Tuesday, 28 December 2021
Carlos Marin RIP
Friday, 24 December 2021
Monday, 15 November 2021
Finding The Rising Sign
Wouldn't it be wonderful if there was some secret mathematical formula astrologers could use to figure out the Ascendant when there is no birth time? Yes, it would. Unfortunately, despite years of research by many astrologers, myself included, the 'timeless' Ascendant remains out of reach. However, just to be able to discover the Rising Sign itself would be helpful. This is where a very old method called Pre-Natal Lunar Epoch comes in. It's based on the fact that an average pregnancy lasts for 10 Lunar months. This period is 40 weeks - or 280 days. If you know the date on which you were due to be born - not the actual day you popped out - go back 280 days from the due date and check to see which sign the Moon was in. That Moon sign, the sign opposite, or the sign on either side of those two signs, will indicate your potential natal Rising Sign.
Thursday, 14 October 2021
Zodiac Cusps: You Are What You Are
A few years ago, a friend of mine told me that his wife is a Libra. I asked him when she was born and he said, "22nd September 1976". I informed him that she was actually a Virgo, to which he replied, "Yes, but she was born really close to Libra so that's probably what she is."
The Sun moves into the same sign once a year but not at the same time, so this discrepancy of a few hours means that the changeover sometimes takes place on a different date. The only way to determine which sign your Sun was in on the day you were born is by using your date, time and place of birth. There's a debate raging at the moment about zodiac cusps with some people arguing that they don't exist. Where this misinformation has come from I don't know but it's totally wrong. So, what is a cusp?
The zodiac circle is divided into 12 equal sections. Contained within each section is a sign. Each sign has a border on either side, a line separating it from the sign before and the sign after. These lines are called Cusps - from the Latin word cuspis, meaning 'a point', as each cusp marks the point where one sign ends and another begins.
Sometimes if you know your Sun sign is Virgo but you 'feel' like a Libra, then chances are you have other astrological placements located in that sign. For example, maybe your Moon is in Libra, or perhaps you have Libra rising. There's also the dominant sign phenomenon whereby someone has their Sun in a particular sign but several of their other personal planets - Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars - are gathered together in a different sign. This means that the other sign and not their Sun sign is the dominant influence in their chart. This is true for all signs, of course, not just Virgo and Libra.
The dilemma people have with being born 'on the cusp' is that they seem to think they have a choice over which Sun sign they want to be and invariably choose the more popular sign, or the one they perceive to be more pleasant. So, my friend's wife who was a Virgo obviously desperately wanted to be a Libra, probably because she'd read typical horoscope blurb describing Libra people as 'attractive, artistic, socially popular, etc'. Yes, it does sound lovely, but all the signs have both positive and negative personality traits. It's not a case of Libra is better than Virgo, or whatever.
Using full birth data will produce the exact degree of your Sun. Each sign of the zodiac is 30 degrees, so, if your Sun's degree is 29.59° Virgo, you are a Virgo. If it's 00.00° Libra, you're a Libra. The beauty of astrology lies in its logical simplicity. Don't believe the mysticism - believe the maths.
Tuesday, 28 September 2021
Julian Norton: Part 4 - What Lies Ahead?
At the end of January 2021, transiting Pluto began to conjunct Julian's natal North Node. Lasting until mid-December 2023, this planetary influence is extremely rare, happening only once in a lifetime, if ever. It will trigger his sense of purpose and make him question his life choices. He will realise what is important and what is not. All of this may come about through a person entering his life who displays the characteristics of Pluto. This might literally include someone who is a Scorpio but not necessarily so.
With Pluto conjunct his North Node, Julian could somehow be exposed to the negative uses of power, such as betrayal, dishonesty, etc. The psychological states connected to this planetary influence could develop into a need to overcome what is going on inside his own subconscious mind. It's possible that he may have to face extremely difficult emotions within himself and others between now and 2024, and this will be something that could leave him feeling very isolated.
On 4th December 2021 a Solar Eclipse will directly oppose Julian's natal Gemini stellium (Sun, Mercury, Saturn) The effects of a Solar Eclipse last for 12 months so this influence on his chart will continue until December 2022. During this period, he will be thrust into the spotlight more than he is right now - even though he might not want to be. I feel a sense of discouragement or disappointment, and a significant phase coming to an end. It's also possible that someone he looks up to will disappear from his life. A change in his status or identity looks likely from December 2021 onwards - but in what form?
Annual Degree Projection is a technique used to forecast the 12 months from one birthday to the next. From now until June 2022 Julian will be on a mission. With his Annual Degree Projection Mars conjunct a World Point and in opposition to his natal Pluto, he'll have a fight on his hands for some reason. Being assertive and direct is not a problem for him but he'll be forced to take immediate action, break out of his comfort zone and make sudden decisions. This is a very dynamic, physical and competitive planetary influence with more than just a hint of pioneering spirit, so it seems as if he may be setting up a new venture, starting a different journey, exploring new ideas Some sort of state-of-the-art technology could be introduced in the workplace or he might even experiment with innovative techniques and complementary therapies. Whatever happens, it may well become noticed by the media or receive public attention.
