Coming up with a name for the blog wasn't easy as many of my ideas were already in use. I eventually settled on Ephemeral Arc which means 'daily curve' - the path taken by the Sun across the sky every day. This was important and relevant, as it was - and still is - my mission to promote real astrology and not Sun Sign horoscopes.
Real astrology does not place the population of planet Earth into 12 segments of the zodiac circle - it defines each and every one of us as a unique individual by the analysis of our personal birth charts. That's the reason I'm so stubbornly passionate about spreading the word. I want people to take this subject seriously, respect genuine astrologers who have studied hard and who work hard, and to realise that astrology is not a superstitious fantasy, but something which, if used correctly, is a tremendous asset to us all.
The last 10 years of blogging have not always been a smooth ride and not without problems and unexpected setbacks but I love interacting with my readers - and you know you can ask me anything at all about astrology. I am proud of my work on here and I know you appreciate it too. So, here's to the next 10 years of Ephemeral Arc and many thanks for your loyal support.