Sunday, 23 March 2025

Marti Pellow

Marti Pellow, singer, musician, front man of Wet Wet Wet, West End and Broadway star, and The Masked Singer UK finalist as Wolf, was born on Tuesday 23rd March 1965 at 00:15am in Clydebank, Scotland, UK.

Marti's natal chart is one of the best I've ever seen. What do I mean by that? Well, it has a lot of outstanding features which we astrologers look for and get very excited about when we find them. For example, his Sun is in Aries - the Sun's sign of exaltation - but not only that, it is also conjunct a World Point and situated in House 5. This shows he is someone who is full of creative energy and destined to shine on the world stage. He was never going to go unnoticed or be insignificant.

His Moon is in Sagittarius and House 1 of his natal chart. This indicates that Marti has very high moral values and a very strong emotional attachment to his childhood. He is a great optimist with high ideals. With his Moon in a square aspect to Saturn, he is loyal, reliable and down-to-earth but may also be prone to feelings of pessimism and a fear of failure.

The Moon is a very dominant planet in Marti's natal chart. It is situated in the 1st House  and is the Apex Planet of several T-Square configurations involving Mars, Uranus, Pluto and the Midheaven. These influences bring someone who is direct, strong-willed and with a fighting spirit. He is courageous, resilient and able to express and transform his deepest feelings. He has an instinct for what the public wants and his direction in life will have been powerfully influenced by women.

Marti's natal Ascendant is in the sign of Scorpio. I often see this in the charts of professional singers - those who are great singers. The reason for this is that, not only is Scorpio one of the signs which imbues someone with a wonderful voice, it is also the sign of deep feelings and emotions. Therefore, a singer will have the vocal ability to perform a song, and they will also have the emotional depth to convey the meaning of that song. Marti is an excellent example of this special talent. Intensely emotional and highly perceptive, he will be good at seeing through superficiality. Getting a feel for people and situations around him will come easy as he is very adept at figuring out what's really going on beneath the surface. As a result, he may find it difficult to get close to people and he is very private. With a deeply instinctual and passionate nature, Marti is strong-willed and powerful in a quiet, understated sort of way. Proud and confident, he was destined to be a leader in his chosen profession and to influence many people through his magnetic personality and alluring image. 

Marti's natal Venus is situated in its sign of exaltation - Pisces. This shows that he is full of compassion for others. So much so, that he may sometimes be too soft-hearted, putting himself at risk of exploitation. Artistic inspiration will flow easily to Marti and he'll appreciate all the beautiful things in life - music, nature, good food, style and luxury..He probably has a strong sense of colour and possibly has a talent for painting or photography. With his natal Venus in House 5, conjunct the Sun and in a glorious trine to Neptune, he will delight in being the centre of attention. He will have taken great pleasure in developing his talent for the enjoyment that it brings to people.

With his natal Mars in the sign of Virgo, situated in the 10th house of his chart, conjunct the Midheaven and part of a Stellium with Uranus and Pluto, Marti has some very dynamic energy going on! Efficient, fast and focused, this is the hallmark of great achievements. The old saying 'practice makes perfect' could not be more appropriate for this planetary influence and Marti will have devoted many years to developing and improving his natural musical talent. 

Mars conjunct Uranus in Marti's natal chart gives exceptional creative talent that draws people in and attracts attention. His natural enthusiasm inspires other people and he will love the recognition and appreciation he receives.. 

With Mars conjunct Pluto in his natal chart, he has a powerful desire to achieve his goals. Strength, passion, and courage are his strong points..He is determined, fiercely ambitious and won't back away from a challenge. 

Uranus conjunct the Midheaven in Marti's natal chart symbolises twists of fate which I'm sure he has experienced throughout his life. He is  strongly independent and if forced to conform, he will rebel. If he feels trapped by a situation or circumstances, it's possible that he could suffer from anxiety or depression. His creative brilliance needs the freedom to explore all avenues of expression in order to reach its full potential. and find some contentment. By staying true to himself he will enjoy success, recognition, and mass popularity.. 

With his natal Neptune in House 1 and conjunct the Ascendant, Marti is dreamy, imaginative and incredibly romantic. A very sensitive, caring and spiritual person who probably sees the world from a very different perspective. This level of sensitivity could affect his health perhaps through skin rashes, headaches or allergies. Trying to block out reality through drugs or alcohol is a danger as,unfortunately, with a strong Neptune influence, he is more susceptible to addiction. 

Natal Pluto conjunct the Midheaven often leads to a position of influence and success. Professional fulfillment is essential for Marti's self-esteem, and to reach the top in his chosen career and leave his mark on the world will be very important to him. He has strong determination and self-discipline which will ensure that whatever crisis he may go through, he will, like the phoenix from the flames, rise again to even greater heights.


  1. I love Marti Pellow!! Thank you!

  2. This is amazing. Thank you so much Sue X

  3. Great work, Sue. Fascinating what a strong Pisces influence Marti's chart has with Venus in Pisces and Neptune exactly conjunct the Ascendant.

    1. Thanks, Mike. Yes, he may be an Aries but Marti is very influenced by Pisces - the sign of inspiration.

  4. Can't believe that Marti is 60! He looks as gorgeous as ever.

    1. He does. He actually looks better now than in his younger years.
