Wednesday, 21 December 2022
Thursday, 8 December 2022
Prince Harry
Prince Harry was born on Saturday 15th September 1984 at 4:20pm in Paddington, London, England. At first glance, Prince Harry's natal chart looks very down-to-earth and practical with three personal planets, including the Sun and Moon, plus his Ascendant, all in Earth signs. But, as is always the case in astrology, the real story lies deeper into the chart, especially within the aspects.
With his Virgo Sun in a square aspect to Mars in Sagittarius, Harry is hot-headed and temperamental at times. He is also restless, impatient and easily frustrated. This planetary combination brings determination to succeed and Harry has a heightened will to achieve in some area but, as yet, he doesn't quite seem to know what that might be.
Harry's natal Sun is also in a square to Neptune, making him highly emotional, impressionable and open to deception. Prone to self-victimisation, he may have problems with confused identity. This planetary combination brings a longing for spiritual enlightenment and a dissatisfaction with current circumstances, so wherever he is and whatever he's doing, he will become restless and want to move on. This planetary influence shows that he is clearly attracted to a glamorous lifestyle and has strong charitable instincts but may struggle to find a clear self-image through being too optimistic and having delusions of his own importance.
With his natal Moon in Taurus, Harry instinctively finds emotional stability in material and financial security. Attracted to beauty and the good life, he is extremely acquisitive in his outlook. He has strong family ties - although these days it would appear that he has replaced one family with another. Like anyone with a Fixed Sign emphasised in their chart, he is very, very stubborn. Harry's Moon is in an opposition aspect to the Midheaven, giving him a powerful link with family tradition and a keen knowledge of history.
Harry's natal Ascendant is in Capricorn. His late grandmother Queen Elizabeth also had her Ascendant in this sign, as did his late grandfather Prince Philip. Like them, he feels a strong sense of tradition and responsibility. His family is the most important thing in his life and he will constantly worry about them. This is also the sign of maturity and respect. Sadly, he seems devoid of those traits right now.
Harry's natal Mercury is in a positive trine aspect to Jupiter. This shows a fertile mind, eager for information and full of ideas. With a positive attitude, he is fun to be around and will enjoy mixing with many different groups of people. This aspect gives Harry good communication skills as well as wide-ranging views on many subjects. A generous nature will enhance his charitable work. Freedom of speech and other human rights are important to him, but he will tend to be forceful or intense in debates or discussions. A tendency to overthink may lead to mental exhaustion.
Natal Mercury in a square to Uranus in Harry's chart shows an eccentric personality. His mind and emotions are very changeable which can both confuse and antagonise others. He tends to approach situations from a rebellious viewpoint as his initial reaction to most social traditions and rules will be to oppose them - even though most of this will remain within his own thoughts. He is likely to have the tendency towards erratic and impractical ideas.
His inability to comply with social rules and acceptable behaviour stems from an innate resistance to authority. He literally has no concept of why he has to live in certain ways, or adhere to a code of conduct. His distorted sense of freedom gives him the desire to live an unconventional lifestyle. Everyone he was influenced by while he was growing up - parents, teachers, etc will now somehow be perceived as his 'enemies'. Many people with this planetary aspect become outsiders, alienated from society, forever blaming others for their life's failures.
Prince Harry's Natal Chart (click to enlarge) |
With his natal Mars in Sagittarius, Harry is someone whose strength is in his own beliefs. He probably sees himself as some sort of crusader, although he could get into conflicts by trying to lecture or put others in their place, even when they know more than he does. He's not afraid of controversy or hostility - as long as he's not on the receiving end. Extravagant, ill-conceived actions may cause his downfall.
Harry's natal Mars is situated in the 12th house of his chart. This shows him to be idealistic, compassionate and charitable. However, a combination of discontentment, longing for the impossible, simmering resentment and escapist tendencies could, if he's not careful, lead him down a very dark road. His self-confidence will frequently be eroded by his hyper-sensitive reactions to people and situations. With uncertainty about the boundaries between himself and others, he has a confused self-image.
