Tuesday 17 May 2022

President Zelenskyy - Part 2

Transiting Saturn began to conjunct President Zelenskyy's natal Midheaven and trine his natal Ascendant the day before the war started. It will ease off during May, June and July before gaining power again in August and will continue until mid-January 2023. This has brought, and will continue to bring, difficult challenges, pessimistic thoughts and self-doubt. Certainly for the first few weeks of the war, he probably felt somewhat unsupported. Zoom calls kept him in contact with other leaders around the world but basically he must have felt very distanced from those who could provide assistance. In recent weeks, that situation has altered and now he receives regular face-to-face visits from those leaders who travel to Kyiv for important discussions. Saturn in aspect to the Midheaven and Ascendant will bring progress but it will be slow, steady and gradual.

The Midheaven represents the public persona and professional image, so it's no surprise that with Saturn conjunct that particular point in President Zelenskyy's chart, his public image has changed drastically over the last 12 weeks. Gone is the fresh-faced, youthful-looking, ebullient man. His demeanor is now - quite understandably - serious, and he appears to have aged 10 years since February. This is the influence of Saturn which symbolises increased maturity and the tremendous weight of responsibility, both of which he has had to adapt to since this war began. Saturn also rules people in authority, people who have titles and people who wear uniforms. As his title is not just 'President' but also 'Supreme Commander In Chief', his current image could not be more reflective of what is happening in his chart. If the war had not occurred, this Saturn transit still would have, so some other event would have brought the same effect of increased pressure on his leadership. None of us knows exactly what we are capable of until fate tests us. President Zelenskyy has more than passed this test, he has exceeded everyone's expectations. 

Transiting Uranus began to form a trine aspect to natal Mercury in mid-March 2022. Lasting until early April 2023, under this planetary influence, President Zelenskyy's mind will be much more restless and active and he will need a healthy outlet for his increased nervous energy. He'll have more contact with other people during this time, and may become involved in group activities or working with organizations that propose new political or humanitarian objectives. He may initiate partnerships with people who offer a different perspective or new information. Under this planetary influence he will definitely know who his true allies are.

On 31st March 2022, transiting Jupiter entered President Zelenskyy's 10th house where it will reside until 13th April 2023. Jupiter in the 10th house is a very fortunate position bringing increased status and professional success, so it's no wonder that he has become a global icon  Authority figures and influential people will continue to be supportive thanks to his integrity and honesty. The more willing he is to put himself in the spotlight, the more positive the reaction. During this period - or soon after it ends - he is likely to receive some sort of recognition for what he has accomplished. As there have been reports of the Nobel Peace Prize and even an honorary knighthood on the horizon, does this indicate that the war will be over by then? 

Transiting Jupiter on its journey through Aries will form a trine aspect to President Zelenskyy's natal Mars three times from May until December 2022. It will also be in a sextile aspect to his natal Sun and Venus. These positive influences should ease the pressure on him to some extent. When transiting Jupiter is trine natal Mars, it will bring increased energy, optimism and self-confidence. He will want to move forward, overcome difficulties and above all to win. He will continue to project himself well on the world stage. Under this planetary influence, he will feel very sure of his decisions which will help him to convince others. He will experience more freedom of action and this will create many new opportunities. 

For all of us between the ages of 38 and 45, certain major transiting planets begin to make challenging aspects to their natal positions. This heralds what is known as '
The Mid-Life Crisis'. One of these is transiting Neptune square natal Neptune which President Zelenskyy experienced throughout 2019 - the year he won the presidential election. Realising an unfulfilled ambition is one of the influences of this planetary aspect, as is building an entirely different life structure and this could involve making sacrifices to help other people.

Another key 'Mid-Life Crisis' aspect which is about to take place in President Zelenskyy's chart is transiting Uranus opposite natal Uranus which begins now and continues until May 2023 and the main theme of this influence is freedom, doing your own thing, living how you want to live. A lot of people go through some kind of sudden urge to become the person they've always wanted to be. What they have spent years creating and consolidating - marriage, children, career, and social reputation - is no longer satisfying. How this planetary effect will play out in President Zelenskyy's life during the next 12 months will remain to be seen. 


  1. Great article.

  2. The Saturn info is very interesting. So even if the invasion had never taken place, President Zelensky would still have gone through a really tough experience?

    1. Yes, that's right. Saturn conjunct his Midheaven was going to bring a heavy burden of responsibility for him this year, whatever the cause.

    2. Gosh that's so mind blowing! I wonder what would have happened if the war hadn't? We shall never know.

    3. Well, Zelenskyy's popularity had hit rock bottom, so perhaps he would have resigned. The war has completely turned that around. Sad but true.

  3. Sue, do you think it's possible that Zelenskyy's Mid-Life Crisis might turn his world upside down to such an extent that, when the war is over, he will find it too difficult to resume normal life and may step down from his leadership role? Perhaps also his marriage?

    1. That's highly possible, Maria. When the war is finally over, it will be very hard for him to return to his 'normal' life. There's no going back. After this, his life will never be the same again. I've seen what's coming for him astrologically and there will be many more dramatic experiences from now until 2026. I'm not saying the conflict will continue until then, I don't think it will, but there will be consequences for years to come which will affect President Zelenskyy in a very personal way.

    2. If the war continues throughout his Uranus opposition, I imagine it would be almost impossible to rebel against his circumstances. I mean, he can't exactly throw his hands in the air and say "That's it! I don't want to do this anymore!" can he? That feeling of wanting to change his daily situation will be very hard to bear when he doesn't have the freedom to actually do it.

    3. There are a lot of people who experience this aspect who aren't in a position to do anything about it. They just have to ride out the storm through a very frustrating period in their lives.

    4. Maybe his current situation is a manifestation of the rebellious energy produced by Uranus opposite Uranus. After all, his normal life routine no longer exists now anyway.

  4. I feel so sorry for him. He is now the opposite of the person he used to be.

    1. I've seen this 'phenomenon' before with people who, like Zelenskyy, have Gemini Rising. The second half of their life tends to become the flip-side of what they already are. This is the symbolism of Gemini. The Twins are never identical but the opposite of each other - one happy, the other grumpy. Two sides of the same person.

      I did a chart for someone with Gemini rising who grew up in a very privileged family from a very wealthy background. Her life was full of luxury and she was adored by everyone she met. Then, in her 50s, it all fell apart, and to cut a long story short, she spent the rest of life in prison. She ended up becoming the opposite of what she'd been with no glamorous lifestyle, no freedom, no friends.

      Volodymyr Zelenskyy was a lucky, happy, fun-loving guy with a life of optimism and positivity. Now he's the opposite - serious, sad, fearful, uncertain about the future. I really hope he finds a reason to laugh and smile again some day.

    2. Oh God I never knew that about Gemini rising.

    3. This is very interesting. If a Gemini rising person had a tough life when young, would they end up having a more fortunate life after middle age?

  5. I'm loving your President Zelenskyy articles. Will there be Part 3?

    1. Thanks, Hannah. Yes, there will be Part 3 and probably more.