Throughout 2021 and continuing until June 2022, Julian's Annual Degree Projection Mars will be opposite his natal Pluto. This period could bring intense power struggles, as his ambitions might stir up negative reactions from other people. Efforts to make changes could be thwarted, challenged or blocked. The desire to get the upper hand will be strong, he will be uncompromising and not in any mood to back down when pushed. Due to a clash of wills, conflicts could erupt which might lead to serious confrontations.
Working long hours could begin to take its toll on Julian's body and despite this planetary combination giving him tremendous energy, he really will need to stop and rest otherwise the consequences could result in injury from overexertion. Paying attention to his own health during the next few months will be very important. His sense of determination will be strong but circumstances and the actions of other people will try his patience more than usual. It's possible this may just trigger frustrations that he's been holding in for a while, and they'll rise to the surface with great intensity.
In the Annual Degree Projection chart, Uranus will be in a square aspect to Julian's natal Pluto until June 2022. There may be some sort of upheaval that will consequently open up previously unseen possibilities. The effects of this planetary influence could present an opportunity to make life-altering decisions. On a more personal level, his daily routine will change abruptly. Old structures and habits may become outdated, and family circumstances and situations will be transformed into something unexpected and unrecognisable. Whatever happens, he will be required to meet the challenges of this disruptive phase head on.
With his Annual Degree Projection Uranus conjunct a World Point I get the feeling that the next few months will be controversial and potentially explosive for Julian. There's a possibility that he may be separated from his home or family. Bring cut off from his loved ones looks highly likely, either physically or emotionally. There will be unforeseen changes surrounding his domestic life and the events that occur during this period will force him to adopt a new level of self-awareness.
The Annual Degree Projection North Node will be conjunct Julian's natal Uranus until June 2022. Sudden opportunities will be heading his way and if he takes advantage of these, they will lead him in a radically new direction. After 2022, he could be living a life that is vastly different to the one he has now.
When I started this forecast, I fully expected it to be quite bland. I don't mean that as an insult, it's just that, on the face of it, Julian appears to live a fairly idyllic lifestyle: dream job, loving wife and family, financial stability - and all in one of the most beautiful parts of the UK. So, I automatically assumed that the next few years would bring more of the same but perhaps with a hint as to whether he would remain in The Yorkshire Vet or not.
However, it soon became clear through studying his chart that it revealed potential drama and controversy in the not too distant future. I always say what I see in someone's chart but beyond that I have no idea what lies behind these predictions. Also, it may be the case that much of this potential drama could manifest on a psychological level rather than externally. As the old saying goes: Time will tell.....
Tuesday, 21 September 2021
Julian Norton - Part 3: Written In The Stars
Julian's chart is a first for me as I've never done an astrological analysis of any vet before. So, since deciding to embark upon this particular project, I've done a lot of research into what veterinary surgeons' birth charts have in common. Finding the birthdates was difficult as, unlike actors, singers, etc, vet details are not widely accessible. In the end, I was able to acquire 20 subjects for comparison.
- 50% had the Sun in a Mutable sign
- 83% had the Sun in aspect to Uranus
- 50% had the Sun in aspect to Neptune
- 100% had Mercury in the same sign as the Sun
- 50% had Mercury in aspect to Mars, Jupiter or Saturn
- 66% had Mars in a Cardinal sign (with half of those having it in Libra)
- 83% had Mars in aspect to a major planet
- 50% had a planet conjunct a World Point
- 50% had Jupiter in a Cardinal sign
- 66% had Saturn in a Mutable sign
- 66% had Uranus in a Fixed sign
- 50% had Neptune in a Fixed sign
- 50% had the North Node in a Cardinal sign (with all the Cardinal Nodes at 25-26°)
However, the most astonishing connection of all is the similarity between Julian and his predecessor at Skeldale, Alf Wight - a.k.a. James Herriot. To have the charts of two people who not only share the same profession, have lived and worked in the same location, with the same people and to see how astoundingly similar they are astrologically, is absolutely breathtaking.
James Alfred Wight was born on Tuesday 3rd October 1916 in Sunderland, England. Like Julian, his natal Sun is in an Air sign, conjunct Mercury and trine Uranus. Both men have Mars in a Water sign - Julian's in Cancer and Alf's in Scorpio. They both have Mars in a square aspect to Uranus and semisextile Mercury. They both have Jupiter in an Earth sign in aspect to Neptune and Pluto. And a very striking similarity is the fact they both have the North Node in Capricorn at 26 degrees. Which, as you'll see in the statistics above, is a very common astrological trait amongst vets.
Take a look at the charts below to see more.
Natal Charts of Alf Wight (left) & Julian Norton (right) [click to enlarge] |
Tuesday, 14 September 2021
Julian Norton - Part 2: Fame & Fortune
In 2015, approximately six months before The Yorkshire Vet was first broadcast, there was a Solar Eclipse - known as the 'Equinox Eclipse' because it took place on the first day of Spring that year, the 20th of March. At that time, Julian Norton was unknown to the rest of the UK, but the Solar Eclipse would change all that as it formed an exact opposition to his natal Pluto.
At the beginning of 2015 the transiting North Node was in conjunction to Julian's natal Uranus. Unexpected and out of the blue events always come about under this influence and it has a powerful effect upon the public reputation. The loss of freedom or privacy is often an issue - and obviously appearing on television would contribute to this as he became more recognisable - as this planetary combination brings sudden popularity and fame. When the North Node formed a conjunction with his natal Uranus, it was only a matter of time before Julian's life would begin to move in a radical new direction.
