Monday 28 November 2022

The Mystery Of House 12

When a chart is calculated using the date, time and place of birth (or any other event)it is divided into 12 sections which overlap the 12 signs of the zodiac. These sections are called 'houses' and each one corresponds to a particular area of life. Arguably, the most misunderstood section of all is House 12.

The 12th House precedes the Ascendant which is the starting point of the entire chart and the beginning of House One. Therefore, House 12 symbolises endings. Many people find the 12th house frightening, probably because they are only familiar with its negative traits such as confusion, deception, illusion, loss, etc. But this is only part of the story. As any professional astrologer knows, the 12th House is quite possibly the most fascinating of all.

Let's start with the more familiar and somewhat negative House 12 associations. Imprisonment, solitude, mysticism. When I was a student, House 12 was described as "The house of one's self-undoing" which inferred that the potential misfortune in this area of the chart was brought about to some extent by your own bad behaviour or landing yourself in trouble because of your own gullibility. Hence its connection to imprisonment. And of course, House 12 is the house of Karma - but there's good karma and bad karma. It's about getting what you deserve. 

However, the 12th House symbolises so many positive attributes. First and foremost, this is the house of preparation and potential. Everything associated with the 12th is about preparing for a major new beginning. It's about what happens before something starts, before it becomes a physical reality, before it officially begins. The rehearsal period. 

Metamorphosis is another phenomenon associated with the 12th House. A prime  example is pregnancy. As the house of incubation, the 12th represents the final trimester of a pregnancy - the last stage in the process before the baby is born. It's those last moments before all is revealed for the first time. It's standing on a stage before the curtain goes up on the first night of a performance, the chrysalis before the butterfly emerges, the bud before the flower blooms. The seed beneath the soil before its shoots burst through the earth to announce the arrival of Spring. 

House 12 is also associated with beauty in all its forms: love, romance, art, music, photography, dance, poetry. Is it any wonder that Venus is the exalted ruler of this house? So many astrologers claim that any natal planet in the 12th is "unfortunate". Not true! House 12 is where fantasy runs wild - there are no boundaries in this house!

House 12 in its mystical sense is the house of surrealism - or 'unreality' as it's sometimes called. It's about everything that's intangible, vague, abstract, invisibile, anything that's hidden, concealed or camouflaged. Things which are semi-transparent are ruled by this house too - fog, mist, smoke, veils, two-way mirrors. Particles, atoms, molecules, the pieces of something that make up the whole. Or something which has been reduced to powder. An example of this is sand - solid rock fragmented into billions of tiny pieces.

The 12th House: Imagination, inspiration, endless fascination and dreams waiting to become reality. Mystery solved.


  1. This is fascinating. Thank you.

  2. This info is very useful to me as a student of astrology. Will you do other houses too?

    1. That's good to know. I'm here if you need advice on your studies. I might do other houses over the next few months.

    2. Thanks so much x

    3. Please do Sue. This one is so interesting. Could you do the 8th? It's another house which baffles everyone.

    4. I'll try, Louise. Time is never on my side lol.

  3. Good to read something positive about the 12H as it's always gloomy when other astrologers talk about it.

    1. A lot of astrologers tend to zone in on just basic meanings for each house definition. So, 3H = communication, 6H = health, 7H = relationships, etc. But all houses have many attributes both positive and negative. To claim the 12H is only about misfortune is inaccurate and misleading.

  4. My natal Moon is in the 12th house. What does that mean?

    1. The Moon in the 12th House shows compassion and sensitivity. You really feel other people's emotions and have great empathy. You need some sort of sanctuary in order to 'find yourself' and tune in to your subconscious mind. Pay attention to your dreams as you have strong psychic ability.

  5. Hi. I have the Sun in my 12th. Can you tell me what effect it has?

    1. The Sun in 12H will bring the need for self-sacrifice in some way. This might be instigated by you, or it might be because of the circumstances you find yourself in, for example, giving up a career to care for a disabled relative.

      If you use your compassion in a professional capacity, you may receive official recognition through your service to others. Just be careful not to allow people to take advantage of your kind nature.
