Tuesday 7 March 2023

Transiting Saturn In Pisces

Transiting Saturn enters the sign of Pisces today where it will remain until 25th May 2025. This is the first time Saturn has been in Pisces since it left there on 7th April 1996. 

In many ways, this will be a prelude to the Saturn Neptune conjunction at 0° Aries which will take place from 13th May 2025 - 20th March 2026. A rehearsal period for this major planetary influence. Which is why this Saturn transit through Pisces is so unique.

I do feel that we'll see some very interesting creations under this influence. For example, there is a well-known brand of smartphone available right now which has a flexible screen. Expect more of this sort of thing over the next three years - making what is normally rigid into a flexible material - and vice versa.Technological innovations during Saturn transits of Pisces tend to include taking what already exists and giving it physical structure. Taking what is normally invisible or undetectable and channelling it into something that we can control and which will be of great practical application. Saturn in Pisces represents mixing practicality with idealism. We'll imagine, then create. The popular saying "If you can dream it, you can be it" will seem to make more sense under this planetary influence. 

Architecture and construction are also Saturnian themes - all the grand structures around the world that the human race has designed and created are an example of this. But Pisces is the antithesis - it symbolises erosion, disintegration, fragmentation. Reducing what is solid to rubble, dust or sand. So we may see the destruction of large buildings, bridges, monuments, etc, either as a result of natural disaster or human sabotage. On the other hand, large structures which have already been lost may reappear. Raising the Titanic has been a quest for decades - could it happen under this influence? Or how about finally discovering the location of the lost city of Atlantis? 

Both Saturn and Pisces symbolise fear. However, Saturn's fears are based on reality while Pisces' fears tend to stem from imagination, illusion, delusion, hallucination, etc. When combined, it could be the case that Saturn might bring our collective fears to the surface by making them appear more real. So, what is the human race afraid of? Another pandemic? The start of World War III? An alien invasion? Or could this indicate an end to conspiracy theories which, of course, are specifically designed to provoke fear? The deceptions and delusions of the last few years will be up for scrutiny, that's for sure. Secrets will be revealed.

Saturn rules barriers, boundaries, blockades, buildings, etc. Pisces is about the dissolution of obstacles. So the easing of routes to progress could also be a feature of this planetary influence. Saturn tightens up what is loose and Pisces loosens up what is tight. Therefore, rules and laws which are too strict will be relaxed and conversely those which are too lax will have restrictions placed upon them. This includes political boundaries too, for example during the last Saturn in Pisces transit the system of apartheid was abolished in South Africa.

Under the influence of Saturn in Pisces spirituality will be taken more seriously. I'm not talking about religion but pure spirituality in its various forms. I feel there will be some sort of breakthrough in paranormal research. Perhaps the harnessing of supernatural phenomena such as ESP, clairvoyance, psychic healing, etc. Also, stronger evidence towards proving the existence of ghosts and the afterlife. Saturn teaches us about what's real. It makes things official. It also represents the laws of the Universe and Pisces symbolises that which is mysterious, intangible, unseen. Saturn in Pisces will alter our understanding of the limitations of the physical world.

Saturn rules rock and coal. Pisces rules water, oil and gas. Be prepared for some sort of revelation involving one or more of these, particularly in connection to fuel extraction. Also, I'm getting strong vibes about a city in the desert. I don't know what this could mean, the name of the city, or in which desert, but there's something on the way.

Crystallisation is another Saturn theme. This includes the crystallisation of water - ice. Pisces represents dissolution, so melting ice-caps, glaciers and icebergs will continue to feature in the news. Also, expect some significant information connected to the continent of Antarctica. 

To find out how Saturn's transit through Pisces will affect you on a personal level, check which house(s) it will be passing through in your natal chart. Need advice? Ask a question in the comments section below.


  1. Could the city in the desert be Las Vegas?

  2. I hope the conspiracy theories do come to an end. I'm not saying that absolutely everything we're told in the media is 100% true, but these people are off the scale with their deluded fantasies about whatever's happening in the world. Time to get real. Literally.