Transiting Uranus was opposite.his natal Uranus. This is the aspect of the Mid-Life Crisis and it takes place around the age of 42, so it's interesting that it coincided with a major change in Julian's career during a period which often sends people into a tailspin as they begin to feel an urgent need to upend their lives by doing something out-of-character like having an affair, suddenly resigning from their job, emigrating, etc. So, it could be said that because his television career took off at this time, thereby fulfilling a need to break out of a conventional routine, it possibly saved him from doing something rash or reckless.
The Yorkshire Vet documentary chart [click to enlarge] |
So, how has The Yorkshire Vet documentary impacted on Julian Norton's life? When the programme was shown for the very first time on Tuesday 15th September 2015, transiting Mars on that day was exactly conjunct Julian's Solar Arc Mars at 24 Leo. It was also square his Solar Arc Uranus thus triggering the Mars Uranus square in his natal chart. In fact, this aspect is almost always triggered when something important happens in his life.
Also, his Mercury Saturn natal conjunction had moved by Solar Arc to be squared by the Ascendant/Descendant axis in The Yorkshire Vet chart. It was time for Julian's knowledge, skills and talent to be fully recognised and showcased in a big way.
On that day, Mercury was activating Julian's natal Mars Uranus square and opposing his natal Chiron. This meant that the time was right for putting plans into action and getting ideas off the ground. Both Mercury and Uranus represent the media and being in The Yorkshire Vet has increased Julian's communication and commercial potential - not only is he now a television presenter but he has also written several books, recorded podcasts and done many interviews since the programme began.
With the programme's Midheaven point in conjunction to Julian's natal Jupiter it was clear to see that becoming involved in The Yorkshire Vet was to bring tremendous good fortune to him. This aspect presented him with the chance to get where he wants to be in his professional life as it indicated greater success and confidence through business expansion and broadening his horizons. It gave him the opportunity to move ahead and increase his public status by promoting the reputation he had already built. Whatever happens from now on, the events of 2015 took Julian's life and career in a new direction.
Tuesday, 7 September 2021
Julian Norton: Part 1 - Personality Profile
As a Sun sign Gemini, Julian is open and friendly with a natural curiosity. He will want to be respected for his intellectual abilities and will achieve distinction through knowledge. The Sun forms part of a Stellium (three or more planets conjunct each other) in Gemini, joining forces with Mercury and Saturn. This indicates that he is patient and methodical, a deep thinker with an independent mind capable of great concentration. Quick witted and with above average communication skills, he may have been studious, solitary and perhaps even shy as a child.
With his natal Sun in a positive trine aspect to Uranus, there's a stubborn and rebellious streak in Julian which will rise to the surface unexpectedly and perhaps even dramatically. He is unorthodox, independent and has a magnetic personality. Naturally progressive, he seeks change and will feel compelled to make things happen. Although he loves being part of a team, he has a need to be the leader. He is always ready to embrace new ways of doing things, and to stand up for the those who need support. He will not be afraid to question rules and traditions if they don’t seem to make sense. Julian values honesty, truth and equality. He can easily relate to people from all walks of life, expressing enthusiasm and a genuine interest in others. They, in turn, appreciate his open-minded, fair, and non-judgmental attitude. Taking most things in his stride, he is rarely shocked by anyone or anything that he encounters.
Julian's natal Mercury in a trine aspect to Uranus shows that he is open to new ideas. This planetary combination is an indicator of a deep interest in and aptitude for anything scientific - which of course is what he does for a living. His intuition is very strong and he is resourceful, witty, and quick to understand new subjects. He thinks outside of the box and immediately 'gets' situations which other people may find baffling. He requires personal space and freedom to clear his mind and doesn’t take kindly to anyone trying to force information or impose their opinions upon him.
Julian's natal Venus in the sign of Cancer shows that the security and comfort of his home and family will be of the utmost importance to him. This position of Venus in his natal chart is a strong indicator of why he became a vet, as it symbolises a very caring personality, someone who is sensitive and protective.of anything, or anyone, vulnerable and in need of help. Above all, Venus in Cancer represents compassion. With his natal Venus in an opposition aspect to Jupiter, Julian will enjoy popularity and social success. Easy-going, friendly and fun-loving, he attracts many admirers.
Natal Venus in a square aspect to Pluto, indicates that Julian harbours powerful, deep and intense feelings. Insecurity, jealousy or infatuation may have made certain relationships complicated during his formative years. However, the ability to tone down these tendencies comes with age and maturity. There may be an inner struggle between what he wants and what he needs. This planetary combination produces a powerful attraction and although Julian might not be aware of it, he oozes personal magnetism without even trying. He definitely has the ability to charm the birds from the trees!With his natal Mars also in the sign of Cancer, Julian is very tenacious - if he sets his mind on something he won't give up until he gets it. Defensive reactions and bursts of emotional displays are common traits of this position of Mars and it's possible that he may have trouble controlling his frustrations. Continuity, routine, and discipline will make him happier and stronger, bringing greater confidence. However, when tense, he may become very withdrawn. Instinctively protective, Julian cares deeply for who and what he loves, and he's not afraid to fight against injustice. When it's required, he can be bold and fearless.
