Thursday 7 July 2022

Boris Johnson

Today, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced his resignation.There's no doubt that Boris Johnson, like many other people at the top of their game and in a position of great status and authority, is extremely stubborn. In fact, an above average number of current world leaders have this trait in their natal charts: President Biden, President Macron, President Zelenskyy and more. Being stubborn is often perceived as something negative when it's actually the opposite. It provides tenacity - the ability to hold on, stand your ground, dig your heels in and refuse to be swayed by anyone or anything. It's this quality that has enabled all of the above people to reach their goals. Without tenacity, we would never have heard of them.

Transiting Pluto is currently in opposition to his Solar Arc Mars. When aspects are made to planets by transit, etc, they don't just trigger situations and circumstances, they also trigger psychological and emotional changes. This particular planetary influence in Boris' chart is not only bringing a destructive phase into his life by way of others baying for his blood, it has also given him great courage and the determination to fight back.

Yesterday, transiting Mars entered the sign of Taurus and for the next few days it is in an opposition aspect to Boris' natal Moon, bringing out his fiery emotions, strong will and fighting spirit. Tempers run high with this planetary combination and there will be intense emotional reactions, disagreements and grievances. Transiting Mars conjunct Saturn and opposite Uranus in his Solar Arc chart indicates his efforts were blocked by circumstances beyond his control and his normal routines are being disrupted. Rebellion is rife.

However, if you think this is the end for Boris, think again. His premiership may be over but we have not heard the last of him yet. Not by a long chalk.

[More to come....]


  1. So true about tenacity. Being stubborn, obstinate and tenacious is what keeps us going through hard times and against the odds.

    1. I totally agree. If it wasn't for being stubborn, I would not be an astrologer as I had to fight against the narrow-mindedness of those around me. I've also had to overcome many traumatic experiences in my personal life.

  2. We know he lied but show me a politician- or a MAN - who doesn't!

  3. I'm not a big fan of Boris but I think the way his colleagues have stabbed him in the back is horrific. Particularly as other politicians do what he did, or worse, and are still in parliament spouting nonsense. I hope we haven't seen the last of him.

    1. You're right, Julie. But perhaps Boris will have the last laugh.....

    2. I think you're right, Sue, if the calibre of his potential replacements are anything to go by.

    3. That's true. I'm not very impressed by any of them so far.

    4. Sue, when the new PM is announced on 5th September, will you do their chart?

    5. Maybe, if I have time to spare. I'm up to my eyes in work right now.

  4. You mention Boris and others being stubborn but what is in their charts that shows this?

    1. People who have personal planets or points situated in any of the Fixed Signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius) tend to be very stubborn.

      Boris has Moon in Scorpio.
      Biden has Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars in Scorpio. His Moon is in Taurus.
      Macron has Moon in Taurus and Mars in Leo.
      Zelenskyy has Sun and Venus in Aquarius, Moon and Mars in Leo.
