Sunday 2 April 2023

President Zelenskyy - Upcoming Transits

Transiting Saturn has been in opposition to President Zelensky's natal Saturn from late March 2023, and will be again from mid-October until early December 2023. This aspect - the Saturn Half-Return - happens to everyone around the age of 45 as part of the Saturn cycle. The opposition aspect represents a dilemma or decision, bringing an extremely significant and very challenging phase, but through it, he will experience a renewed sense of purpose. 

Transiting Uranus will square the President's natal Midheaven from 24th April 2023 - 12th May 2024 bringing a period of uncertainty, unpredictability and change of direction. On a personal level, he may begin to question his position in the world, what he ultimately wants for himself and his family, and because of this, he may begin to reassess his goals. 

During this planetary influence, President Zelenskyy will want the freedom to make personal decisions and choices, but current circumstances - and the events happening over the next few months - will make that very difficult. The changes and disruption to his career and professional status could start to bring a deeper sense of insecurity and might also affect his loved ones too, leading to restlessness, anger and frustration. As a result, he may resort to impulsive actions and sudden life-altering moves. The best option will be to adapt to these changes and use them as opportunities that will eventually bring greater freedom in the future. Otherwise, he may be tempted to accept the offer of 'a ride' and leave Ukraine after all.

Transiting Pluto began to oppose President Zelenskyy's natal Mars:in March 2022. It will gain traction during 2023, be on full power throughout 2024, before easing off in 2025 and finally fading away in 2026. During this period of time - which spans several years - he will feel an increased surge of determination. This will demand his full attention and is not without problems and frustrations. However, he is capable of a great amount of hard work and although he might suffer from exhaustion, he will be unwilling to slow down. The President may find that he has to deal with another person's anger which may be connected to professional partnerships or negotiations and contracts. The potential for coercion or intimidation is very high and he should be more vigilant than ever in avoiding dangerous situations.  

Mars is the ruling planet of President Zelenskyy's natal 11th house, so therefore, it represents friends, groups, allies, the gathering of people for a common purpose. With transiting Pluto opposing it, does this suggest a possible change of heart by those who are supporting him? In his natal chart, Mars is situated in the 2nd House which represents stability and security, so this planetary influence could increase the threats to his safety.

Intense conflict is indicated by this planetary combination but whatever formidable opponents President Zelenskyy encounters, he will demonstrate considerable strength in asserting himself. Important issues may reach a critical point but, true to form, he will not fail to stand up for what is right. His willingness to persist unrelentingly to overcome the most challenging obstacles will continue to inspire the world. Compromise may be difficult but there can be no success without sacrifice. He will continue to demonstrate strong leadership and remain in full command. He knows what he wants and this planetary influence will provide him with the courage and the perseverance to achieve it. 


  1. Hi Sue. If Pluto opposite President Zelensky's Mars doesn't end until 2026, does that mean the war will go on until then too?

    1. Hi, Maria. No, not necessarily, but after the war ends, President Zelenskyy will continue to be a target for Russian reprisals. His life will always be at risk, until perhaps, Putin ceases to exist. Even if he steps down from his role as Ukraine's leader, he may have to live under the radar with maximum security.

      Here, in the UK we are well aware of how Russia gets revenge on its perceived 'enemies' even years later. I'm referring to the events in Salisbury five years ago when two assassins travelled to Salisbury to kill former Russian military intelligence officer Sergei Skripal who acted as a double agent for the UK's intelligence services during the 1990s and early 2000s.

      Putin never forgives.

    2. Thanks Sue. It's hard to think about the danger Zelensky is in. I wonder if he regrets becoming the president and wishes that he'd carried on as an actor instead?

  2. UPDATE: Looks like the increase in threats to his personal safety has kicked in. Since the alleged drone attack on the Kremlin, Russia wants him assassinated asap.

  3. Sue, you said "Mars is the ruling planet of President Zelenskyy's natal 11th house, so therefore, it represents friends, groups, allies, the gathering of people for a common purpose. With transiting Pluto opposing it, does this suggest a possible change of heart by those who are supporting him?" You were right. His allies have decided to give him F-16 fighter jets after all.

    1. Yes, it's interesting, isn't it? And the gathering of people for a common purpose certainly describes the G7 meeting.

    2. This is very relevant right now with everyone including Zelensky gathered at the UN and definitely a change of heart from Poland who are refusing to send any more weapons to Ukraine.

    3. Very disappointing. I'm just wondering if Poland thinks that Ukraine won't win this war and is preparing itself for battle with Russia if Ukraine is destroyed.
