Tuesday 8 August 2023

When Good Astrologers Go Bad

Astrologers tend to support each other's work as well as astrology's reputation. Yes, we are, to a certain extent, competitors, but we respect and learn from each other. In recent months, I've been discussing and debating with other astrologers about various upcoming planetary trends up to and beyond 2025, and let's just say, it has been very enlightening and stimulating. These astrological get-togethers and brain-storming sessions are invaluable as both a confidence booster and a source of inspiration.

Social media is full of 'astrologers' who post nonsense about astrology. Some of them are amateurs who are trying to get ahead of the game by pretending to know more than they actually do. Others aren't astrologers at all, just opportunists who want to exploit astrology's popularity in order to gain attention. It's important for all professional astrologers to call out anyone who is tarnishing astrology's image. Unfortunately, that's exactly what I had to do a few weeks ago - except the person giving astrology a 'bad rep' was, in fact, a very famous astrologer herself.

Just like everyone else, we astrologers have likes, dislikes and our own opinions. However, as part of our training and ethical code of practice, we must remain neutral and impartial. What we certainly should not do is allow our personal prejudices, biased attitudes and political allegiances to influence our work. So, for example, if I analyse the chart of someone that I don't like, I still give them a fair and balanced reading. In astrology, you interpret the chart, not the person. So whatever your preconceptions might be, when you see that person's birth chart, it can completely alter your view of them. Usually for the better.

So, imagine my dismay a few weeks ago when, during a trawl of my social media page, I came upon a very famous, successful astrologer manipulating facts in an attempt to 'prove' a prediction she made a while ago - which has yet to come true. She obviously cannot wait, so therefore, decided to speed things up by pretending that there was 'evidence' of it from another, non-astrological source. There isn't any - and there won't be until her forecast proves to be accurate - but her irrational dislike of the person she wrote about in her prediction is driving her to break the rules of astrology. This is appalling behaviour from a high-profile professional! No wonder people mock astrologers and accuse us of making things up. In this case, the astrologer was literally making things up. 

When we astrologers do a forecast, we allow what we have predicted to become a reality over time. Sometimes we get it wrong, but when we get it right, it can often take several months for the event to take place. We have to be patient and to be fully committed to our knowledge and expertise. This astrologer is not doing that. She is pre-empting what she wants to happen by presenting false information. 

Needless to say, I called her out and exposed her lies on social media. I was instantly blocked. No discussion nor debate, presumably because she knew I'd sussed her and she didn't have any excuses. I won't identify her on here because 'naming and shaming' isn't my style, but if you are familiar with her then you might recognise her from what I've written. It's such a disappointment  when professionals resort to tactics like this. It makes you wonder what else she has pretended to get right....


  1. So do we have to guess who this astrologer is?

    1. If you think you know her, that's fine. If you don't, it doesn't matter. It's what she did that's important.

  2. I think I know who you're referring to. She's always bluffing about how good she is.

  3. I know who this is. If I said she thinks her prediction is 'on the money' would I be right?