Julian's natal Mars is in a square aspect to Uranus. This planetary influence tends to bring a desire for change, a need to shake up the status quo, as well as abundant creative, physical and mental energy which can lead to brilliant achievements. However, this influence can also be high-risk and I'd be very surprised if he hasn't had more than his fair share of trials and tribulations throughout the years. Controversy is a hallmark of this aspect and it's possible that sometimes he will have been viewed as a rebel or even a troublemaker. This planetary combination increases the chance of being accident-prone and physical injury is very likely.
Although he can be impulsive, Julian's dynamic energy means he is always on the go. He knows what he wants and finds it difficult to slow down or relax. Fiercely individualistic and independent, he will not take too kindly to any form of restriction. He needs more personal freedom than the average person in order to do things in his own way. He conducts himself with integrity, he is disciplined and committed, A practical realist who has the ability to visualise his goals in order to feel motivated to achieve them, Julian Norton is a man of passion - in every sense of the word.
Wednesday, 4 August 2021
Relationships: Part 4 - Mutual Affinity
About 10 years ago, I realised something about my relationships with other people which I'd never noticed before: Most of my best friends have been born under the sign of Aries. This set me thinking: Why? My Sun and Moon are both in Aquarius and I have a Capricorn Ascendant. Obviously, I have had relationships - platonic and otherwise - with friends and partners who are connected to my Sun, Moon and Ascendant signs, but what's going on with the Aries people in my life? Why is that sign so prevalent for me socially? As a researcher, I decided to do some digging.....
I began to discover a phenomenon which I now call Mutual Affinity. It comes from the principle that astrological influences are flexible and to a certain extent, interchangeable. For example, having the Sun in Sagittarius has much the same effect as having the Sun in the ninth house, or having the Sun in aspect to Jupiter. Similarly, it also corresponds to having Jupiter in Leo or in the fifth house. So, how did this work in my own chart?
I have my Sun in the first house of my chart. The first house is the equivalent of Aries, therefore it has a natural affinity with the Sun in Aries. I also have my Mars in Leo which is another variation of the Sun in Aries, so double the effect. A Sun sign Aries whom I've had a close personal relationship with for the last 14 years has his Moon conjunct my Moon and his Sun is actually square my Ascendant, so fantastic synastry. He is a very good and trusted friend, and we have lots of fun together. In fact, I trust this guy more than anyone else in my life.
There's a person I met recently who is a perfect example of another component in the Mutual Affinity technique. This involves having similar astrological traits in both charts. For example, we both have our Suns in Air signs and both our Suns are conjunct Saturn. We both have Aquarius Moons and his Sun is in aspect to Uranus - a direct correlation to my Sun in Aquarius. He also has Mercury in aspect to Saturn, I have Mercury in Capricorn and his Saturn is in Gemini.
Of course, on its own, Mutual Affinity isn't enough to trigger or sustain an important relationship, but it is fantastic in a platonic friendship as it brings a sense of being on the same mental wavelength which allows two people to enjoy each other's company in a completely uncomplicated way. Try out Mutual Affinity on your own chart and see how you interact with your friends. Let me know what you find, and remember, I'm always here to answer any questions.
Friday, 23 July 2021
Tuesday, 6 July 2021
Equality In Astrology
When I started out as an astrologer many, many years ago, I was amazed by the diversity of the astrological community. There were people from all walks of life, every nationality, every race, every religion - or no religion at all. Men and women were involved in astrology on equal terms. We were united in our quest for enlightenment and because there were far fewer professional astrologers back then, we supported and encouraged each other.
As I mentioned in a recent article, astrologers with years of experience are no longer respected by those beginning their journey. They see the internet as a fast track to professionalism which it most certainly isn't. Reading a few websites, especially without knowing if the author is a genuine astrologer, does not provide the full spectrum of knowledge and experience required to make astrology your life's work. However, a new disturbing chapter in astrological disrespect has emerged on social media. Racism.
Any sort of biased, bigoted or prejudiced attitude goes totally against the principles of astrology as it was designed to help us understand and celebrate the individuality of everyone. Just as every person is unique, then each person's chart is also unique. Astrology doesn't compare one sign to another by way of assessing which is superior - they are all relevant and all equal. Each one compliments the other 11 signs, and they exist in complete harmony. Just like instruments in an orchestra, none is more important than the others and they all work together. Exactly like all astrologers should be doing. There is no place for any form of discrimination in astrology.
Thursday, 1 July 2021
Monday, 7 June 2021
Lilibet Diana Mountbatten-Windsor
Harry and Meghan's daughter Lilibet Diana was born on Friday 4th June 2021, at 11:40am, in Santa Barbara, California, USA.
As a Sun sign Gemini, Lili will be talkative, mentally agile, inquisitive and restless. The Sun is in a sextile aspect to the Moon and this shows that she will be good natured and close to her family. However, she may have a tendency to be highly-strung. With the Sun which is the ruling planet of her chart in sector 10, she will definitely have a career that places her in the public spotlight.
Lili's natal Moon is in the sign of Aries bringing fiery emotions, hasty reactions and a short-fused temper. No-one will dare mess with this girl! She will object in no uncertain terms to anyone who tries to interfere in her life and will be extremely independent. With the Moon in a sextile aspect to Saturn she will be hardworking, loyal and reliable, and the Moon in conjunction with Chiron indicates that women will feature highly in her life - femininity, feminism, women's rights, etc. This combination also suggests that Lili will have many changes of residency.