    1. I totally agree. There have always been conspiracy theorists around but since the Covid Pandemic began they seem to have gone into overdrive. First it was "Covid isn't real", then "The Covid vaccine is poison/ contains microchips/ is only water" and now they're saying the war in Ukraine is a hoax and that what we see is special effects, CGI, Green Screen, etc. One person even said that Kyiv doesn't exist and is only a movie set! It's got to stop.

  3. Spiritual practices becoming official is great news. It would not only knock the stuffing out of the sceptics but would also weed out fakes and charlatans so that genuine practitioners don't get lumped together with the con artists. I'm sure you know what I mean Sue.

    1. I really do, Maria. The absolute nonsense I see on social media from people pretending to be astrologers is appalling.

  4. Wouldn't it be fantastic to get rid of conspiracy theorists? They do more harm than good, and as you say, their 'revelations' are designed to make us all more fearful of the world around us.

    1. Yes, it would, Paula. There have always been conspiracy theories and the people who propose them often have very interesting ideas. For example, 1 in 10 Americans don't believe that humans have ever set foot on the Moon and claim that the Apollo Lunar landings were hoaxes and faked on a movie set. This is a perfectly reasonable assumption and there are lots of arguments for and against it.

      However, in recent years, conspiracy theorists have gone berserk! Fuelled by the Covid crisis which sent the whole world into panic mode - and quite rightly so - the conspiracy theorists claimed that it was all a hoax. The result? People panicked even more because they didn't know who, or what, to believe.

      Then, when a vaccine became available, they went into overdrive once more. This time they claimed the vaccine was a fake. At this point, their credibility took a dive because they couldn't seem to agree on what the 'truth' actually was with some saying the vaccine was poison, others saying it contained nothing but water and a few deluded fools who said it contained microchips. Have they never seen a microchip? There's no way it could fit into a syringe, nevermind pass through a hypodermic needle!

      The is how conspiracy theorists operate: They want you to believe that they have discovered the 'truth'. If you don't believe their version of the 'truth', they will mock you by screaming phrases such as "Wake up!" or "Do your research!" and call you derogatory names like "Sheeple".

      The reality is that conspiracy theorists are absolutely terrified of the truth. So, they invent alternative statistics and 'scientific facts' which they put out on social media in the form of fake graphs and diagrams in order to scare other people into believing they have acquired knowledge which the rest of us don't have. This gives the conspiracy theorists a sense of power and lessens their fear.

      "I know something you don't know....." The truth is, they don't.

  5. Giant icebergs in the news a few days ago.

  6. Hi Sue. You say that conspiracy theories will be decreasing. Will that mean an end to wokism too and what do you think the astrological reason is for all of this nonsense becoming the 'new reality'?

  7. Hi, thanks for this question, it's a good one. Basically, the propulsion of conspiracy theories, woke ideals, etc into mainstream society is mostly due to transiting Neptune which has been in Pisces since April 2011. When a planet is in its own sign, it doubles the effect of both. So, when the planet of confusion, self-deception, fantasy and distorted reality combines with the sign of confusion, self-deception, fantasy and distorted reality, the whole concept is magnified. The longer the planet remains in that sign, the stronger the effect becomes. This will all end in 2025 when Neptune enters Aries. We won't be 'woke' anymore - we'll be wide awake and ready to face reality.

    1. Thanks Sue. The end of this insanity can't come soon enough.

  8. Hi Sue. An ancient road which is 7,000 years old has been discovered under the Mediterranean sea. Very Saturn in Pisces, I think. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-12067821/Stone-Age-road-uncovered-underwater-Croatian-island-7-000-years.html

    1. This is great, Sarah. Thanks for the link - and as you say, very Saturn in Pisces!

  9. Sue, you saw the possible raising of Titanic but the potential tragedy unfolding in the news right now involving the mini submarine Titan might be what you saw?

    1. Yes, Mike, it could be. Praying for a happy ending to this but it doesn't look good. I'm not saying that as an astrologer, just as someone who is following the news.