Harry's natal Pluto is situated in the 10th house of his chart, and as the ruling planet of his Scorpio Midheaven - the point which symbolises the public image - his personal presence is strong. As Pluto rules extreme feelings and attitudes, he may attract, or provoke, love-hate reactions towards, or from, other people. There are deep issues revolving around the relationship with his father that need to be confronted and dealt with properly. He has both a desire to be influential but at the same time wants to hide away from public attention. With a powerful sense of commitment and responsibility, he will naturally take the lead as he will hate being in a subordinate.position.
Many of Harry's planets, including his natal Sun, are positioned in Mutable Signs. These are also referred to as Dual Signs due to their ambiguous nature. People with this influence in their chart often live a double life.and this can take many forms: Some people may literally live a double life by having two separate families - neither of which is aware of the other. Or by having a secret identity, an illicit affair, or a hidden, perhaps even criminal lifestyle.
In Harry's case, his duality appears to pull him in opposite directions. He decided to leave his family, his country (and continent) and his royal duties because he wanted to be independent and live a normal life with his wife and children. He has done nothing to achieve that. Instead, he exploits his royal relatives in order to make money from his 'career' and retains the titles bestowed upon him by the very monarchy he claims to detest. A double life - or double standards?
Monday, 28 November 2022
The Mystery Of House 12
Sunday, 6 November 2022
November Lunar Eclipse
The Lunar Eclipse on 8th November 2022 at 16° Taurus, just like the recent Solar Eclipse, will have a major impact on various countries, including Ukraine's Pluto and Russia’s Sun, Mercury and Saturn - both in Scorpio - as well as China's Saturn. The UK's Venus will also take a hit just as it did from the Mars Uranus North Node stellium back in August. This eclipsed Moon will be conjunct transiting Uranus, so expect things to become chaotic.Or, should I say, more chaotic.
Interestingly, it will trigger Boris Johnson's natal Jupiter Neptune opposition. In President Zelenskyy's chart it will conjunct his natal Uranus and square his Moon and Midheaven. In Putin's chart, the Lunar Eclipse will square his Nodal Axis.
There will be more eclipse effects for the British Monarchy too, as the Lunar Eclipse will square King Charles' natal Pluto (ruler of his 4th house) and Ceres. This influence will bring the need to take more control within the family circle. I feel he may need to take more time away in order to process his feelings of loss, during which he could decide to mediate a compromise, before returning to his service with renewed commitment after letting go of certain situations.
The Lunar Eclipse will oppose Prince Harry's Scorpio Midheaven bringing major changes associated with his public image and professional profile. Dashed hopes could result in a loss of position or status, and a struggle to achieve his goals. Adverse publicity will affect his popularity. He may also experience conflict between his domestic and professional life.
This Lunar Eclipse has a very interesting connection to Lady Louise - daughter of the Earl and Countess of Wessex. She was born on 8th November 2003 which was the day before an identical Lunar Eclipse to this one at 16° Taurus. As eclipse cycles repeat approximately every 19 years, this will be her first birthday eclipse since she was born. The next one will occur close to her birthday in 2040 but not actually on it, so this Lunar Eclipse is very significant and indicates a dramatic change in her life during the next 12 months. Wonderful opportunities lie ahead.
In conjunction to Catherine, Princess of Wales' natal Chiron, the Lunar Eclipse could bring a period of personal crisis and a life-changing decision will be made during the next six months. As the eclipse is also in a square aspect to her natal Ascendant, this could involve her personal appearance, her name (or title), domestic environment, or her outlook and attitude.
Friday, 28 October 2022
Holly & Phillip - What Next?
When the Mars, Uranus, North Node stellium occurred in August 2022, it squared Phillip Schofield's natal Moon and Nodal Axis. Mars has now moved on but Uranus and the North Node are still giving his Moon and Nodes a hard time, bringing emotional turmoil and extreme tension..This is a very disruptive planetary influence from transiting Uranus, affecting how he is seen by the public. Could his public image be damaged in the long term?
