Friday, 20 December 2019
Tuesday, 19 November 2019
Nicola Sturgeon: Forecast - Part 3
With her Solar Arc Moon in opposition to Pluto throughout 2020 and into 2021, it may be easier than usual for Nicola to become involved in personal power struggles and pointless confrontations. Relationships will change in a fundamental way and there are will be major departures. In some form or other, Nicola will be saying 'goodbye'. This applies to her dealings with the public at large (particularly women) as well as to close personal ties with others.
Nicola's Solar Arc Uranus will be in a square aspect to her natal Midheaven throughout 2020 and 2021 bringing a very exciting but equally upsetting phase in her career, as she will feel a powerful urge to free herself from restrictions. She will have a great need to express her independence which will become so immediate and urgent that she's likely to make changes, choices, or decisions that will seem extremely radical or shocking to other people. This will, in turn, create conflict with authority figures, colleagues, friends, and even her family, who may view her behaviour as irresponsible or disrespectful. Rebelling against the rules will be highly possible, as under this planetary influence, she won’t care what others think at all.
Nicola's Solar Arc Ascendant in a square aspect to her natal Pluto throughout 2020 and 2021 will bring incredible intensity and the potential for drama in her interactions with other people. A significant relationship may undergo a major transformation that could change the direction of her life. Close one-to-one partnerships will go through great upheaval. Powerful forces will be at work behind the scenes for Nicola during the next couple of years and this period of time will bring significant challenges to the way her actions impact other people. Her ambition and drive to achieve personal recognition will be very strong which will bring equally strong opposition from others who will feel threatened by her forceful attitude. Charging ahead and being more focused, determined and stubborn than usual, she won’t tolerate interference from anyone, even though they may very well be on her side.
Under this planetary influence, Nicola will become more prone to obsessive behaviour and a lack of moderation, with an all-or-nothing approach to her work. She may be forced to overcome tremendous obstacles in order to achieve her ambitions. Whether or not she's successful will be determined by how she deals with other people, as she may be tempted to use coercive tactics in order to convince them of her sincerity. More frequent power struggles will occur as she asserts herself and she will need to beware of neglecting the bigger issues at stake as she pushes ahead with her own agenda. An increasing sense of personal power and self-confidence could be reflected as a change in her appearance, image, mannerisms, etc. The energy that’s affecting Nicola's personality during this period will also affect her physical body, and it's possible that she might experience problems with her health such as fatigue, allergies, etc.
With her Solar Arc Chiron in an opposition aspect to natal Neptune during 2020 and 2021, Nicola could experience major disillusionment and a sharp encounter with reality. This planetary influence will make it difficult for her to figure out what she really needs and she'll have to sort out her own emotional baggage. Feeling more vulnerable, she may become overwhelmed by her subconscious mind. Situations in which she will need to prove herself will arise and it's possible that she won't be seen in a particularly positive light.
Thursday, 24 October 2019
Nicola Sturgeon: Forecast - Part 2
The quincunx aspect symbolises potential that is difficult to attain. A sort of misdirected energy flow which can't quite hit the target. For this reason the quincunx is a very awkward aspect to deal with. However, on the positive side, because it takes someone in a different and unexpected direction, the quincunx can sometimes herald new possibilities or alternative methods of achieving the original goal. One thing's for sure, during the next two years, Nicola's life will undergo a major transformation.
The three major transiting planets forming the quincunx aspects to Nicola's chart will bring a source of disappointment or aggravation. This will have a powerful effect on her status or identity. It indicates an unbalancing development in the position she holds on the world stage. During this period, Nicola will struggle mentally, becoming angry or obsessed and adopt a 'my way or the highway' attitude..
When under the influence of a quincunx, it's impossible to do something about the situation it creates because there is nothing straightforward in the circumstances surrounding it. It's like fighting an invisible enemy as there is no opportunity to 'face your foe'. Therefore, it is frequently found in people's charts when they are in some sort of trouble, struggling to overcome a worrying issue, or being undermined by other people. The areas of Nicola's chart affected by transiting Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto as they form their quincunx aspects are sector three and sector 10. This represents communication and publicity in all its forms - letters, documents, emails, phone calls, conversations, etc. Also commerce, education, and the media. So, will her problems be created by leaked information? Or perhaps by a revelation in the news? Certainly, the quincunx aspect connects to analysis, scrutiny, criticism, subversive tactics and the unearthing of secrets, so there is a distinct possibility of scandal.
