Monday, 10 February 2025

Barron Trump

Barron Trump - President Trump's youngest son and his only child with First Lady Melania - was born on Monday 20th March 2006 at 5:30am in New York, USA, he has his natal Sun and Ascendant in Pisces, and his Moon in Sagittarius. 
As a Sun sign Pisces, Barron is highly sensitive, imaginative, and quite probably artistic or musical. People born under Pisces often have to make great sacrifices during their lifetime, and at the tender age of only 10 years, Barron had to endure being thrust into the spotlight as the President's son. His natal Sun is positioned on a World Point which indicates fame, and in the first house of his chart, this also brings enthusiasm and natural qualities of leadership. 

Barron's natal Sun is in a positive trine aspect to his natal Moon. This shows he has a contented nature and good relationships with family members. The Sun is also in a trine aspect to Saturn, and together, these three planets are forming an astrological configuration called a Grand Trine. Under this influence he may isolate himself sometimes, and could often feel uncomfortable in a large group of people. Work or activities that require peace and solitude will suit him. However, he should be careful to make sure that the people he cares about do not feel that he is avoiding them.

Like his father, Barron has his natal Moon in the sign of Sagittarius. He is highly intuitive and very intelligent. With the Moon in house nine of his natal chart, Barron is philosophical, curious about the world and interested in other people and different cultures. Restless and discontented, he might find himself wishing to be somewhere else, especially when he's unhappy. Far away places and foreign countries will hold a fascination for him and he will be keen to learn things he has never experienced before. 

Barron's natal Ascendant is in the sign of Pisces. This is the rarest rising sign of all and therefore not a lot of people have this sign on their Ascendant. There are many reasons for this but the main one is that Pisces is a sign of short ascension which means that it is only on the Eastern Horizon for just over one hour every day. That gives a very small window of time, therefore fewer babies are born during that period. Of the few people who do grow up with a Pisces Ascendant, they are often very special human beings - loving, empathetic, kind, sensitive and compassionate. Extremely intuitive, people with Pisces rising are often psychic. Imagination and inspiration come easily to Pisces risers and they often have immense talent for art, photography, music and drama, and I would not be surprised if this is true for Barron especially as his chart ruler Neptune is in conjunction with Venus and in a trine aspect to Mars. 

With his natal Mercury in Pisces and House 12 of his chart, Barron is a very good listener and tactful in conversations because he won’t want to offend others in any way. Shyness could be - or could have been - a problem for him especially in early childhood, as he would have needed to develop trust in his own abilities to express himself. Learning to communicate with confidence is possibly a challenge for him. I know several people who have Mercury in House 12 and they all have a preference for communicating using the written word rather than speaking. Creative writing is one of their many talents, and I wouldn't be surprised if Barron is good at this too. Barron will make an excellent confidante - very discreet and good at keeping secrets. 

Barron's natal Mercury is in conjunction to his Uranus and Ascendant. He is an independent thinker with progressive ideas. This planetary combination symbolises the mind of a genius - Barron is one very clever young man! His thinking is probably ahead of his time. Naturally rebellious, he might resent having to follow certain rules, be forced to take part in activities that he doesn't believe in, or write about subjects that don’t interest him. He could be quite fidgety, restless and sometimes mischievous.  He will thrive on change, social contact, and communication. 

With his natal Mars in the sign of Gemini, Barron will be very adept at solving problems. This astrological combination will make him mentally assertive and competitive. In house four, Mars could bring emotional issues concerning his family including resentments which slowly surface, perhaps over time causing some conflict with his parents. Natal Mars is in a square to Uranus and this shows hasty reactions, impulsive decisions and stubborn attitudes leading to arguments.

In Barron's natal chart Pluto is the most elevated planet and is conjunct the Midheaven. This will give him the desire to make a personal impact upon the world. A positive and creative relationship with one or more of his parents will give him self-confidence and the ability to achieve something of great significance. The Midheaven symbolises the professional image, public persona and social status, so with Pluto in conjunction, power and personal transformation will be major influences for him in later years. Like his father, he may be drawn to politics at some point in his adult life. Whatever happens, with Pluto also in House 10 and in a square aspect to his natal Sun, Barron will someday be very influential, dynamic, and successful.


  1. Very interesting. People keep saying that Barron will be a future 'President Trump'. What's your take on this?

    1. It would take time to analyse the chart for that particular career direction. However, I do see him becoming very successful whatever he decides to do. If he were to run for president in the future, the earliest possible year would be the presidential election of 2044, as potential candidates must be age 35 or over. Barron would be 38 by then.

  2. A lovely profile of a lovely young man.
