Tuesday 14 September 2021

Julian Norton - Part 2: Fame & Fortune

In 2015, approximately six months before The Yorkshire Vet was first broadcast, there was a Solar Eclipse - known as the 'Equinox Eclipse' because it took place on the first day of Spring that year, the 20th of March. At that time, Julian Norton was unknown to the rest of the UK, but the Solar Eclipse would change all that as it formed an exact opposition to his natal Pluto. 

The following Lunar Eclipse on 4th April 2015 squared his natal Mars and conjuncted his natal Uranus. Together, these Eclipse influences were the catalyst for a major transformation in Julian's life. Becoming involved in the making of a documentary series is the most obvious one, and the subsequent opportunities it has brought - writing books, podcasting, etc - but perhaps there were other more personal developments too. 

Although he was keen to embrace new experiences and challenges, I feel that Julian had many concerns and reservations about being part of The Yorkshire Vet and had to consider all the possible consequences of being exposed to a wide audience. But even if The Yorkshire Vet had never happened, something very significant would have taken place for Julian that year.

At the beginning of 2015 the transiting North Node was in conjunction to Julian's natal Uranus. Unexpected and out of the blue events always come about under this influence and it has a powerful effect upon the public reputation. The loss of freedom or privacy is often an issue - and obviously appearing on television would contribute to this as he became more recognisable - as this planetary combination brings sudden popularity and fame. When the North Node formed a conjunction with his natal Uranus, it was only a matter of time before Julian's life would begin to move in a radical new direction.

Transiting Uranus was opposite.his natal Uranus. This is the aspect of the Mid-Life Crisis and it takes place around the age of 42, so it's interesting that it coincided with a major change in Julian's career during a period which often sends people into a tailspin as they begin to feel an urgent need to upend their lives by doing something out-of-character like having an affair, suddenly resigning from their job, emigrating, etc. So, it could be said that because his television career took off at this time, thereby fulfilling a need to break out of a conventional routine, it possibly saved him from doing something rash or reckless.

When The Yorkshire Vet was first broadcast on 15th September 2015, there was no way of knowing exactly how popular it would become. However, six years later and attracting an average TV audience of two million viewers, it has proved to be a runaway success. This is reflected in the chart of the show itself which has Uranus - the planet which generates excitement - in conjunction to the Ascendant and also in opposition to the Moon which represents public reaction. Add to that, Jupiter in a trine aspect to the Midheaven (humanitarian interests) and the North Node on a World Point (tuning in to the zeitgeist) shows that people were taken by surprise at this innovative new documentary which has not only revealed the raw nature of life as a veterinary surgeon but has also broken down rather outdated attitudes and assumptions about the countryside and the people who live and work there. The series is progressive, ambitious and offbeat - and we can't get enough of it. 
The Yorkshire Vet documentary chart [click to enlarge]

So, how has The Yorkshire Vet documentary impacted on Julian Norton's life? When the programme was shown for the very first time on Tuesday 15th September 2015, transiting Mars on that day was exactly conjunct Julian's Solar Arc Mars at 24 Leo. It was also square his Solar Arc Uranus thus triggering the Mars Uranus square in his natal chart. In fact, this aspect is almost always triggered when something important happens in his life.

Also, his Mercury Saturn natal conjunction had moved by Solar Arc to be squared by the Ascendant/Descendant axis in The Yorkshire Vet chart. It was time for Julian's knowledge, skills and talent to be fully recognised and showcased in a big way.

On that day, Mercury was activating Julian's natal Mars Uranus square and opposing his natal Chiron. This meant that the time was right for putting plans into action and getting ideas off the ground. Both Mercury and Uranus represent the media and being in The Yorkshire Vet has increased Julian's communication and commercial potential - not only is he now a television presenter but he has also written several books, recorded podcasts and done many interviews since the programme began. 

With the programme's Midheaven point in conjunction to Julian's natal Jupiter it was clear to see that becoming involved in The Yorkshire Vet was to bring tremendous good fortune to him. This aspect presented him with the chance to get where he wants to be in his professional life as it indicated greater success and confidence through business expansion and broadening his horizons. It gave him the opportunity to move ahead and increase his public status by promoting the reputation he had already built. Whatever happens from now on, the events of 2015 took Julian's life and career in a new direction.


  1. I love the bit where you say that his tv career saved him from a mid-life crisis. This is fascinating stuff, Sue.

  2. To say that The Yorkshire Vet has been lucky for Julian is an understatement. Thoroughly deserved, of course, but I can't help thinking that when he left the Skeldale practice, the programme makers could have just ditched him from the series altogether. After all, the whole idea was to feature a young vet following in the steps of 'James Herriot' in the place where he worked. The programme could have just kept filming at Skeldale without Mr Norton. I think he was lucky to have remained involved.

  3. You have a point, but speaking as someone who only 'discovered' The Yorkshire Vet a couple of years ago, after Julian had already left Skeldale, I'm not sure if it was the location which was the main target of the programme's interest but rather Julian himself. The clue is in the name - The Yorkshire Vet. It's not called the The Yorkshire Practice, after all.

    Personally, I think it's lovely to follow Julian to pastures new. Long may it continue.

  4. The Solar Eclipse occurred 6 months before The Yorkshire Vet was broadcast but I bet they started filming it within just a few weeks of those eclipses.
