Sunday 6 November 2022

November Lunar Eclipse

The Lunar Eclipse on 8th November 2022 at 16° Taurus, just like the recent Solar Eclipse, will have a major impact on various countries, including Ukraine's Pluto and Russia’s Sun, Mercury and Saturn - both in Scorpio - as well as China's Saturn. The UK's Venus will also take a hit just as it did from the Mars Uranus North Node stellium back in August. This eclipsed Moon will be conjunct transiting Uranus, so expect things to become chaotic.Or, should I say, more chaotic.

Interestingly, it will trigger Boris Johnson's natal Jupiter Neptune opposition. In President Zelenskyy's chart it will conjunct his natal Uranus and square his Moon and Midheaven. In Putin's chart, the Lunar Eclipse will square his Nodal Axis.

There will be more eclipse effects for the British Monarchy too, as the Lunar Eclipse will square King Charles' natal Pluto (ruler of his 4th house) and Ceres. This influence will bring the need to take more control within the family circle. I feel he may need to take more time away in order to process his feelings of loss, during which he could decide to mediate a compromise, before returning to his service with renewed commitment after letting go of certain situations. 

The Lunar Eclipse will oppose Prince Harry's Scorpio Midheaven bringing major changes associated with his public image and professional profile. Dashed hopes could result in a loss of position or status, and a struggle to achieve his goals. Adverse publicity will affect his popularity. He may also experience conflict between his domestic and professional life.

This Lunar Eclipse has a very interesting connection to Lady Louise - daughter of the Earl and Countess of Wessex. She was born on 8th November 2003 which was the day before an identical Lunar Eclipse to this one at 16° Taurus. As eclipse cycles repeat approximately every 19 years, this will be her first birthday eclipse since she was born. The next one will occur close to her birthday in 2040 but not actually on it, so this Lunar Eclipse is very significant and indicates a dramatic change in her life during the next 12 months. Wonderful opportunities lie ahead.

In conjunction to Catherine, Princess of Wales' natal Chiron, the Lunar Eclipse could bring a period of personal crisis and a life-changing decision will be made during the next six months. As the eclipse is also in a square aspect to her natal Ascendant, this could involve her personal appearance, her name (or title), domestic environment, or her outlook and attitude.


  1. Thanks for this Sue x

  2. Seems like Prince Harry's public image won't be improving any time soon. No sympathy for him. He's brought it all on himself.

  3. Looks like China is now suffering the consequences of the Lunar eclipse just as you said.

  4. Yes, the eclipse aspected China's Saturn, the planet which symbolises authority.
