Monday 25 July 2022

President Zelenskyy - Part 3

At the moment, President Zelenskyy is experiencing some uplifting energy from transiting Jupiter in a positive sextile aspect to his natal Sun. This planetary influence began in June and will continue until the end of September 2022 with a final burst in late January 2023. Interactions with other people during this period will bring a positive attitude and fresh perspective, inspiring him with a renewed sense of faith in what’s possible. 

When the invasion of Ukraine began, transiting Saturn was at 18° Aquarius, in opposition to President Zelenskyy's natal Moon and about to make an exact conjunction to his Midheaven. It has since moved away from these aspects but is now on its way back and will again oppose his Moon and conjunct his Midheaven from the end of August 2022 until January 2023. 

The Moon signifies a person's instinctive, emotional response to their environment, so when transiting Saturn went into a headlong confrontation with his natal Moon back in February, President Zelenskyy will have felt extremely vulnerable as this planetary combination tends to bring worry, pessimism and a fear of failure. He may feel like this again, particularly during October and November 2022. However, this time it will be accompanied by transiting Uranus in a square to his natal Moon bringing emotional turmoil and extreme tension. This transit from Uranus started in June 2022 and will continue until mid May 2023. 

So a new and disruptive planetary influence from transiting Uranus is being added to the mix, affecting both President Zelenskyy's private life and how he is seen by the public. Could his public image be damaged in some way? Or will he perhaps be prevented from communicating because of security issues such as computer hacking? He is a prolific broadcaster, publishing several video messages every day on various social media platforms, attending virtual meetings and giving speeches. This is a vital part of his mission to stay connected to the world at large and to make everyone aware of what is happening in Ukraine.

In the meantime, there is another dramatic influence to deal with. Approaching in late July and reaching its peak on the 1st and 2nd of August 2022, transiting Mars, Uranus and the North Node will form a Stellium, joining forces in a powerful triple conjunction at 18° Taurus. This will form a square aspect to his natal Moon and Midheaven, an opposition aspect to his natal Uranus and a quincunx to his natal Neptune and Pluto. As this planetary influence will take place in House 11 of his natal chart, it will probably affect his alliances with those who support him. The 11th rules friends, allies, groups, teams, associations and organisations. Could there be a problem in connection to the UN, NATO, or the EU? Perhaps the problem will be closer to home and involve his own government in some way? The aspects being made to his natal planets will bring much upset and anger involving hasty decisions, disputes and conflict. The atmosphere will be tense and there will also be a high risk of accidents during this period. 

On 20th August 2022, transiting Mars will enter Gemini for an extraordinarily long journey lasting seven months. During this period because of direct, stationary and retrograde phases, it will move back and forth through the 12th House and into the 1st House of President Zelenskyy's natal chart. Mars transiting the 12th can bring health problems. He may need more sleep, or feel disorientated. Mars is the planet of confidence and physical energy but in the 12th all of that is depleted. When Mars enters the 1st house on 4th October, he will feel a surge of vitality and optimism which will last until 23rd November, after which Mars will move back into his 12th and again, he will feel drained. It won't re-enter his 1st House properly until 6th March 2023.

In astrology, the 12th house is a very misunderstood area of the chart with many 'astrologers' wrongly claiming that it is all about misfortune. This is mainly because the 12th is strongly connected to Karma. But, just like all the other houses in a chart, the 12th has both positive and negative attributes. With transiting Mars in his 12th House from 20th August - 4th October, President Zelenskyy might need to keep a low profile for a while. This could be at his own instigation or it may be forced upon him by circumstances. I've already mentioned in a previous paragraph that he could be prevented from communicating for some reason, so are these two situations connected? Certainly, on the world stage, Mars in Gemini will bring the risk of cyber attacks and if that happens the president would become a prime target.

Another indication of Mars in the 12th House is 'covert operations'. Although President Zelenskyy informs his citizens - and the rest of the world - about what is happening in Ukraine, most of what he knows will be kept under wraps. All political leaders are obliged to do this for security reasons. As a member of the secret services once said, "If you tell your friends, you tell your enemies." So, there is a lot of action going on behind the scenes that only the president and those he trusts the most will be aware of. A key phrase associated with house 12 is: Potential, planning and preparation. I think something is being planned and prepared over the next few months, the potential of which is yet to be revealed.....

Transiting Mars will be a very positive influence for President Zelenskyy when it first enters Gemini, sextiling his natal Mars, Sun and Venus until 4th September. When he won the presidential election on 21st April 2019, Mars was at 14° Gemini. Transiting Mars will hover over this degree from the 12th - 21st September, again in mid December and for a final hit in the second half of February 2023. Will there be some sort of threat or challenge to his presidency?

For the first four days of October transiting Mars will be trine President Zelenskyy's natal Midheaven. It will then conjunct his natal Ascendant until 9th October. Mars goes retrograde on 31st October, conjuncting his Ascendant again on 23rd November, before forming a trine aspect to his Midheaven again on the 26th. It will then be back in House 12 until 6th March 2023 when it will enter the 1st House for the final time until its return on 20th July 2024.

When transiting Mars is in a trine aspect to his natal Midheaven, President Zelenskyy will feel increased motivation, initiative, and self-belief. Working in high-pressure situations will be stimulating and he will know instinctively when, or if, to take risks. He will take decisive actions calculated to bring tangible results.

With transiting Mars in conjunction to his natal Ascendant, President Zelenskyy will feel increasingly strong and courageous. However, this may provoke aggressive responses, ending in confrontation. He could experience a lot of anger and resentment - either directed towards others or from others. He should focus this energy towards achieving his goals as success will be more likely under this planetary influence than at any other period.


Apologies for so many paragraphs and slightly rambling descriptions, but there is just so much to say it's hard to condense it. President Zelenskyy - Part 4 will be published in January 2023. 


  1. No apology necessary, this is brilliant.

  2. A rollercoaster ride for Zelensky during the next few months! I don't know how he can stand all the stress.

  3. Paragraphs 2 and 3. A return to the influenced at the start of the war and it's happening today. Just as you predicted.

  4. So intriguing that you mentioned President Zelensky could be prevented from communicating. As the Russians have recently destroyed 1/3 of Ukraine's power stations, the country is having 4-hour long blackouts every day to conserve electricity. If that includes the President's HQ, you're right.

  5. You're absolutely right about the planetary effects of the start of the war returning. With the worst attacks on Ukraine and Kyiv since February, he surely must be feeling vulnerable all over again.

    1. Yes, it's like the war is starting all over again. President Zelenskyy looks very stressed right now.

  6. The trip to the USA must surely have been the "covert operations" you saw. Also, the "potential, planning and preparation". Brilliant work. Love your blog!

    1. Quite possibly. It certainly wasn't a spontaneous decision. Thank you for your lovely comment x