On the day of 16th September 2022 when the incident of allegedly jumping the queue and cheating their way in to view The Queen's coffin occurred, the transiting Sun was square Holly's natal Neptune and was moving towards an opposition to Phillip's natal Mercury, thus triggering deception and confusion.
Transiting Mars was in a square aspect to Phillip's natal Mars on the day of the queue jumping. Under this planetary influence, he may have become too impulsive, acting without consideration of the consequences. This will continue to be a very difficult time for him and he will feel extremely irritated by other people who dare to question his actions. Transiting Mars will be back to square Phillip's natal Mars in mid-December 2022 and again in mid-February 2023.
On 16th September 2022, transiting Saturn was conjunct Holly's natal Sun, bringing a period of struggle, low vitality and the need to accept and sort out failures. It also conjuncted Phillip's natal Moon making him see himself in a more realistic light. This influence will continue until January 2023.
In March 2023, Saturn will enter Pisces and will conjunct Holly's natal Mercury and Mars, giving her a serious, possibly gloomy outlook and a lack of confidence which will test her ability to endure setbacks. Transiting Neptune will be in a square aspect to her natal Neptune, hitting it hard from Spring 2023 until early 2024. This planetary influence is part of the Mid-Life Crisis generational aspects which affect everyone. She will start to question her goals and how much they have lived up (or not) to her expectations. As a result she may decide to make some changes However, it will be vital to avoid making important commitments as the wrong decisions would have lasting consequences.
Transiting Saturn will also be conjunct Phillip's natal Jupiter throughout 2023, bringing a need for him to shake free from restrictions, become more patient and cautious and to adjust his expectations towards a more down to earth outlook. Everything he does during next year will seem to be delayed for various reasons and he may experience several setbacks. As Jupiter is his chart ruler, his personal freedom could become an issue.
Transiting Neptune has been conjunct Phillip's natal Mercury this year, becoming exact during 2023 and 2024, before finally coming to an end in March 2025. This long-term planetary influence tends to bring confusing experiences and a temptation to bend the truth. Under the effects of this transit, he may have difficulty distinguishing fact from fantasy. There will be much deception and delusion. Misunderstandings are likely to occur regarding contracts, negotiations or business partnerships. Communication in general will be problematic for him and the threat of scandal will remain high.
This incident, during the mourning period for Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, was no flash in the pan. It is a long-term development which will not end any time soon. Although the original event which triggered the negative public response might fade in time, there will be other events during the next 12 months that will reignite the furore. Phillip and Holly may be smiling at the moment but this situation is far from over.
Sunday, 23 October 2022
October Solar Eclipse
There will be a Solar Eclipse on 25th October in the sign of Scorpio.
On the world stage, President Zelenskyy, and his political allies: Biden, Macron, Ursula von der Leyen, etc, as well as certain countries including Ukraine, the UK and Russia, will all be potential targets for this year's eclipses taking place in Taurus and Scorpio as they all have their natal Moons in Fixed signs.
In British politics, former UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson's natal Moon will be conjuncted by the eclipse. As the Moon is the ruler of his 10th house (public image and status) he could be recognised in some way and take a step that comes from being a seasoned professional. as his experience will be a valuable asset.
Scotland's First Minister Nicola Sturgeon will experience the eclipse as a square to her natal Mars. Under this influence, there could be outbursts, destructive tendencies and conflicts. She might have to stand up for herself - or she could be the one initiating a confrontation. Arguing, or ongoing frustration could reach breaking point. If a situation comes to a head, it could be explosive. As Mars is the ruler of her 6th house (daily routine, work, health) there could be a health crisis as a result of full on pressure in her working life. There could also be a change in her title or identity.
This Solar Eclipse will oppose King Charles’ natal Moon in Taurus, which shows that something could happen that may leave him feeling exposed or vulnerable during the next six months. Circumstances connected to his home, family and the past, may occur and cause emotional upset. There could be a severing of family ties and a sense of betrayal by another person. He may realise that he doesn't have to give in to the demands of others in order to get approval or have status.