Leo was on the Ascendant at the moment of Lili's birth. Interestingly, this is the sign which rules, amongst other things, royalty. She will be happy with a radiant personality, well-adjusted and likeable. With a desire to shine, she will seek fame and recognition. This rising sign always brings a powerful impact into the lives of those who have it and attracts admiration from others. People will look up to her and she will ooze infectious enthusiasm. With natural leadership qualities, Lili will definitely leave her mark on the world.
Mercury located in its own sign of Gemini will make communication the dominant theme in Lili's life - speaking, writing, making speeches, etc will all figure highly. With Mercury in sector 10 of her chart, she could have a career in the media. On the other hand, with her Midheaven in Taurus and her Ascendant in Leo, the performing arts are also a possibility and combined with that powerful Mercury, writing, speaking or singing will definitely come into it.
Venus in the sign of Cancer on a World Point shows great compassion as Lili will have the ability to connect and bond with others in the public arena. Easy expression of feelings, emotions and talents is indicated by Venus in Cancer and she is someone who will create beauty and harmony. Venus in a sextile aspect to the Ascendant and in a trine aspect to the Ascendant means that Lili will be diplomatic, kind-hearted, sociable and charming. This planetary position also shows a fascination with her family's history and ancestry.
Lili's Natal Chart - click to enlarge |
With her natal Mars in Cancer, Lili's actions will be motivated by deeply-felt emotions. This may lead to more than a few head-on confrontations bur also repressed anger. Mars in a trine aspect to Neptune will ensure that her goals in life are likely to be achieved as her creative inspiration will know no bounds. With Mars in a positive sextile aspect to her Midheaven, she'll be determined, fiercely ambitious and love a challenge. Natal Mars in an opposition to Pluto will give her great courage. she'll be a tireless worker and attain remarkable feats against all the odds.
Jupiter in Pisces and conjunct the Descendant reveals that Lil will have powerful spiritual leanings and will want to serve humanity in some way, perhaps in connection to health and wellbeing. She'll have a wide range of personal contacts and will be able to influence others through her popularity and social prestige. On the whole, she will be lucky in her choice of partners throughout her life whether they be personal or professional but there will be controversy.
Born under the semi-generational planetary influence of Saturn in a square aspect to Uranus, Lili will be rebellious and resent authority. Her generation will have a desire for change and an urge to break free from rigid routines. Saturn square Uranus will give her a strong sense of responsibility and appreciation of structure and tradition. She may become an activist or campaigner for human rights or the environment and this will gain her many supporters as well as detractors. Throughout her life, she will strive to find a balance between duty and freedom.
Lilibet will be a very dynamic young woman - feisty, stubborn, clever and confident.
Saturday, 22 May 2021
Sister Signs
Thursday, 6 May 2021
Astrology Anniversary - 25 Years!
Thursday, 29 April 2021
Luke Evans: Forecast - Part 3
The Sun in the Annual Degree Projection chart will be in a trine aspect to Luke's natal Mars throughout 2021 until his birthday in 2022. With the will to achieve being heightened by this planetary combination, there could be turbulent times ahead. He will experience enormous vitality under this influence and will have to channel this energy constructively in order to avoid becoming too overbearing. With this action-packed and volatile aspect, Luke may be in the mood to do battle.He has natural qualities of leadership and will want to leave his mark. I get the feeling he may be working with children or young people in some way.
The Annual Degree Projection Sun in a square aspect to Luke's natal Saturn will be character-forming in many ways as this planetary influence invariably brings greater responsibility. This will either further his ambitions or be seen as an unwanted burden. It often coincides with a fall from grace, although this is often a personal disappointment rather than an actual public scandal. This planetary aspect represents a forced turning point where he will feel under pressure or burdened in some way, as if everything and everyone is against him. During this time he may experience isolation and discouragement as his sense of purpose is being challenged by those in positions of authority.
With Annual Degree Projection Mercury in opposition to his natal Chiron, Luke will find the next 12 months to be mentally stimulating with a great deal of focus on new ideas. He will have a strong need to increase his communications by reaching out to others through writing, lecturing, mentoring, etc. I see him returning to a place he has not visited for a very long time, but he may experience health problems related to stress or exhaustion which, if it gets out of control, could lead to psychological problems such as hallucinations.
During 2021 and continuing until Luke's next birthday in April 2022, the ADP Mercury will be in a sextile aspect to his natal Saturn. This planetary influence will make him more thoughtful, careful and discrete. He will have more responsibility put upon him, and dealings with agents, older people and serious-minded individuals will give him plenty to think about, especially in connection with contracts, agreements and important documents.
In Luke's Annual Degree Projection chart, Mars is in conjunction to his natal Uranus from April 2021 to April 2022. This is an exciting, adventurous planetary combination which could bring sudden opportunities for unexpected success, perhaps in areas where he hasn't experienced it before. However, he will need to be resourceful in the face of unforeseen circumstances such as rash behaviour or accidents. A spirit of rebellion may suddenly surface, disrupting normal life, and prompting an escape from obligations. During this period, his energy levels will be extremely high and potentially explosive. He will need to find a goal or project which demands extraordinary effort in order to let off steam, otherwise there may be a risk of anger or aggression.
