Thursday 24 March 2022

President Zelenskyy

Before the start of 2020, astrologers foresaw economic collapse and political upheaval on the way due to the Saturn Pluto conjunction in Capricorn in January 2020. We thought that this would possibly be as the result of war. However, when the Pandemic arrived, we assumed that the 'war' had actually been the battle for survival against the virus. The Saturn Pluto conjunction of 2020 took place at 22° Capricorn - and exactly four weeks ago, on Thursday 24th February 2022, war began in Ukraine. Transiting Mars was exactly conjunct that degree for the first time in two years, thereby re-triggering the Saturn Pluto effect. 

Astrologically, there is so much to say about the war in Ukraine and most of it has already been said by other astrologers. Personally, I feel that publishing an astrological analysis of the unrelenting horrendous circumstances in Ukraine is in poor taste and serves no useful purpose. For me, it seems inappropriate, voyeuristic and somewhat ghoulish. That doesn't mean that I, like other astrologers all over the world, have not studied the relevant charts in order to gain perspective on this situation but I will not be 'going public' with the information at the present moment.  However, there is one chart analysis which I do feel deserves to be shown right now.


The President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyy was born on Wednesday 25th January 1978 at 2:00pm in Krivoj Rog, Ukraine. I think we are all aware of what a remarkable man he is, as his character is on display for the whole world to see. President Zelenskyy's natal Sun is situated in the sign of Aquarius. It is conjunct Venus and in opposition to Mars. Friendly and warm, he is very much liked by those he meets. However, when it is necessary to confront people directly and forcefully; he has no problem facing up to the challenge..

His Moon is in Leo - and he was born one day after a Full Moon which indicates strong instincts and intuition. Well suited for any leadership role, he has a real ability for public life and plenty of confidence. Others will admire his strength and determination and his natal Moon is in a positive sextile aspect to Pluto which tends to bring mass popularity. This is what is happening at the current time just as it did when he was a performer and also back in 2019 when he won a landslide election victory. The Moon in Leo brings an instinctive need to be creative and a natural love of being in the spotlight. He is now well and truly centre stage.

The Moon in a natal chart represents home and family. Extend this beyond the boundaries of your own domestic environment and 'home' becomes your nation and 'family' becomes your fellow citizens. As the leader of his country, President Zelenskyy realises that he is responsible for protecting his home and family - both domestically and nationally. With transiting Saturn now in opposition to his natal Moon, it's clear that the seriousness of this situation is weighing heavily upon him. 

President Zelenskyy's natal Ascendant is in the sign of Gemini. He is intellectually well above average, has strong humanitarian instincts, and hates violence. An eloquent speaker, President Zelenskyy excels in communication skills, so it's no surprise to learn that he conducted his presidential election campaign almost entirely via social media. Indeed, another famous president, Ronald Reagan was described as 'The Great Communicator'. He too was a Sun sign Aquarian who emerged from the world of show business to become the leader of his nation. I think what we are witnessing now is the emergence of a new 'Great Communicator'. President Zelenskyy now wears this crown and is more than worthy of the title. 
Zelenskyy - Natal Chart

Several of President Zelenskyy's planets are currently situated on World Points: Progressed Mercury, Progressed Venus, Solar Arc Moon, Solar Arc Uranus, Solar Return Mars and his Solar Return Ascendant. So, it's no surprise that he has been thrust into the global spotlight so suddenly and so dramatically. His chart ruler Mercury has progressed to 0° Aries and is trine his natal Mars. At the same time, his Solar Arc Mars is trine his natal Mercury and Solar Arc Saturn is square natal Mercury. Interestingly, his Progressed Mars is in an opposition aspect to the degree of the 2020 Saturn Pluto conjunction. Watch to see what happens after the 27th of March when transiting Mercury conjuncts his Progressed Mercury at 0 Aries, transiting Venus and Mars conjunct his natal Midheaven and transiting Jupiter squares his natal Ascendant.

Throughout the last two years, transiting Saturn and Uranus have been in a square aspect to each other. This has brought social unrest, resulting in protests, demonstrations and riots. It will draw to a close by the end of 2022 but this war seems to be a final manifestation of its influence. There's a theory in astrology that when a major aspect is about to reach its climax, it becomes more forceful, resulting in one final show of strength. This aspect is being mirrored in President Zelenskyy's own chart right now as transiting Saturn is in a square to his natal Uranus. Hence, he has become personally involved in its worldly effects.

The Vertex is a highly personal point in the chart which is often referred to as 'The Gate Of Fate' as it signifies karmic encounters. With transiting Uranus in opposition to his natal Vertex right now it shows that President Zelenskyy is currently in a situation where he must confront and deal with others. He wants - and will need - to do things in his own way. Environmental changes often occur in the life of a person who is experiencing a Uranus - Vertex aspect. In this case, with his entire country being destroyed around him, that is an understatement. 

This war will bring a determination to express his unique individuality. Also, his naturally stubborn and rebellious nature will make him strong throughout this crisis. President Zelenskyy's greatest asset is his gift for communication and his use of technology to broadcast his message to the world..
This influence will make him aware of out of the ordinary emotional, psychological or physical events. Profound experiences, including interactions with other people, frequently occur when the Vertex is triggered, therefore powerful emotions will affect him very deeply. This period will radically change President Zelenskyy's life through some very unusual and dramatic circumstances. 

