Tuesday 28 September 2021

Julian Norton: Part 4 - What Lies Ahead?

At the end of January 2021, transiting Pluto began to conjunct Julian's natal North Node. Lasting until mid-December 2023, this planetary influence is extremely rare, happening only once in a lifetime, if ever. It will trigger his sense of purpose and make him question his life choices. He will realise what is important and what is not. All of this may come about through a person entering his life who displays the characteristics of Pluto. This might literally include someone who is a Scorpio but not necessarily so. 

With Pluto conjunct his North Node, Julian could somehow be exposed to the negative uses of power, such as betrayal, dishonesty, etc. The psychological states connected to this planetary influence could develop into a need to overcome what is going on inside his own subconscious mind. It's possible that he may have to face extremely difficult emotions within himself and others between now and 2024, and this will be something that could leave him feeling very isolated. 

On 4th December 2021 a Solar Eclipse will directly oppose Julian's natal Gemini stellium (Sun, Mercury, Saturn) The effects of a Solar Eclipse last for 12 months so this influence on his chart will continue until December 2022. During this period, he will be thrust into the spotlight more than he is right now - even though he might not want to be. I feel a sense of discouragement or disappointment, and a significant phase coming to an end. It's also possible that someone he looks up to will disappear from his life. A change in his status or identity looks likely from December 2021 onwards - but in what form?

Several of Julian's Solar Arc planets have just changed, or are about to change, signs. When this happens, it indicates a whole new chapter of life unfolding over the coming years. In fact, it's a major shift. Starting in 2022 and continuing throughout 2023 and 2024, Julian's Solar Arc Uranus will be in conjunction to his natal Neptune. During this period, unforeseen events may open his mind to things he's never noticed before. Under this planetary influence he may suddenly develop very different tastes or interests, experience mood swings and attract peculiar situations. The effects of Uranus conjunct Neptune can be enlightening, alarming or a bit of both. His general perception of himself and the world around him will be entering a state of flux during which he is likely to have many strange experiences and encounters. The next three years could be exciting but also unsettling, as his old perceptions of reality are likely to be shattered. 

Annual Degree Projection is a technique used to forecast the 12 months from one birthday to the next. From now until June 2022 Julian will be on a mission. With his Annual Degree Projection Mars conjunct a World Point and in opposition to his natal Pluto, he'll have a fight on his hands for some reason. Being assertive and direct is not a problem for him but he'll be forced to take immediate action, break out of his comfort zone and make sudden decisions. This is a very dynamic, physical and competitive planetary influence with more than just a hint of pioneering spirit, so it seems as if he may be setting up a new venture, starting a different journey, exploring new ideas  Some sort of state-of-the-art technology could be introduced in the workplace or he might even experiment with innovative techniques and complementary therapies. Whatever happens, it may well become noticed by the media or receive public attention. 

Throughout 2021 and continuing until June 2022, Julian's Annual Degree Projection Mars will be opposite his natal Pluto. This period could bring intense power struggles, as his ambitions might stir up negative reactions from other people. Efforts to make changes could be thwarted, challenged or blocked. The desire to get the upper hand will be strong, he will be uncompromising and not in any mood to back down when pushed. Due to a clash of wills, conflicts could erupt which might lead to serious confrontations. 

Working long hours could begin to take its toll on Julian's body and despite this planetary combination giving him tremendous energy, he really will need to stop and rest otherwise the consequences could result in injury from overexertion. Paying attention to his own health during the next few months will be very important. His sense of determination will be  strong but circumstances and the actions of other people will try his patience more than usual. It's possible this may just trigger frustrations that he's been holding in for a while, and they'll rise to the surface with great intensity.

In the Annual Degree Projection chart, Uranus will be in a square aspect to Julian's natal Pluto until June 2022. There may be some sort of upheaval that will consequently open up previously unseen possibilities. The effects of this planetary influence could present an opportunity to make life-altering decisions. On a more personal level, his daily routine will change abruptly. Old structures and habits may become outdated, and family circumstances and situations will be transformed into something unexpected and unrecognisable. Whatever happens, he will be required to meet the challenges of this disruptive phase head on.

With his Annual Degree Projection Uranus conjunct a World Point I get the feeling that the next few months will be controversial and potentially explosive for Julian. There's a possibility that he may be separated from his home or family. Bring cut off from his loved ones looks highly likely, either physically or emotionally. There will be unforeseen changes surrounding his domestic life and the events that occur during this period will force him to adopt a new level of self-awareness. 

The Annual Degree Projection North Node will be conjunct Julian's natal Uranus until June 2022. Sudden opportunities will be heading his way and if he takes advantage of these, they will lead him in a radically new direction. After 2022, he could be living a life that is vastly different to the one he has now.

When I started this forecast, I fully expected it to be quite bland. I don't mean that as an insult, it's just that, on the face of it, Julian appears to live a fairly idyllic lifestyle: dream job, loving wife and family, financial stability - and all in one of the most beautiful parts of the UK. So, I automatically assumed that the next few years would bring more of the same but perhaps with a hint as to whether he would remain in The Yorkshire Vet or not. 

However, it soon became clear through studying his chart that it revealed potential drama and controversy in the not too distant future. I always say what I see in someone's chart but beyond that I have no idea what lies behind these predictions. Also, it may be the case that much of this potential drama could manifest on a psychological level rather than externally. As the old saying goes: Time will tell.....


  1. Looks like Julian will be up against quite a bit of pressure in the coming few years.

  2. Big changes on the horizon for Julian. Nice work Sue.

    1. Thanks, Rachel. I almost didn't publish this though as I felt it to be too downbeat. However, as an astrologer, I have to tell it like it is.

  3. He will obviously be initiating something which will draw a negative response from some people. I wonder what that will be?

    1. I really don't have a clue, Nat. If I'd had access to Julian's full birth data, I'd have been able to extract much more information from his chart which would have provided a more detailed forecast. Unfortunately, this article is only half the story.

  4. Hi, Sue. The final paragraphs are very interesting because you seem to be almost apologetic regarding the negative tone of his forecast. But don't you think that given Julian's above average good luck in life so far that he is perhaps long overdue for a dip in fortune? It does appear that the cosmic tide is turning. Of course, as you said, we don't what sort of turmoil he's experienced in his private life, if any. But not many people get to his age without at least going through relationship problems, health worries, career troubles, etc. Time for reality to catch up with him perhaps?

    1. Hi, Joanna. My final paragraphs weren't an apology but an explanation as to how the forecast might unfold.

      I'm intrigued by your theory that Julian may be due for a change in fortune, and yes, he does seem to have had more than his fair share of good luck up to now. What we know and what we can see are not always the same though and we both agree that he may have already experienced the darker side of life in private. His chart shows major life changes coming in the next few years.