When someone has more than one quincunx aspect being made to their chart, especially involving Saturn or Pluto, there's an indication that stress might cause illness or trigger circumstances which can force a withdrawal from daily activities. This is the case with Nicola's chart during the next few years. Major quincunx aspects often show up whenever there is a crisis, or whenever someone is about to give up their normal schedules.
The very first effects of quincunx activity began in February 2019 when transiting Pluto made contact with Nicola's Midheaven. It will continue, on and off, until the end of 2021. However, in January 2020, Pluto will be joined by Jupiter and Saturn and together they will bombard this highly personal point in her chart. She will find herself embarking on a new chapter in her life which will involve coming to terms with her responsibility to others, learning from the past and adjusting her attitude towards power. Whatever happens, 2020 will be a year that Nicola Sturgeon won't forget....
Monday, 14 October 2019
Nicola Sturgeon: Forecast - Part 1
In July 2019 a very powerful planetary influence began when transiting Uranus formed a square aspect to Nicola's natal Moon. Continuing until mid-March 2021, this influence will create tension and sudden changes in her personal and emotional life. Feelings that she may have suppressed over the last few years will suddenly surface and need to be released in some way. In her close relationships, problems that she may have been ignoring will reach the point where she is forced to deal with them. There is a suggestion of someone suddenly breaking away, a departure of some kind - could this be her, or someone else? Nicola's domestic life may be the source of unexpected upsets during the next two years. Mishaps, or other sudden problems on the home front are likely. Being forced to change residence is a key factor. Her actions and responses during this time could be totally out of character.
During this same period - July 2019 until mid-March 2021 - transiting Uranus will be in conjunction to Nicola's natal Descendant. This influence will bring disturbing encounters with other people who seem to be trying to disrupt her life. Partnerships of all kinds will be prone to hidden tensions and startling changes could trigger more arguments and disagreements than usual. She could also become involved in very disruptive legal disputes.
The events of the next two years will test the way Nicola handles partnerships, personal as well as professional. Commitments may suddenly feel too restrictive, and she’ll rebel against the expectations that others have imposed on her. Her reactions could become quite volatile, From now until Spring 2021 will not be the best time to initiate contracts or agreements, but if she does, she will have to 'expect the unexpected' as external factors beyond her control could cause major problems. In any astrology chart the Descendant represents not only one-to-one relationships and partners, it also symbolises opponents, rivals, competitors and even known enemies. A certain situation in Nicola's life is becoming increasingly unstable.
Wednesday, 2 October 2019
Nicola Sturgeon: Personality Profile - Part 2

Natal Mercury in sector 10 of Nicola's chart shows a high level of verbal expression. This position of Mercury gives an authoritative air and a talent for communicating and negotiating. She requires frequent changes of environment
With her natal Mars in the sign of Leo, Nicola has a need for significance and a determination to live a life that is not ordinary. (Donald Trump also has this planetary influence). In possession of well-defined ambitions, she will act with authority and power, demanding both loyalty and admiration. She will get fired up easily when she feels she's been humiliated, and will become extremely defensive. Her ego is tied up with her actions, and whatever she chooses to do will be a source of great personal pride.
Nicola's natal Midheaven is situated in the sign of Leo. People with this influence have a strong desire to be noticed. They need to be centre stage, to be in the spotlight and to attain public prominence. She is very ambitious professionally and this Midheaven sign gave her the potential for leadership. She may feel that she was destined for greatness in some way.
She may take everything too personally and can be easily insulted. Being persuasive rather than being demanding might prove difficult for her. She will need to watch out for overconfidence, arrogance, or impatience. Above all, Nicola wants glory.
Wednesday, 18 September 2019
Nicola Sturgeon: Personality Profile - Part 1
Scotland's First Minister and current leader of the Scottish National Party (SNP) was born on Sunday, 19th July 1970 at 3:16pm in Irvine, North Ayrshire, Scotland, UK.
With her natal Sun in Cancer it's no surprise that Nicola Sturgeon is patriotic as this is a sign that needs to protect and defend everything it's connected to - family, home, country. Sometimes, however, this can turn into possessiveness. Although outwardly tough and shrewd, she will be much more emotional and sentimental in private. Nicola's Sun is situated in sector nine of her birth chart. In this position, it indicates a need to create her own set of spiritual or moral values, although bigoted views could be a problem. She will be keen to expand her identity through contact with foreign countries or cultures.
In Nicola's natal chart, the Sun is in conjunction with Mars. A desire to achieve and be in charge is the hallmark of this planetary combination and she will be fiercely competitive and combative. Hot-blooded, impulsive and full of energy, people with this planetary influence tend to be very assertive - to the point of coming across as aggressive - and act as if they are constantly going into battle.
