Thursday 23 March 2023

Transiting Pluto in Aquarius

Today, transiting Pluto enters the sign of Aquarius for the first time since it left in 1797. It will remain there until 11th June 2023 when it turns retrograde and re-enters Capricorn.

It will enter Aquarius again on 21st January 2024, then back to visit Capricorn one last time from 1st September 2024.

Pluto will then re-enter Aquarius for the long haul from 19 November 2024 until it leaves for good on 19th January 2044.

In 1776, just before transiting Pluto entered Aquarius, America declared independence. The US Constitution was established in 1787, followed by the Bill of Rights in 1789. The French Revolution also began in 1789. Astronomer William Herschel discovered the planet Uranus in 1781, the first hot air balloon flight took place in 1782 and the first successful vaccine for smallpox was developed in 1796.

No-one who is alive today has ever experienced a Pluto transit through Aquarius before, so apart from these (fairly).recent historical events, there's not much to go on as far as predicting what the next 20+ years will have in store. However, this is where astrological knowledge comes in. Pluto in Aquarius brings revolution and revelation as well as huge creative potential. In past times, this planetary influence would have brought the urge to exploit the environment - this time, it will bring the initiative to transform it and to renew it.

Psychologically, the human race will undergo some sort of desire for change and improvement. This will gradually come about through an increasing sense of self-awareness and facing up to the past. As Pluto transits Aquarius, it will collide in a square aspect to the transiting Nodal Axis, starting in April 2023 and lasting until November 2023. This is when there will be a massive turning point in the future destiny of, not only the human race, but of planet Earth. 

The generations who were born under Pluto-Uranus aspects will in some way come to the fore, be more involved in society and receive a higher social profile during Pluto's transit of Aquarius. These include: 

Those born between 1962 - 1968 when Uranus and Pluto were conjunct in Virgo.

Also, those born from 2010 - 2017 when Uranus and Pluto were in a square aspect to each other.

Anyone born when Uranus was in the sign of Scorpio - November 1974 to November 1981. 

Everyone born under the sign of Aquarius will receive a conjunction from transiting Pluto to their natal Sun at some point during the next 21 years, starting this year with those whose birthdays are on 20th or 21st January. This will bring events which will herald a major new direction in your life. This is a very powerful, fated planetary influence.


  1. It will be very interesting to see how Pluto in Aquarius will change the world. Thanks for posting.

    1. Yes, it will. However, this will be a slow transformation over two decades, so most of it will go unnoticed until other planets trigger Pluto along the way.

  2. Glad to see that we Boomers will become more prominent during the next 20 years!

    1. Ah, yes! Never write off the older generations. They've been there, done that and seen it all. The people born between 1962 - 1968 are now in their late 50s and early 60s. Definitely not too old for anything.

  3. i have my moon at 0’24 aquarius in the 3h and i feel fine. now it’s only been 2 days since pluto moved into aquarius so we’ll see how the next 3 months play out

    1. Remember this is a very slow planetary influence, so you won't feel the full effect until Pluto is in the final phase of its contact to your Moon. This will happen in late 2025. During the next two years, you will change the way you think, probably on a subconscious level, as Pluto conjunct the Moon tends to bring the awakening of intense emotions. Family secrets may be brought to the surface too.
