Sunday 1 May 2022

Bold Moves Ahead?

The Cosmic Arc pattern

On Monday 2nd May 2022 all 10 astrological planets will be positioned in just six zodiac signs. Not only that but these are consecutive signs from Capricorn to Gemini. They include:

  • Pluto in Capricorn
  • Saturn in Aquarius
  • Mars, Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces
  • Venus in Aries
  • The Sun and Uranus in Taurus
  • The Moon and Mercury in Gemini. 
The entire collection of astrological planets all contained within fewer than 130 degrees of the zodiac circle. This pattern is so rare it doesn't even have a name. I'm going to refer to it as the Cosmic Arc. A very interesting line-up - but what will it bring?

There are some very positive aspects being made within this configuration with the majority of them being sextiles. The Sextile aspect brings planets together for a single purpose or cause that usually involves some level of co-operation and empathy. It signifies ease of communication and valuable opportunities. With the Moon conjunct Mercury and both in sextile to Venus, as well as Venus conjunct a World Point - the first of three transiting planets to hit 0.00° Aries during May - and conjunct Jupiter, there will be many debates, discussions and diplomacy. Reason and common sense should hopefully prevail and there will be the chance to air and work out any grievances. However, as the Sun is in conjunction to Uranus, expect an atmosphere of unpredictability, confrontations, emotional outbursts and fanatical views. One thing is for sure - the media will probably be going into overdrive

Also happening in May will be Jupiter's entry into the sign of Aries on Tuesday 10th and remaining there until 16th May 2023. All of the Cardinal signs contain special degrees known as World Points, sometimes called Cardinal Points. The World Points are situated at 0° Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. In fact, Jupiter conjuncts the Aries World Point three times during 2022 with the final hit taking place on 20th December. The Cardinal Points of the zodiac are like universal angles, so on a global scale, a transiting planet conjuncting these points has a powerful effect upon world events. 

This planetary influence will bring someone on to the world stage who will inspire others through leading by example. It could be that this person is, at the moment, unknown to the public. On the other hand, we already have someone in the public spotlight who fits this description perfectly. You know who I'm talking about. Jupiter in Aries will bring social, moral, legal and spiritual issues to the fore. It will be important to avoid exaggerated optimism but nevertheless, there will be definite signs of hope. The planet of justice and triumph in the sign of new beginnings. Dare we dream of peace?

On 24th May transiting Mars also enters Aries. This is the sign ruled by Mars which means that the influence of this planet will be very strong throughout the following six weeks. From 25th May to 4th June Mars will be in conjunction with Jupiter. This will a good time to settle disputes but only if the tendency towards arrogance is suppressed. Mars in Aries represents determination and the battle for survival as well as initiative, courage, physical strength and stamina. These positive traits have been in stark evidence throughout the last 66 days as the Ukrainian people have fought to save their country. 

The last time Mars moved through Aries was almost two years ago in June 2020 when the world was still in lockdown because of Covid-19. That was an unusually lengthy journey for Mars, lasting six months. I wrote about it in the blog with reference to what it might mean for the virus, correctly predicting the Second Wave, an important announcement of a breakthrough (vaccine) and also social unrest. It was a different kind of war then but it was still a war. This planetary influence of Mars in Aries will bring much the same effect, only this time it will be within the context of the war in Ukraine. 

Mars in Aries will focus our energy on action. What form this action takes will remain to be seen, but Mars acts as a trigger, a call to arms, and in any of the Fire Signs it is a very militaristic influence, so could there be a more direct approach to ending the war in Ukraine? We are all aware of the reluctance by NATO to become fully involved in the fight against Russia - and with good reason, as there is a definite risk of World War III . However, what would it actually take for the West to grab the bull by the horns and call Putin's bluff? How bad does the current situation in Ukraine have to become before decisive action is forthcoming? The assistance being given to Ukraine is truly remarkable but it can only do so much. 

As always, Mars in its own sign of Aries will be particularly potent. In fact, because transiting Mars was exactly conjunct the Saturn-Pluto conjunction of 2020 when this war began on 24th February, I have no doubt that, if the Covid Pandemic had not happened under the first influence of Mars, Putin would probably have invaded Ukraine two years ago. Just like WWI which began with military conflict and was followed by a global pandemic, this time it's the other way around. During its transit of Aries, Mars will once again, just as in 2020 and February 2022, re-trigger the Saturn-Pluto conjunction at 22° Capricorn - from 22nd to 29th June - bringing a surge of energy and the need to get things done. However, Mars in Aries is a very volatile influence which can result in unusually forceful or hasty reactions. 

There is potential for positive progress but we need compromise, not confrontation. The next major Mars influence is when it conjuncts Uranus in Taurus from 29th July to 4th August. However, the biggest influence from Mars will be its very long seven month trek through the sign of Gemini, starting on 20th August 2022 and continuing until 25th March 2023. There's a lot more to come and I'll provide a full analysis in July.


  1. Maybe Mars and Jupiter in Aries will make things happen. We've had too much vagueness while they were in Pisces.

    1. You're absolutely right. Pisces tends to produce fear and confusion, hence its symbol of two fishes going around in circles. Mars and Jupiter are dynamic planets and in Aries their energy will be focused on direct action.

  2. You really think that Russia would have invaded Ukraine back in 2020 if it wasn't for the Pandemic?

  3. "Bold Moves Ahead". Sue, I'm not sure if you have seen this as it hasn't really been in the news but appeared on social media. Apparently President Zelenskyy has launched a website called United24 which enables people to make direct donations to the National Bank of Ukraine. It was officially announced on his Twitter account, so it 100% genuine.

    1. Yes, I saw it, Mike. It certainly is a bold move and I found it very interesting that he announced this initiative on May 5th when transiting Venus had just moved into Aries and transiting Jupiter was exactly sextile transiting Pluto indicating the ability to bring positive change by persuading powerful, influential people to make a significant financial contribution. This is an aspect of generosity and goodwill.

      It might just be a lucky coincidence that he started this under these auspicious planetary influences, but I'm now wondering if President Zelenskyy is receiving astrological advice....

    2. You could be right. Even the word 'initiative' is an Aries word as it's the sign of initiation.

    3. Another 'Bold Move': Yesterday, 11th May, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson travelled to Sweden and Finland to sign security pacts. This means that Britain has pledged to come to Sweden and Finland's aid should either of the countries come under Russian attack.