With her natal Sun in a square aspect to Jupiter, Nicola is a visionary with high aspirations. However, misplaced idealism is a negative trait under this planetary effect and she should make an effort to avoid boastful tendencies.
Nicola's natal Moon is in the sign of Aquarius and sector three of her chart. Under this influence, she will have strong beliefs about the welfare of others. It might not seem like it, but Nicola's points of view and ideas change frequently, and she is very sensitive to other people's opinions. She will often make decisions for emotional reasons, and even when she thinks she's being logical, her personal feelings and beliefs will influence her thoughts a great deal.
With her natal Moon in an opposition aspect to Mercury, Nicola will find it difficult to 'switch off' her brain. There is an inner conflict between thoughts and feelings and a battle between logic and instinct with this planetary combination, bringing a lifelong challenge to find inner balance and a tranquil state of mind. It will be important for her to channel the intuition of the Moon and the intellect of Mercury into all of her communications.
Nicola's Moon is also opposite Mars in her natal chart and this makes her a very passionate and highly strung person. She's a fighter, but should beware of becoming too aggressive or defensive. She is extremely competitive and winning is very important to her - she instinctively knows what she wants and must have it otherwise sparks will fly. She won't give up on anything, which can cause bad moods, arguments, and conflict. Winning at any cost will come at a price and her personal life is likely to suffer the most.
Nicola's natal Moon is in a trine aspect to Uranus and this shows her to be a friendly and curious person who loves stimulating conversation. Some friendships may not last very long if they become stale or boring. Personal freedom is very important to her and she needs to be able to come and go as she pleases. Unusual and even controversial people will fascinate her.
With the Moon in a square aspect to her natal Ascendant, Nicola's emotional nature is out of synch with her personality. She will not find it easy to express herself in the way she wants, and throughout her life she will have to learn how do deal with other people's responses and to be open about her own feelings. Her body language and manner tend to conflict with how she really feels. She is highly sensitive to the moods of people around her, as well as the emotional atmosphere of her immediate surroundings.
Nicola Sturgeon was born with Scorpio on her Ascendant. Many women who have this sign on the Ascendant are in powerful positions, especially in politics. Margaret Thatcher and Hillary Clinton are just two examples.This is not an easy sign to live with, either personally or with regard to others, often resulting in conflict, challenge and sacrifice. Dark and destructive situations often arise in the lives of Scorpio Ascendant people and they frequently have to deal with negative, toxic and obsessive emotions - either within themselves or in connection to someone else. This sign is all about intense feelings - not the lovey-dovey flowery ones, but the ones that people prefer to deny: Lust, jealousy, guilt, vengefulness, hatred. Scorpio is also about extremes and as a result, Nicola will attract strong reactions from others.
With her Scorpio Ascendant, Nicola will value her privacy and have a strong need to control everything around her. People with this sign on the Ascendant take a long time to fully trust anyone and if that trust is abused, they never forgive - nor forget. But with people who are accepted into her inner circle, Nicola will be extremely loyal and devoted Adept at making others confess their secrets, only a few people will know hers.
Intensely emotional and highly perceptive, Nicola will be good at seeing through superficiality. Getting a feel for people and situations will come easily as she is very good at figuring out what's really going on beneath the surface. Because of this ability, it's also likely that she has clairvoyant powers.With a deeply instinctual and passionate nature, Nicola is strong-willed, stubborn and powerful. Proud and confident, she was destined to become a leader in her chosen profession and - for better or worse - to influence many people.
With her natal Sun in Cancer it's no surprise that Nicola Sturgeon is patriotic as this is a sign that needs to protect and defend everything it's connected to - family, home, country. Sometimes, however, this can turn into possessiveness. Although outwardly tough and shrewd, she will be much more emotional and sentimental in private. Nicola's Sun is situated in sector nine of her birth chart. In this position, it indicates a need to create her own set of spiritual or moral values, although bigoted views could be a problem. She will be keen to expand her identity through contact with foreign countries or cultures.
In Nicola's natal chart, the Sun is in conjunction with Mars. A desire to achieve and be in charge is the hallmark of this planetary combination and she will be fiercely competitive and combative. Hot-blooded, impulsive and full of energy, people with this planetary influence tend to be very assertive - to the point of coming across as aggressive - and act as if they are constantly going into battle.
With her natal Sun in a square aspect to Jupiter, Nicola is a visionary with high aspirations. However, misplaced idealism is a negative trait under this planetary effect and she should make an effort to avoid boastful tendencies.