Mars conjunct Uranus gives a strong urge to break out of any limiting situations, so Luke will need change and excitement to spice up his life. However, a tendency to act spontaneously or erratically could cause unwanted surprises and upset. Seeking out new adventures, work, or relationships, flashes of insight could lead to amazing opportunities. Under this planetary influence, he will be driven towards more independence and originality by doing his own thing. This may lead to him to attempt something that's completely out of his comfort zone. This period will be unique in Luke's life, bringing sudden, unexpected events and unusual experiences which could include being drawn towards the mystical side of life.
With Saturn in the ADP chart and making an opposition aspect to Luke's natal Pluto until mid-April 2022. This is a significant planetary aspect which will make him focus on only what is necessary in his life and what is most important. Under this influence, he may lose interest in the material world. The next 12 months will be a period of endings, and a certain chapter in his life will close. However, this will mean that he can accomplish a great deal because it will bring a sense of completion as well as the chance to tie up loose ends. This planetary combination could bring issues of control and manipulation, triggering a major disagreement. Someone in a position of authority might block him from getting what he wants.
From now until April 2022, the Annual Degree Projection Uranus will be in a square aspect to Luke's natal Mercury. Under this influence, he will need to be careful in all practical matters as it can bring a tendency to overlook important details. During this period he will need to stay flexible as circumstances could change very quickly with disruptions to his daily routine. With all the erratic energy of this planetary combination, he might find himself becoming nervous, feeling anxiety, or even suffering panic attacks because of a lack of stability in his life. Something he says may have to be retracted later as communications may not turn out as planned. He should demand proof of any information coming his way and not act on it immediately as it could lead him down the wrong path.
Annual Degree Projection Neptune is in a trine aspect to the Moon in Luke's natal chart until April 2022. During this time he will have a genuine desire to help people and may get more involved in charitable work or counseling. This is a very creative aspect for anyone in the music industry, so I really believe that he may attract an even larger fan following by the end of next year. The ADP Neptune in a sextile aspect to Luke's natal Ascendant for the next 12 months, could dramatically change his relationships with other people in a very positive way. Under this planetary influence, he will be making some sort of sacrifice in order to realise a long-cherished dream, which is likely to capture the public's imagination.
The Annual Degree Projection Pluto in a sextile aspect to Luke's natal Mercury is a good aspect for anything requiring in-depth research, or for working privately on a project. His communications with others will reach a new level of intensity during the next 12 months and secrets could be revealed. The effect of this planetary aspect may bring a feeling of dissatisfaction with meaningless routines, leading him to re-evaluate or re-define the quality of his life. He could discover ideas that will transform his attitude to the relationship between the mind and body. There will be big changes in the the way he thinks and perceives the world around him.
Thursday, 15 April 2021
Luke Evans: Forecast - Part 2
This part of Luke's forecast, I have to admit, makes absolutely no sense to me. If you have been a regular visitor to the blog over the years, you'll have seen that I've mentioned the curious phenomenon surrounding actors which means that a proportion of their life events take place through their work. In other words, because they spend much of their time pretending to be someone else, playing the role of another person, and temporarily living someone else's life through the medium of drama, the experiences they have are somehow channelled away from their personal lives and manifested instead through the character they are currently playing. Therefore, much - but not all - of what I have predicted below is probably going to happen as part of a movie plot. On the other hand, when you don't know a person very well, anything is possible, no matter how outlandish their astrological forecast appears to be..... Expect a few surprises!
Luke's Solar Arc Uranus began to conjunct a World Point in 2020. Lasting until the end of 2022, this planetary influence will bring a very personal achievement and he may find himself in the spotlight for a very unexpected reason. Under this planetary effect there will be startling disruptions to his normal work routine and public image. He may do something, or make an announcement, which will shock the public. Non-conformist and radical, new ideas could be involved and there might some sort of revolutionary behaviour. I see him being involved in martial arts or something connected to military activities.
Luke's Solar Arc Pluto began to form a Grand Trine aspect to his natal Mercury and Jupiter in 2020 which will continue until 2023. During this period of time, Luke's voice, words, and his media presence will become more important than usual. The press, the internet, and the world of publishing will take centre stage in his life for some reason. What he says, what is said about him, both spoken or written will be of supreme interest in the public domain. Also, there will be issues of power, control, dominance, and intense people or situations to deal with.
Luke's Solar Arc Chiron will be in an opposition aspect to his natal Neptune from 2021 until 2024. This long-term influence will bring higher levels of compassion and leave him feeling extremely sensitive. A major disillusionment could bring him more in touch with reality, and he could experience a psychic event for the very first time. This planetary effect may have him feeling overwhelmed with emotional energy.
In 2020, Luke's Solar Arc Vertex formed an opposition to his natal Uranus which will continue until 2023. This influence will open his mind to out of the ordinary emotional, psychological or physical events. Profound experiences involving relationships frequently occur when the Vertex is triggered, therefore powerful emotions such as passion, love, hate or jealousy are likely to affect him in some way. This period could radically change Luke's life through some very unusual and dramatic circumstances. Why am I seeing electricity and spheres of light?
