Thursday 24 August 2023

War In Ukraine: The Conclusion - Part 1

Today is Ukraine's Independence Day and exactly 18 months since the invasion began. Throughout the last year, I've been focusing my research on the astrological cycles associated with war and although I don't know exactly when peace will return, I now have a pretty good idea of when the war will be likely to end.

This project has been very complex but surprisingly revealing. Although war seems random, that is definitely not the case, and the astrological patterns I've discovered during my study are truly astounding. However, for privacy and ownership reasons, I won't be publishing the full list of my research data. 

Many military experts claim that the war in Ukraine could continue until 2025 or beyond. Obviously I respect their analyses as this is their area if expertise just as astrology is mine. However, although the war could trundle on for a long time in its present form, there is always the possibility that some unexpected event may occur which would cause it to drastically change course and thereby accelerate the return of peace. In other words, what is required to finish the war quickly is some sort of 'bolt from the blue'. What that might be is anyone's guess, although personally, I can think of several possible scenarios, as I'm sure you can too.

In this study, the war of shortest duration lasted almost six months and the war of longest duration, nearly seven years. I began by analysing the charts for the beginning of each war, followed by the charts for the end of each war. These were all associated with European-based conflicts. They included both World Wars and the Crimean War, as well as several others. Using wars that did not take place on the European continent was pointless, as the goal is to discover the end of the current war in Europe - Russia's invasion of Ukraine


The Crimean War began in October 1853 and the illegal Annexation of Crimea took place on 18th March 2014 which was officially the beginning of the war between Russia and Ukraine. (The invasion of 2022 was an escalation of that war.) Here is some data:

In both charts the Moon was in cardinal signs - Aries & Libra. 

In both charts Mercury was situated at the start of Water signs

In both charts Pluto was in the element of Earth.

In both charts the Lunar Nodes were in Air signs.

Neptune was in Pisces for both.

However, between those dates, on 27th February 1954, Crimea was actually transferred to the Ukraine Republic by Russia, 

Quote: "It was hailed as a gesture of friendship between the Ukrainian and Great Russian peoples during this year's celebration of the 300th anniversary of the accession of the Ukraine to Russia.

Sixty years later, in 2014, Putin reclaimed it. Illegally. As you can see, the relationship between Ukraine and Russia is a very long and complicated one. 


Sometimes, if a certain planet moves by retrograde motion back to the position it occupied when an event began, then that event can reach its conclusion. In other words, the planet finishes what it started by returning to same degree and then moving away, thereby bringing the influence to completion. At the beginning of the Russia-Ukraine war in February 2022, transiting Pluto was at 27° Capricorn. It will return to that same degree at the end of September and throughout October 2023. Could this possibly suggest the end of the war?

During that same period, there is a key influence based on the planetary positions at the end of the Crimean War in March 1856. Back then, the North Node was positioned at 25° Aries. It will return to this degree in October 2023. Again, another possible indicator for the end of the war.

However, this is all happening within another timeframe which involves a planetary influence that was present in ALL of the war charts included in my research. This influence occurs around three times a year and the next one begins tomorrow on 25th August 2023 and continues until 13th October 2023 - with the most positive phase happening from 16th September. Combined with Pluto returning to 27° Capricorn and the North Node returning to 25° Aries, this period holds the potential for a possible conclusion to the war in Ukraine. 

My research is still very much a work in progress and I'm discovering new information which will produce further results over time. I'll be revealing more in Part 2.


  1. Many thanks for doing this, Sue. It gives us hope.

  2. I've never seen anything like this anywhere else on the internet. Well done on your research.

    1. As far as I'm aware, no other astrologer has attempted to do this, or, at least they haven't gone public with their results. Maybe they have more sense than I do.....

  3. Fascinating. May peace come soon.

  4. Wow! Mind-blowing! Are there any specific dates in these periods that we should keep a look-out for?

    1. I don't want to give too much away but 6th October looks like a very significant date. But not the only one.....

    2. Now I'm even more intrigued.

  5. "there is always the possibility that some unexpected event may occur which would cause it to drastically change course and thereby accelerate the return of peace. In other words, what is required to finish the war quickly is some sort of 'bolt from the blue'." Do you think that the death of Prigozhin fits this description?

  6. Possibly a contributing factor to what follows next.

  7. Why aren't you giving us the full results of your research?

    1. As I stated in the article, for privacy and ownership reasons. When you invest a lot of time and energy into an important project, the last thing you need is for it to be copied and passed off as someone else's work. I've had personal experience of this and there's no way I'm allowing it to happen again.

    2. Did someone take something from the blog?

    3. No, but back in 2006, I met someone (online) who was into astrology - as well as a few other esoteric subjects. We really hit it off and it felt as if she was a person I could trust. We began a project together with a view to writing a book.

      However, it soon became clear that she was only doing a fraction of the research that I was doing. We were swapping notes and sending each other information, but I hardly received any from her while she was getting a lot from me.

      One day, she started screaming at me that I wasn't sending enough - which wasn't true - and then told me that she didn't want to go any further. I later found out that she tried to use my research data to write the book and make money for herself. Fortunately, she didn't succeed.

      So, I now keep most of my research to myself and only publish a small amount. That way, if anyone tries to pass it off as their own work, they will fail because they don't have access to the full information. I do - and I can prove it's mine.

    4. That's terrible, Sue. Some people are just out to exploit others and make money. Now I understand why you don't make everything public. Is that also the reason you haven't told us how Annual Degree Projection works?

    5. Yes, Michelle, that's the reason. I worked on ADP for 10 years, so I'm keeping it private until I meet a fellow astrologer that I can trust. It goes against my nature to not share information but the risk is too great.

  8. Fascinating post. I didn't know that Russia gave Crimea to Ukraine in the 1950s. Thanks for the info, Sue.

    1. Neither did I, Sarah. Not until I started delving deeply into the history of war. Amazing isn't it?

  9. What is the planetary influence that's present in all of the war charts?