Nicola's natal Moon is in the sign of Aquarius and sector three of her chart. Under this influence, she will have strong beliefs about the welfare of others. It might not seem like it, but Nicola's points of view and ideas change frequently, and she is very sensitive to other people's opinions. She will often make decisions for emotional reasons, and even when she thinks she's being logical, her personal feelings and beliefs will influence her thoughts a great deal.
With her natal Moon in an opposition aspect to Mercury, Nicola will find it difficult to 'switch off' her brain. There is an inner conflict between thoughts and feelings and a battle between logic and instinct with this planetary combination, bringing a lifelong challenge to find inner balance and a tranquil state of mind. It will be important for her to channel the intuition of the Moon and the intellect of Mercury into all of her communications.
Nicola's Moon is also opposite Mars in her natal chart and this makes her a very passionate and highly strung person. She's a fighter, but should beware of becoming too aggressive or defensive. She is extremely competitive and winning is very important to her - she instinctively knows what she wants and must have it otherwise sparks will fly. She won't give up on anything, which can cause bad moods, arguments, and conflict. Winning at any cost will come at a price and her personal life is likely to suffer the most.
Nicola's natal Moon is in a trine aspect to Uranus and this shows her to be a friendly and curious person who loves stimulating conversation. Some friendships may not last very long if they become stale or boring. Personal freedom is very important to her and she needs to be able to come and go as she pleases. Unusual and even controversial people will fascinate her.
With the Moon in a square aspect to her natal Ascendant, Nicola's emotional nature is out of synch with her personality. She will not find it easy to express herself in the way she wants, and throughout her life she will have to learn how do deal with other people's responses and to be open about her own feelings. Her body language and manner tend to conflict with how she really feels. She is highly sensitive to the moods of people around her, as well as the emotional atmosphere of her immediate surroundings.
Nicola Sturgeon was born with Scorpio on her Ascendant. Many women who have this sign on the Ascendant are in powerful positions, especially in politics. Margaret Thatcher and Hillary Clinton are just two examples.This is not an easy sign to live with, either personally or with regard to others, often resulting in conflict, challenge and sacrifice. Dark and destructive situations often arise in the lives of Scorpio Ascendant people and they frequently have to deal with negative, toxic and obsessive emotions - either within themselves or in connection to someone else. This sign is all about intense feelings - not the lovey-dovey flowery ones, but the ones that people prefer to deny: Lust, jealousy, guilt, vengefulness, hatred. Scorpio is also about extremes and as a result, Nicola will attract strong reactions from others.
With her Scorpio Ascendant, Nicola will value her privacy and have a strong need to control everything around her. People with this sign on the Ascendant take a long time to fully trust anyone and if that trust is abused, they never forgive - nor forget. But with people who are accepted into her inner circle, Nicola will be extremely loyal and devoted Adept at making others confess their secrets, only a few people will know hers.
Intensely emotional and highly perceptive, Nicola will be good at seeing through superficiality. Getting a feel for people and situations will come easily as she is very good at figuring out what's really going on beneath the surface. Because of this ability, it's also likely that she has clairvoyant powers.With a deeply instinctual and passionate nature, Nicola is strong-willed, stubborn and powerful. Proud and confident, she was destined to become a leader in her chosen profession and - for better or worse - to influence many people.
Saturday, 17 August 2019
Wednesday, 19 June 2019
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Monday, 6 May 2019
The Royal Baby: Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor
Archie has his Sun in the sign of Taurus - like his great-grandmother The Queen and his cousins, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis. This is also the Moon sign of his father Prince Harry as well as his grandfather Prince Charles, so a strong link from Archie to both. Taurus people are very in touch with their senses and they seek the simple pleasures in life - food, comfort and music all play a big role in their lives. It's highly possible that he will have musical talent and also share his grandfather's passion for horticulture and the natural world. Security and stability are immensely important to Taureans, so if it's true that Harry and Meghan will be low-profile royals, that bodes well for Archie's private life.
Born just before sunrise, Archie's Ascendant is the same as his Sun sign - Taurus. This emphasises his Sun sign. The natal Sun is positioned in sector one of his chart. This will imbue him with natural leadership qualities and he will be keen to leave his mark on the world. He will be independent, pioneering and enthusiastic. With his natal Moon in the sign of Gemini, Archie will be very intuitive and know what people are thinking. This young man will have the ability to greatly influence others through speech and the written word.
Natal Mercury in Aries will give Archie a quick, decisive mind - although he may be rather impulsive. In a positive trine aspect to Jupiter, he will have a brilliant sense of humour, and be eager to expand his mind through education and travel. Extremely articulate, it's highly likely he will speak several languages. Mercury in conjunction with Uranus shows that Archie will be very forward-looking with great originality. This aspect is often described as 'the mind of the genius' - so definitely very clever indeed.