Luke's Progressed Mercury will be in opposition to his natal Moon from 2021 to 2023. This planetary combination suggests that gossip, rumour, and adverse publicity could be a problem throughout this time. This influence could bring a conflict between the emotions and the intellect. His heart may tell him one thing and his head will tell him another. In his domestic environment, the pace of events could accelerate and his routine may need to be adjusted to accommodate this. His communications, especially with women, may be more complicated, resulting in arguments. During this period, he may feel out of touch with the mood of the public. His opinions or ideas might not be popular and this could be connected to some sort of career change or altered circumstances in the working environment.
Under this planetary influence, Luke will be keen to talk about personal concerns. His moods will be affected by what is said - or not said - and reading between the lines could bring more questions than answers. By stepping back from an emotionally charged issue, he will gain a clearer idea of how to respond, otherwise he may take constructive criticism the wrong way. A sensitivity to the opinions of other people may cause him to avoid heavy emotional discussions.
Progressed Mars began to form a conjunction to Luke's natal Chiron in 2020 which will continue until 2022. This indicates that he will be taking a major independent step by doing something for the very first time. An event - or series of events - will lead to a major change in attitude towards something in his private life. During this phase, issues related to the past will come to the surface, and he'll have to deal with problems which he assumed were dead and buried. This will be a time to get rid of painful thoughts and past hurts by taking action to put an end to his old fears. It will be important not to feel defeated by the worry of conflict by avoiding confrontation.
Raising awareness of a problem is the first step towards healing the past, and in his private life, Luke could experience issues with those close to him that have reached the point of no return. These issues may have existed for quite a while but will suddenly re-appear out of nowhere or flare up demanding some sort of showdown. This planetary aspect could bring reactions which he may not appreciate, but in the process, he will learn more about how his actions affect others. Something he's always wanted will no longer seem meaningful to him, or he might see the reason for pursuing it is irrelevant and will decide to let it go. This planetary combination will enable him to make better choices.
Thursday, 8 April 2021
Luke Evans: Forecast - Part 1
Transiting Saturn also entered sector five of Luke's natal chart in January 2021 and it will remain there until January 2024. During the next three years, he will contemplate what he really wants in life and what would make him truly happy. A significant relationship could develop as this position of Saturn tends to coincide with situations that are serious, perhaps formal, but not casual. There will definitely be a turning point in relationships. Also under this planetary influence, he may have to give up some kind of physical activity, or increase his level of discipline towards it. Something he did for fun or as a hobby could evolve into a more professional capacity. Saturn is the taskmaster, the teacher, and sector five is associated with sport, entertainment and creative expression - could Luke become a mentor or coach? Another possibility is that he will become involved with someone who will teach him something useful, either professionally, or about life in general.
With Saturn in sector five for the next few years, Luke will have to become more patient. His professional progress may slow down for some reason and his ambitions could be put on hold. Perhaps this will be a consequence of the Covid pandemic, perhaps for another reason. He will experience feelings of frustration and be resentful of external restrictions and outside interference. A growing and compulsive need to be in charge will emerge. The next three years will be a time to either reap the rewards of past endeavours or to accept and sort out failures. This planetary influence tends to bring duties and responsibilities to the fore and is helpful for tying up any loose ends.
With transiting Neptune in a conjunction to his natal Venus until February 2022, Luke may find his imagination running wild As a performer he will find this period very inspiring, becoming more attuned to the creative process. However, emotional fulfillment could become an issue as the contradiction between what he has and what he wants may cause discontentment. There are some things that money just cannot buy. Under this planetary influence, Luke will become more sensitive, compassionate, and intuitive, but also more vulnerable and easily deceived. He may not see people for who they really are.
Thursday, 1 April 2021
Luke Evans - Profile
When you first look at someone's natal chart you receive an instant impression of that person's character. With Luke's chart the overriding influence is: Honesty. Most of the people I study are not all they appear to be but with Luke Evans you have a man who is direct, upfront and tells it like it is.
Powerful and confident as well as sensitive and creative, as a Sun Sign Aries, Luke is focused, he knows what he wants and isn't afraid to go after it. He will see the potential in a situation and will be positive and enthusiastic. He won't hold back and will say exactly what is on his mind. With his natal Sun in a square aspect to Jupiter, Luke will have great opportunities for success but also some tests of character along the way. He is naturally very fortunate but will know how to make his own luck too.
The natal Sun in a positive trine aspect to Neptune, shows that Luke is caring and compassionate with strong morals and ideals. This planetary influence brings sensitivity towards other people, and he probably has a special connection with animals and children, all of which motivate him to support good causes and charity work. He understands that his own success can enable him to help others and raises awareness by setting a good example through his actions. He has tremendous charisma and is self-assured and quietly confident in his own talents. This planetary influence brings great potential as well as the ability to turn dreams into reality and achieve success in almost anything he sets his mind to. Musical, artistic, and creative talents are a hallmark of this aspect, and many performers have it in their birth charts.
Luke's natal Moon is in the sign of Sagittarius and this will give him a strong emotional attachment to the moral values he learned as a child. He is optimistic with a restless spirit, so travel will be important to him and there's a high chance that he may end up living abroad permanently. With this influence, he is likely to feel most comfortable roaming freely, exploring the world and expanding his horizons.
