Sunday 20 February 2022

Astrology Works - Part 2

If astrology doesn't work, why do major historical events coincide with major astrological influences? What about the effect that the Moon has on human behaviour? Statistics provide the kind of evidence that science is unable to do, as official reports from hospitals and police records have shown over the years that there are more acts of violence, more accidents, and more babies born on the night of the Full Moon than at any other time of the month. In the natural world, certain sea creatures release their spawn on a particular Full Moon every year. Of course it could be argued that this may be triggered by a tidal surge but, if that's the case, why does it only happen during a particular Full Moon and at the same time every year? 

Many years ago, eminent psychologist Dr Keith Hearne did a survey inviting people to contact him if they had ever had a precognitive dream - a dream which proves to be a premonition. He wanted to see how prevalent this phenomenon was and received hundreds of messages. The respondents were asked to provide personal details, including their date of birth. Analysing the data, and being unable to detect any common factors linking these people, Dr Hearne discovered something very interesting. The majority of the psychic dreamers were born either on, or around, a New Moon or a Full Moon. Remember, Dr Hearne has no connection to, or involvement with, astrology. He is a scientist who specialises in everything to do with sleep. He gathered this information and made the stunning discovery completely by chance when he could find no other reason for this group of people experiencing premonitions. 

In the scientific community, mainstream theoretical physicists now widely accept the study of extra-spatial dimensions. The three dimensions of height, width and depth are familiar to everyone, and perhaps the fourth dimension of time. 'String theory' proposes the existence of up to a possible 26 dimensions. Despite no physical or laboratory evidence for these extra, invisible dimensions, and using only mathematical theory - just like astrology - many scientists are open to the hypothesis of the multiverse, an infinite number of parallel universes existing simultaneously. If certain scientists are open-minded towards alternate realities, then surely astrology is not beyond their comprehension either.

To be a scientist used to mean being an open-minded individual who believed in a diverse number of possibilities, the evidence for which already existed and just had to be eventually discovered through observation and experimentation. In the 21st century, science is too conservative, too concerned with its public image and too restricted by government funding. In an era when it should be at its most powerful, it has been dumbed down. All scientists seem to do these days is argue against each other, as we've seen during the pandemic.There is no longer enough exploration or adventurous thinking. If we astrologers are to receive assistance from scientists into the workings of astrology, we must step away from conventional  disciplines like astronomy. There are other areas of science which already validate astrology - psychology and quantum physics.

I've probably said this before, but if astrology didn't work, there's no way I would be doing it. It's far too complex and time-consuming unless there are definite results at the end of it. Last year I celebrated my 25th anniversary as a professional astrologer. A quarter of a century dedicated to decoding the secret language of the cosmos through practical experience and research. Astrology is real, it works - and when science catches up and pulls its head out of the sand, maybe we'll finally discover the reason why. The word 'science' is derived from the Latin word scientia which means 'knowledge'. Astrologers have knowledge and science is making new discoveries all the time. We need to combine our expertise and expose the truth. .


  1. I wish there were emojis in the reply section because this deserves a round of applause.

  2. I love the bit about parallel universes. If science can get its head around that then why not astrology? Great piece, Sue x

  3. I remember the psychic dream survey that Dr Hearne did years ago. It was on TV, wasn't it?

    1. Yes, it was a long time ago and might have been on ITV's This Morning.