With natal Venus in the sign of Aries, Archie will be refined, charming and socially dynamic. In a trine to Jupiter, he will be able to handle anyone in any situation. Venus forms several square aspects (Saturn, Pluto, Nodes & Midheaven) in this chart which indicates stressful relationships and rivalry in partnerships.
With Mars in the sign of Gemini, Archie will have a great passion for words and will be a very adept communicator. Debating will be a talent and he will use his sharp wit to win arguments. Nervousness and restlessness could be a problem, so he will require plenty of outlets for his pent up energy. Mentally assertive and competitive, he will speak his mind forcefully and bluntly. Mars in opposition to Jupiter shows that Archie will be confident with a competitive spirit and a very positive attitude.
Natal Saturn in conjunction with Pluto is a rare aspect which only occurs every 34 years. Under this planetary influence, Archie could experience hardship at an early age. This could be because of very strict rules, or some kind of control, oppression or obstacle during his younger years. As a result of this, it's likely that he will grow up very quickly and be mature beyond his years. This planetary combination does indicate a possible struggle in early childhood.
Archie will learn patience, self-reliance and resourcefulness. He will have the kind of character to face problems head on more easily than most. His strong survival instinct will keep him going. Self discipline and a strong work ethic will lead to a successful career. Marked achievements are likely and he will hold a position of authority or leadership that is not necessarily connected to the Royal Family. Archie will possess remarkable powers of endurance and show great dedication.
Archie is part of the new generation of babies born with Uranus in the sign of Taurus. The last generation to have this influence were born in 1941. Therefore, he will be highly influential in the future of this planet.
Thursday, 4 April 2019
Jane McDonald

With five astrological objects (3 planets and 2 asteroids) in sector 10 of her natal chart, there is no doubt that Jane was destined for a life in the public eye. Also, with three expressive and extrovert planets in sector five, entertainment was bound to be the route she took to get there.
Born with the Sun in Aries, Jane is independent, enthusiastic and very direct. She knows what she wants and will let everyone else know too. But this is no self-centred, overbearing diva - she has such warmth and infectious humour that everyone feels like she's their best friend. The Sun is positioned in sector five of her natal chart making her a very natural and immensely talented performer.
The Sun in conjunction with Mercury shows that Jane is an independent thinker. She is proud of her opinions and won't tolerate it if they are pushed aside, ignored, or criticised. This planetary combination brings above average expression in speech as well other forms of communication, including singing. Barbra Streisand and Annie Lennox also have this aspect in their charts, so Jane is in very good company.
The Sun in a sextile aspect to Saturn makes it easy for Jane to accept responsibilities and a sense of duty. In turn, this leads to caution in her financial and business dealings. She would be unlikely to jump to conclusions or take uneducated risks. One of the reason for Jane's phenomenal success is her patience and self-discipline to slowly but surely achieve what she has set out to do. People who don’t show respect for others, who take foolish risks, and who lead disorganised lives will really irritate her.

With a deeply instinctual and passionate nature, Jane is strong-willed and powerful in a quiet, understated sort of way. Proud and confident, she was destined to be a leader in her chosen profession and to influence many people through her magnetic personality. Scorpio is the sign of passion and Jane probably doesn't realise just how sexy and alluring she is..... Or maybe she does!
With her natal Moon in the sign of Leo, Jane will feel comfortable being in the spotlight and enjoy entertaining others. Very creative and a little bossy too, Jane has a deep need to treat others fairly and to always do the right thing..
Situated in sector 10 of her natal chart this position of the Moon indicates that Jane has an emotional need for recognition, popularity, and achievement. She may sometimes worry about living up to her image, or the expectations of her family, but it is unlikely that she would have found true happiness if she hadn't followed her own path. Jane works well with the public and has an instinct for what her fans want. She invests a lot of emotional energy into her career and professional status.

The Moon is in conjunction with Uranus in Jane's natal chart and this indicates that she has an independent spirit, resists being labelled and is not someone who is drawn to traditional roles when it comes to family, friends, and relationships. Although extremely sociable and friendly, she needs space and freedom, and situations that allow her to express her spontaneity.
Venus, the planet of love, art and music is in the sign of Pisces in Jane's chart. This is the best position for Venus and it is the main influence of her natural talent. Interestingly, Venus also symbolises sailing, so combined with Pisces, a water sign, it's no coincidence that Jane's singing talent was discovered while she was on a ship! Another interesting planetary influence is Jupiter on a World Point which indicates that Jane would find fame through foreign travel.
Thursday, 7 March 2019
Kate and Meghan - Part 2
In their Composite Chart, Kate and Meghan have the Sun conjunct Pluto. With this powerful planetary influence these two women have the ability to influence the public and bring tremendous change within the Royal Family. However, unless they can adopt a more mature attitude, none of that will happen and they will continue to indulge in petty power games.
With the Composite Sun in opposition to Mercury, Kate and Meghan could find that they have a stimulating mental rapport with many common interests. Differences of opinion are likely, but if they are prepared to discuss them, this need not be a problem. But to be honest, this planetary influence is just a glimmer of hope in an otherwise gloomy chart.
The Composite Moon is conjunct Mars which has the potential to trigger highly-strung reactions and explosive conflicts. Both Kate and Meghan are strong-willed and direct with fiery emotions. When they are together, it will be very difficult for them to control their tempers as their feelings will tend to be blown out of all proportion.
In a square aspect to Venus and Uranus, the Composite Moon could bring struggles to express feelings and this will cause misunderstandings between Kate and Meghan. They may find it very difficult to be in each others company.
With Composite Mercury in a square aspect to the Ascendant there will be debates and disagreements. They may be hypercritical of each other, especially when talking to others. Rudeness and back-stabbing could be a problem. This planetary influence is very fickle - one day the duchesses will tolerate each other, the next day they won't.
Composite Mars in a square aspect to Uranus indicates tension and arguments with a stubborn refusal to compromise. This planetary combination is potentially very explosive. The more these two can stay away from each other the better.
Composite Saturn is in an opposition aspect to Eris. This planetary influence tends to bring great frustration or feelings of abandonment. If the duchesses decide to attempt working together again at some point in the future, they'll be required to control their instincts and fears, and show some dedicated responsibility and effort. If these two are to represent the monarchy, building it for the future, then they will have to invest in some self-control and emotional management.
There's no doubt that the two duchesses want things to work out. The problem is that they haven't yet realised that their own personal ambitions no longer matter. They are part of a PR machine - The British Monarchy. Everyone in the Royal Family must work together to enhance and promote the public image. Kate and Meghan need to realise that what happens to them will not always be their choice. - they just have to be willing to make an effort.
With Composite Pluto in an opposition aspect to the Midheaven both Kate and Meghan will have a somewhat ruthless attitude towards each other. Constant power struggles will be inevitable and there will be many upheavals. These two duchesses will dramatically alter each other's life direction and will either gain authority and influence or suffer a calamitous fall from power. Time will tell......
With the Composite Sun in opposition to Mercury, Kate and Meghan could find that they have a stimulating mental rapport with many common interests. Differences of opinion are likely, but if they are prepared to discuss them, this need not be a problem. But to be honest, this planetary influence is just a glimmer of hope in an otherwise gloomy chart.
The Composite Moon is conjunct Mars which has the potential to trigger highly-strung reactions and explosive conflicts. Both Kate and Meghan are strong-willed and direct with fiery emotions. When they are together, it will be very difficult for them to control their tempers as their feelings will tend to be blown out of all proportion.
In a square aspect to Venus and Uranus, the Composite Moon could bring struggles to express feelings and this will cause misunderstandings between Kate and Meghan. They may find it very difficult to be in each others company.
With Composite Mercury in a square aspect to the Ascendant there will be debates and disagreements. They may be hypercritical of each other, especially when talking to others. Rudeness and back-stabbing could be a problem. This planetary influence is very fickle - one day the duchesses will tolerate each other, the next day they won't.
Composite Mars in a square aspect to Uranus indicates tension and arguments with a stubborn refusal to compromise. This planetary combination is potentially very explosive. The more these two can stay away from each other the better.
Composite Saturn is in an opposition aspect to Eris. This planetary influence tends to bring great frustration or feelings of abandonment. If the duchesses decide to attempt working together again at some point in the future, they'll be required to control their instincts and fears, and show some dedicated responsibility and effort. If these two are to represent the monarchy, building it for the future, then they will have to invest in some self-control and emotional management.
There's no doubt that the two duchesses want things to work out. The problem is that they haven't yet realised that their own personal ambitions no longer matter. They are part of a PR machine - The British Monarchy. Everyone in the Royal Family must work together to enhance and promote the public image. Kate and Meghan need to realise that what happens to them will not always be their choice. - they just have to be willing to make an effort.
With Composite Pluto in an opposition aspect to the Midheaven both Kate and Meghan will have a somewhat ruthless attitude towards each other. Constant power struggles will be inevitable and there will be many upheavals. These two duchesses will dramatically alter each other's life direction and will either gain authority and influence or suffer a calamitous fall from power. Time will tell......
Friday, 8 February 2019
Relationships: Part 3 - The Marriage Midpoint
When you meet someone who has planets aspecting your Sun/Moon Midpoint, the feelings you have towards this person seem very fated – you will want them to become more involved in your life and your destiny. One drawback is that the Sun/Moon person is likely to be more affected and influenced by the relationship than the person with the planet. This could be very disappointing for the Sun/Moon person, as they won't feel as appreciated by the planet person as much as they would like. Therefore, the ideal scenario should be both partners' planets aspecting each others' Sun/Moon Midpoints.
The aspects being made to the Sun/Moon Midpoint must be hard aspects - not soft ones like the sextile, trine, semisextile, etc. This is because hard aspects make things happen. They initiate and instigate events and experiences. They don't go with the flow - they start the flow. They activate and amplify the energy of the planets they're connected to.
Once established, a relationship can go through major changes when a transiting planet comes along and makes an aspect the Sun/Moon Midpoint. If you're single this can trigger a new relationship but if you are already attached, then the transit could alter your relationship in some way and even bring about a separation or divorce.
So, how do you find where the Sun/Moon Midpoint is in your - or anyone else's - natal chart? Firstly, I need to emphasise is that if you don't know your time of birth there is no way to calculate the Sun/Moon Midpoint. This is a specific point in the birth chart, so the chart itself has to be completely accurate. If you have access to your birth chart, take a look at the images below to see how to find your Sun/Moon Midpoint. If you have problems working it out, let me know your Sun and Moon signs and degrees, and I will tell you where your Midpoint is.
In this chart, the Sun and Moon are only 6° apart, so therefore, the Sun/Moon Midpoint is halfway between them at 25° Capricorn. |
If there is only one midpoint in your entire birth chart you decide to use in astrological analysis, it should be the Sun/Moon Midpoint, as it plays an active role in relationship beginnings, changes and endings. Once you’ve calculated your own Sun/Moon position, look at your relationships with others and see how this degree of your chart works.
Monday, 21 January 2019
Ephemeral Arc - The Quarter Million!
The blog now has over 250,000 pageviews!
A big THANK YOU to everyone who
has visited Ephemeral Arc since it
began in 2013.
A total of 250,000 hits in five and a half years!
Here are the stats:
45,455 hits per year
3,788 hits per month
947 hits per week
135 hits per day
All things considered, I'd say this blog has been
very successful.
I'm so proud.
Thursday, 3 January 2019
Kate and Meghan - Part 1
There's been a lot of fuss in the media recently regarding the alleged frosty relationship between Kate, Duchess Of Cambridge and Meghan, Duchess Of Sussex. So, are they really royal rivals or is this just the press whipping up a dust-storm? Here's their Synastry....
Looking at the connections between their natal charts it mostly seems harmonious. However, both have their natal Mars in a square aspect to each other. This planetary combination shows a lack of understanding between the two duchesses. There is probably quite a bit of tension. In their royal duties, they need to work independently as teaming up with each other would bring impatience, irritation, and arguments. Giving each other space to pursue separate interests will be very important. Provoking a reaction from each other could be a big problem.
Meghan's natal Pluto is in a square aspect to Kate's natal Sun. Whatever happens, this relationship will have a powerful impact on both of their lives. Kate probably finds Meghan to be fascinating, intriguing, and even mesmerising. Meghan could sometimes feel threatened by Kate's displays of ego and pride. However she also has the ability to easily see Kate's strengths and vulnerabilities which, in turn, will make Kate feel defensive as she'll be aware that Meghan can see right through her.

This planetary combination of the Sun and Pluto shows that the nature of Meghan and Kate's relationship is very deep and hard to define, and unless they keep their distance from each other, there will likely be explosive moments between them. They could tend to draw out each other’s dark sides, and there may be battles of will between the two of them. Their connection to each other is very profound, and the challenges and drama produced by their relationship means it will become a particularly significant one.
Meghan's natal Pluto is also in a square aspect to Kate's natal Moon. This is a tough, emotionally intense aspect and as a result, the potential for many heated conflicts can arise. It will be important for both of these women to accept their strong emotions and learn to process them in order to open up the honest communication which is sorely needed. This planetary combination symbolises fascination tinged with fear.
With Meghan's natal Pluto in a square aspect to Kate's natal Nodes, there will be a sense of uneasiness and hesitance between the two women, and like the Pluto/Moon connection, it also represents fear and fascination. This aspect will bring challenges and obstacles with much tension and friction
Meghan's natal Pluto is conjunct Kate's natal Saturn. This planetary combination indicates two people who are 'chained together' for some reason - in this case because of the restraints of royal duty and the fact that their husbands are brothers. Kate feels threatened by Meghan and Meghan feels blocked by Kate. If the two duchesses can overcome their emotional insecurity and unite together, they could, in the future, become a force to be reckoned with.
Kate's natal Mars is in a square aspect to Meghan's natal Midheaven. This combination has the potential for Kate to help Meghan make a success of her new role as a member of the Royal Family - but is Kate willing to do this, or is she too fiercely competitive?
Kate's natal Saturn and Pluto are in a square aspect to Meghan's natal Ascendant. This indicates that she could bring Meghan a much-needed sense of structure and stability. However, she could also be a very restrictive influence in Meghan's life. Kate will either be transforming or destructive. These two could have a ruthless attitude towards each other resulting in drastic upheavals and power struggles.
With Kate's natal North Node conjunct Meghan's natal Ascendant there would have been an immediate and powerful connection between the two women. They were brought together by fate and a real empathy is possible. These two women are very aware that they are on some kind of path together. They have a mutual investment in one another’s growth, whether they realise it or not, and need to make more effort in moving forward together in life. Like it or not, both of them will be responsible for the future success - or otherwise - of the British Monarchy.
Looking at the connections between their natal charts it mostly seems harmonious. However, both have their natal Mars in a square aspect to each other. This planetary combination shows a lack of understanding between the two duchesses. There is probably quite a bit of tension. In their royal duties, they need to work independently as teaming up with each other would bring impatience, irritation, and arguments. Giving each other space to pursue separate interests will be very important. Provoking a reaction from each other could be a big problem.
Meghan's natal Pluto is in a square aspect to Kate's natal Sun. Whatever happens, this relationship will have a powerful impact on both of their lives. Kate probably finds Meghan to be fascinating, intriguing, and even mesmerising. Meghan could sometimes feel threatened by Kate's displays of ego and pride. However she also has the ability to easily see Kate's strengths and vulnerabilities which, in turn, will make Kate feel defensive as she'll be aware that Meghan can see right through her.
This planetary combination of the Sun and Pluto shows that the nature of Meghan and Kate's relationship is very deep and hard to define, and unless they keep their distance from each other, there will likely be explosive moments between them. They could tend to draw out each other’s dark sides, and there may be battles of will between the two of them. Their connection to each other is very profound, and the challenges and drama produced by their relationship means it will become a particularly significant one.
Meghan's natal Pluto is also in a square aspect to Kate's natal Moon. This is a tough, emotionally intense aspect and as a result, the potential for many heated conflicts can arise. It will be important for both of these women to accept their strong emotions and learn to process them in order to open up the honest communication which is sorely needed. This planetary combination symbolises fascination tinged with fear.
With Meghan's natal Pluto in a square aspect to Kate's natal Nodes, there will be a sense of uneasiness and hesitance between the two women, and like the Pluto/Moon connection, it also represents fear and fascination. This aspect will bring challenges and obstacles with much tension and friction
Meghan's natal Pluto is conjunct Kate's natal Saturn. This planetary combination indicates two people who are 'chained together' for some reason - in this case because of the restraints of royal duty and the fact that their husbands are brothers. Kate feels threatened by Meghan and Meghan feels blocked by Kate. If the two duchesses can overcome their emotional insecurity and unite together, they could, in the future, become a force to be reckoned with.
Kate's natal Mars is in a square aspect to Meghan's natal Midheaven. This combination has the potential for Kate to help Meghan make a success of her new role as a member of the Royal Family - but is Kate willing to do this, or is she too fiercely competitive?
Kate's natal Saturn and Pluto are in a square aspect to Meghan's natal Ascendant. This indicates that she could bring Meghan a much-needed sense of structure and stability. However, she could also be a very restrictive influence in Meghan's life. Kate will either be transforming or destructive. These two could have a ruthless attitude towards each other resulting in drastic upheavals and power struggles.
With Kate's natal North Node conjunct Meghan's natal Ascendant there would have been an immediate and powerful connection between the two women. They were brought together by fate and a real empathy is possible. These two women are very aware that they are on some kind of path together. They have a mutual investment in one another’s growth, whether they realise it or not, and need to make more effort in moving forward together in life. Like it or not, both of them will be responsible for the future success - or otherwise - of the British Monarchy.
Part 2:
Tuesday, 1 January 2019
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