The Moon is positioned on the third sector cusp of Luke's natal chart showing great intuition. He has a strong ability to influence others through writing, speaking, and singing. He will sense the emotional undercurrents of what people say, and also of what remains unspoken, feeling emotion as a form of communication. This can lead to great insight into the behaviour of others and enable him to connect with people on a deep level.Luke's natal Moon is in a Grand Trine configuration with Mercury, Mars and Jupiter. This indicates good health and an abundance of energy. Finding ways to challenge and push boundaries will bring him emotional satisfaction, and therefore he will enjoy sport and physical activity. He is courageous, strong-willed with a fighting spirit and also warm hearted and generous. The Moon represents feelings and emotions and Mars is the planet of emotional expression, putting those feelings into action. Because the connection between Luke's Moon and Mars is in the form of a positive trine aspect, this is excellent for creative emotional expression as an actor or singer.
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Luke Evans - Natal Chart |
Luke's natal Ascendant is in the sign of LIbra. With this rising sign, he'll pay a lot of attention to his appearance - the clothes he wears, his hair, the way he moves. He'll be instinctively aware of the impact he makes through his own attractiveness and personal style. He will be socially active and have a natural ability to engage in one-to-one conservations. He'll find it easy to meet new people, but though he may have many acquaintances, only a few will be truly close friends, as he'll be choosy about the company he keeps. He makes a very positive first impression on those he meets and knows how to work his connections. Libra is the sign of balance and this means that Luke dislikes conflict. He will contemplate both sides of an issue or argument, weighing up the pros and cons until he can reach the right decision. Although he will avoid disputes, he will have a strong sense of social justice and won't be afraid to fight for the rights of others.
Luke's natal Mercury is situated in the sign of Pisces and on a World Point. This is a very poetic influence and it shows that his communication skills will be his strongest asset - particularly in relation to his voice - and possibly, at some point in the future, writing. Mercury is in conjunction to Luke's ruling planet, Venus, also in the sensitive and compassionate sign of Pisces, therefore he is kind-hearted, tolerant, and generous, with a natural instinct to help anyone who is in need. Venus is exalted in Pisces which basically means that both the planet and sign bring out the best in each other, so this influence enhances his talent for singing and acting.
Venus is in a trine aspect to Uranus in Luke's natal chart and gives him an exciting and unique personality. He needs to be around people as socialising and networking are very important to him. His friends will also be unusual or different in some way and just as he would never become demanding of their time and attention, he will expect the same from them. Anyone who is clingy or emotionally draining will not be tolerated. Because of his popularity and stimulating social skills, Luke will find it easy to attract the right people and make the right contacts.
In Luke's natal chart Mars is situated in its own sign of Aries making this a very powerful influence which demands an outlet for physical energy and emotional expression. He has great determination to achieve anything he sets his sights on and knows how to take control of his own destiny. He has a strong fighting spirit and will most likely face a number of personal battles throughout his life. With Mars in a trine to Jupiter and making hard aspects to three personal points in his chart - Descendant, Vertex and Midheaven - Luke has a very dynamic presence. He will never go unnoticed as this aspect makes him very attractive, passionate and confident. His sexual magnetism will bring him many admirers. He was destined to have great success in life - attained through self-belief, honesty and a strong work ethic.
Part 2 coming soon....
Saturday, 6 March 2021
My Top Tips For Astrology Beginners - Part 1
The best person to analyse when you're starting out is YOU. With all the necessary ingredients required to be the perfect case study, use your birth data (date, time, place) to calculate your own natal chart, then take a good look.... It's important to be honest with yourself because not everything that emerges from your chart will be positive and flattering. If, for example, your chart says that you are prone to jealousy, think about it, don't just dismiss it. We all have negative personality traits which we'd rather not face up to, but your chart will present every facet of your character, good and bad. Accept your flaws as well as your assets because they are what make you the person you are.
When we start out as astrology students we literally cannot wait to get to the most exciting part - predictions! However, doing forecasts is a long way off when you're still at the beginning. The most important thing is to get familiar with natal charts and practise the analysis and interpretation of them over and over again. The natal chart is the basic blueprint for everything else that astrology can be used for, so it's vital to get to grips with it before you attempt other, more complex techniques. Try out as many natal charts as you can by using yourself, family members and friends to test out your knowledge of what each chart represents. That way, you will be able to see how it all works and why your loved ones behave the way they do. Moody brother? It's his Pisces Moon. Overly strict mother? Her Leo Ascendant makes her want to be dominant.
I know this sounds bizarre in the 21st century when we have access to world's biggest reference library, a.k.a. the internet, but quantity does not equal quality. Anyone can set up a website on any subject and that includes astrology. Unfortunately, the world wide web is full of astrological misinformation and fake astrologers who want you to pay for everything. Social media is just as bad - the crap I read on Twitter from other 'astrologers' is appalling.
When I was an astrology student, the internet didn't exist (yes, I'm very old) and I now realise that was actually an advantage. The pre-digital astrologers like myself had to learn their craft from the bottom up. I sat at a rickety old desk in the spare bedroom of our house for hours at a time, reading astrological textbooks. My working 'equipment' consisted of reference books, ephemeris tables, an atlas, a pocket calculator, pens, and pads of A4 paper. Not only did we calculate everything, we also had to draw the charts ourselves. It was hard work but that meant that only the most disciplined, dedicated and committed students went on to become professional astrologers. However, we now use a combination of books and websites - particularly in our work - although most of my astrological knowledge is stored in my brain which was the whole point of all those years of study. Many of the astrological textbooks I used are no longer available, however, here are some books that I would recommend: