Monday 3 July 2023

France On Fire

The France national chart is a very volatile one. The Sun is on a World Point, making the country a very important global influence. Jupiter is in  opposition to Saturn, both in the stubborn Fixed Signs of Scorpio and Taurus, indicating a tug-of-war between restraint and freedom. But the real showstopper is a Fixed T-Square comprising an opposition of Uranus and Pluto, both squared by Mars.

Right now - and for some time to come - the Jupiter Saturn opposition is being squared by transiting Pluto. This brings a fanatical, wasteful, self-destructive and militant attitude, as you can see from the current riots taking place across the country. Ultimately, resulting in severe losses and physical and financial hardship.

Meanwhile, the Fixed T-Square of Mars, Uranus and Pluto is being triggered by transiting Uranus in Taurus - exactly the same position it was in at the start of World War II. This planetary influence indicates tremendous tension which explodes violently. Again, this will continue for a long time - until May 2025 - with periods of reasonable calm followed by explosive outbursts of anger.

The Solar Arc Sun is also triggering the T-Square at the moment by squaring Uranus and Pluto bringing anarchy and upheaval until 2029. This will become more aggravated as it moves closer to an opposition with the national chart Mars. Turbulent times lie ahead combined with an uncompromising attitude, stirring up opposition and in the mood to do battle.. 

With the Solar Arc Moon in opposition to the France national chart Ascendant until 2026, there will be much emotional discord and over-reaction. In a national chart, the Moon symbolises the population, the people who live in that country. It represents what the citizens want and to whom, or what, they give their approval. Social unrest will not end for good anytime soon.

The President of France, Emmanuel Macron, has had transiting Pluto criss-crossing over his natal Ascendant at 28°.Capricorn since the start of 2022. This influence brings dramatic changes and drastic upheavals amid power struggles. Right now Pluto is in retrograde motion and moving back towards this point for one final hit from the end of July 2023 until mid-December 2023. It won't be fully over until November 2024. A tough time ahead.


  1. An ongoing nightmare for France.

    1. Yes. Not very optimistic for the next few years.
