Friday, 1 November 2024

Transiting Mars Through Cancer

Mars entered the sign of Cancer on 4th September 2024 where it will remain until 4th November. It will then spend a couple of months in the early degrees of Leo, after which it retrogrades back into Cancer on 6th January 2025. It resumes direct motion on 24th February before leaving Cancer on 18th April 2025. 

A Mars transit usually lasts for around six weeks, This one, the first Mars retrograde period to occur in 2024, will continue for over six months, making this Mars transit a very powerful one. The last time Mars was in a long run through Cancer was in 2007. So, what lies in store for the world this time?

Mars in Cancer tends to bring a lack of control and the urge to dominate. In a personal chart, this planetary influence indicates 'letting off steam' but this is Mundane astrology which affects the entire planet, so this definition has to be translated into a more basic form. Therefore, letting off steam could literally be just that, possibly in the form of natural disasters such as volcanic eruptions. It could even symbolise boiling geisers as the Yellowstone Caldera - a supervolcano located in the the state of Wyoming, USA - is long overdue for a major blowout. When it does happen, it will be a cataclysmic event. 

Countries ruled by the sign of Cancer include, Scotland, the Netherlands and New Zealand. Add the Mars effect and could this mean some sort of conflict within one of these nations? Civil unrest? Or perhaps, as mentioned above, natural disasters? Mars also triggers accidents and given the highly emotional nature of Cancer, overreaction could be a problem. Cancer rules emotions and Mars rules the physical expression of emotion, so when combined, the effect can be explosive. Cancer rules the sea and Mars symbolises weapons, so sea-to-air missiles may become headline news and also warships, submarines or torpedoes. 

On a positive note, Mars in Cancer is one of the key indicators for the end of the war in Ukraine. Also, when it moves in and out of Leo during this transit, it will form strong aspects to President Zelensky's natal Sun, Venus and Mars. The first one occurs the day before the US Presidential Election. This is very interesting as whoever becomes the next president will affect him - and Ukraine - on a very deep level.

Transiting Mars will be in an opposition aspect to transiting Pluto three times: 

28th October 2024 until the 11th November 2024From 28th December 2024 to 7th January 2025 and finally from the 20th to the 30th April 2025. This opposition will be a dramatic turning point, and an explosive encounter between Mars and Pluto. A lot of things are coming to a head.


  1. Very interesting. The first,iPhone was launched in 2007. Do you think we could see another leap in communication technology this time?

    1. Not necessarily. The first iPhone was unveiled on 9th January 2007 but transiting Mars didn't enter Cancer until the end of September that year. However, Mars was in a conjunction to Pluto when the iPhone was launched, so who knows.....

  2. Hi ! Do you have any of the older posts available about 1D boys ? Specifically Louis Tomlinson?

    1. Hi. Yes, I do. Give me a couple of days to find it and I'll re=post it.

    2. Hi, I'm really sorry, but having searched through the archives, there are no 1D profiles still available. Liam was obviously the only one I'd kept.

    3. Thanks for checking . Any chance that you would do a new one for Louis? Obviously worried for him again with what’s happened to Liam. Just wondering.