Transiting Pluto is forming an unusual configuration with President Zelenskyy's natal Jupiter and Saturn. This configuration is called a Yod, sometimes referred to as 'The Finger Of Fate', or 'The Finger Of God'. It occurs when there are two planets in a sextile aspect to each other - in this case natal Jupiter and Saturn - and a third planet forming quincunx aspects to both of them - in this case, transiting Pluto. It indicates that he has a crucial role to play in the war, and represents a special task or mission that he will be compelled to undertake. As Pluto represents death, transformation and subsequent rebirth, it indicates that he must somehow 'rise from the ashes' - despite great loss and a potential betrayal of trust - in order to find peace where there is now chaos. 

Major configurations like the Yod often show up whenever there is a crisis, or whenever someone is about to give up their normal schedules. The influence of the Yod will take President Zelenskyy in a different and unexpected direction. It is frequently found in people's charts when they are in some sort of trouble, struggling to overcome a worrying issue, or being undermined by other people. When someone has this aspect being made to their chart, especially involving Saturn or Pluto, there's an indication of circumstances which force a withdrawal from daily activities. Normal life ceases to exist.

His chart ruler Mercury is situated natally in the sign of Capricorn and in a square aspect to Pluto, indicating that President Zelenskyy is fast thinking and has a restless, intense mind with incisive understanding and the ability to uncover the truth in any situation. His words are his career, whether performing, writing, making speeches or using the art of persuasion. Right now, his media presence is his empire. There are issues of power, control and dominance at stake. Intense people, organisations and situations to deal with. But he has the ability to remain solid through his mind, opinions and ideas, no matter what is happening to him. His voice will be remembered and his words will be recorded for posterity.

Let us all pray for an end to this unimaginable nightmare in Ukraine, both for its people and its president. May Volodymyr Zelenskyy continue to be a source of strength, courage and an example of a true leader to the entire world. 


  1. Great work Sue. I did wonder if you were going to say anything about Ukraine/Zelensky but this was definitely worth waiting for. Interesting what you said about US President Ronald Reagan. When he won the election, the rest of the world raised their eyes in disbelief that Americans had voted for an actor, but he ended up being one of the best presidents the USA ever had. And, as you say, he was was nicknamed "The Great Communicator".

  2. Thanks for doing this.

  3. I can see 3 possible outcomes for Zelensky. 1. Peacemaker 2. Saviour 3. Martyr. What are your views?

  4. Well, let's hope it's not number 3. I pretty much agree with you. Peacemaker would mean appeasing Putin in some way to bring about a ceasefire. Saviour implies victory for Ukraine and humiliation for Russia. At this point in time anything is possible.

  5. Have you looked at the synastry between President Zelensky and other world leaders? Could be interesting.

    1. I'm working on that right now. So far, extremely interesting....

  6. Hi Sue. It's been claimed that President Zelensky is now a sex symbol. Some people say this is disrespectful. What are your thoughts and does becoming a sex symbol show up in a chart?

    1. Yes, I've seen comments about that. I'm not sure it's disrespectful as finding someone attractive isn't an insult. I guess they mean it's trivialising the seriousness of his current position.

      However, I do understand how this has come about. Here we have a man who is good looking, charismatic, has a sense of humour, is clever and on top of all that, he is also courageous. He appears to be the 'complete package' and that's what women want in a man but these days it's so hard to find. To be honest, I'd be very surprised if he wasn't already a sex symbol in his own country long before the rest of the world realised how special he is.

      There really isn't anything particular that shows up in a chart to indicate being or becoming a sex symbol as it's different for each person.

    2. Being in the public eye does tend to make people more alluring whatever the reason for their exposure. Zelensky used to be a performer and as such was probably used to this sort of attention anyway.

    3. Finding presidents sexy is not new. Way back in the 1960s US President Kennedy was a heart-throb. My mother had the hots for Bill Clinton and I'm sure we were all a bit in love with Barack Obama.

  7. I know he's in a desperate situation but insulting other nations and trying to make them feel guilty is not a good move.

    1. It's because he's desperate. God knows how any of us would react in his situation. He's literally begging for help. Unfortunately, there are only certain things other nations can do without inciting WWIII.

  8. In today's newspapers "Zelensky fires two top Ukrainian security officials and brands them TRAITORS who failed to defend the country in rare example of dissent among ranks in Kyiv"

    You said "a potential betrayal of trust". You were right!

  9. i have a question - transit planets can aspect progressed planets? for example, transiting neptune in pisces can conjunct my progressed pisces moon?

    1. Hi, Kameron,

      Yes, that's right, transiting planets aspect all planets - natal, progressed, solar arc, solar return, etc.

  10. I worry about President Zelenskyy. The pressure on him must be horrendous. All the responsibility for Ukraine and its people lies with him. He knows he is the number 1 target for the Russians. Apparently he only sleeps for 4 hours a night. I hope he has someone taking care of his medical needs as this stressful situation must be taking its toll on him both mentally and physically.

    1. I absolutely agree. Hopefully the people around him will keep him on an even keel emotionally. This situation would take its toll on anyone. It's a nightmare.

    2. He needs a hug.

    3. Yes, I think he probably does. Also, he said in a recent interview that he doesn't cry anymore because it doesn't change anything. But he should allow himself to cry. Releasing emotion eases stress.

  11. Will you be doing any more predictions for President Zelensky? This one's great btw!

    1. Yes, I'm working on it right now. There's so much to say.....
