, reputation and public image. There will be in-fighting and sh*t-stirring on such a large scale that the SNP will be headline news more so than usual. Provocation will be a problem and someone may try to incite a reaction by doing or saying something connected to legal matters..Refusing to take responsibility and blaming others will only result in the exposure of their hypocrisy. Whatever this is, it will become a very messy.situation.


When former First Minister Nicola Sturgeon announced that the next independence referendum would take place on 19th October 2023, I immediately knew that it wouldn't happen. How? Because she made the announcement on the day of a Full Moon. You should never begin anything on a Full Moon as this phase brings endings, so whatever you initiate just fades away. Similarly, it's also not beneficial to start something when transiting Mercury is in retrograde motion. Yet, on 1st April 2024, the SNP did just that with the launch of their new Hate Crime Act. Not a good omen.


  1. Seems like the SNP will destroy itself through internal conflict.

    1. They need to sort themselves out before attempting to sort anything else.

  2. Trouble within the SNP. I don't think it would take an astrologer to see that.

    1. No, it wouldn't, but it's worth looking at the chart for more insight.

  3. Sturgeon's Save The Date prediction. Comedy gold!! Obviously her psychic sister didn't give her advice on this. Then again, maybe she did!

  4. Ninety years and what have they done?

    1. I guess it depends which side you're on. Some people say they've done a lot. Others say they have caused division.

  5. That National front page is going to haunt them forever lol.

    1. Yes, preserved for eternity in the archives of the world wide web :-)

  6. Hopefully this is the beginning of the end for the SNP.

  7. The bit about the gathering of the FMs is interesting. What could this mean?

    1. I have no idea but it's going to be interesting when we find out.

  8. Their downfall has begun. Peter Murrell has been charged with embezzlement. Who will be next?

  9. Could the group of people (Aries, Cancer, Capricorn) include Peter Murrell?

  10. It's time for the SNP sort themselves out and stop blaming everyone and everything else for their own failures. Talk about playing the victim!

  11. And so it continues. Now the Greens have been dumped.

  12. Well, well, well..... You were right. The SNP is a warzone right now.

  13. A professor of politics who is an expert on the SNP says that another referendum won't happen anytime soon and that the SNP need to face reality.

  14. Looks like Mars in the cluster of planets is Swinney.