The Solar Eclipse will be conjunct Prince William’s natal Jupiter and Scorpio Midheaven bringing new experiences and a renewed sense of adventure and optimism. He will travel more than usual over the next six months and a flash of insight will revolutionise his outlook on life. He will feel truly connected and contented within his family.
Prince Harry’s Pluto will all be activated by the Solar Eclipse bringing his inner tensions to the surface. He may have to deal with mental trauma, fear, compulsions or obsessions. An upcoming event could trigger the need for him to confront his negative personality traits and the six months following the eclipse could bring the strength - or the help - to face and overcome them.
In a square aspect to Meghan Markle's natal Nodal Axis, the Solar Eclipse will rattle her boundaries, bringing upset to her familiar settings and people; forcing her out of her comfort zone. She'll be moving towards unfamiliar situations and will be challenged to prove her potential.
Tuesday, 11 October 2022
The War In Ukraine
On the morning of Monday, 10th October 2022, Ukraine was devastated by a massive Russian bombardment of 84 missiles targeting several major cities including the capital Kyiv.
Transiting Mars was at 22° Gemini - triggering Mars at 22° Capricorn, it's position on the day the war began. It will cross this degree again from the 19th - 23rd November. This planetary influence brings unusually forceful actions and the need to prove dominance. It is also square the war Neptune which indicates critical events and panic.
Transiting Mars has just moved into President Zelensky's natal First House and is conjunct his Ascendant. Mars goes retrograde on 31st October, conjuncting his Ascendant again on 23rd November. and re-entering his 12th House. It won't enter his 1st House properly until 6th March 2023. For more information on this, please read my recent article 'President Zelenskyy - Part 3'. Link:
Transiting Saturn is back to it's 'war' position at 18° Aquarius and is being squared by transiting Uranus. This extremely disruptive planetary aspect began in January 2021 and has caused much civil unrest and aggravation. One of the key phrases associated with a Saturn Uranus hard aspect is: 'A desire for change battles against the instinct to hang on, amid displays of rebellion' It will finally come to an end in December 2022 but, as is often the case with major planetary influences, it looks like it's going out with a bang.
Pluto went direct after nearly eight months of being in retrograde motion since the end of April. Coincidence? No. Does this indicate a turning point in the conflict?.Perhaps. Either that or the beginning of a new phase in the war.
The rest of 2022 is going to be, astrologically speaking, a very tough time. On the 25th October there will be a Solar Eclipse in the sign of Scorpio. Six days later transiting Mars will turn retrograde and eight days after that there will be a very powerful Lunar Eclipse in Taurus.
Friday, 7 October 2022
Putin versus Zelenskyy
Today is Vladimir Putin's 70th birthday. Allegedly. He lies about everything else, so he is possibly also lying about his date of birth. However, we astrologers can only accept the information that we're given, so if Putin really was born on this date, here is how he interacts astrologically with President Zelenskyy.
Although both Putin and Zelenskyy have their natal Suns in Libra and Aquarius, they are not in any way, compatible. These two men could never have seen eye to eye in any situation and may well have been adversaries in whatever way their paths had crossed. Unfortunately, as the leaders of their respective nations, the threat takes on a whole new significance.
Putin's Sun is conjunct Zelenskyy's Pluto. Change on a deep level will occur under the influence of this planetary combination - but at what cost? This aspect is a tough one in any synastry connection but when the two people involved are already potential enemies in positions of great authority, it brings many upheavals as well as fanatical and obsessive attitudes. As we have seen, one of these men has a power complex, is extremely ruthless and is not above tyranny. This Sun Pluto aspect is often linked to events that bring about a major change of direction in the lives of the people who are under its influence. There's a strong feeling of inevitability and definite power struggles. Both the Sun and Pluto like to feel in control of situations, which leads to both people trying to maintain the upper hand. There’s potential for abuse and mutual destruction. Both are extremely stubborn: Putin won't give up and Zelenskyy won't back down.
Putin's Mars is opposite Zelenskyy's Jupiter. By combining their energies they could reach a compromise and the irony of this aspect between Putin and Zelenskyy is that it is a great influence for settling disputes. On the negative side, this planetary effect brings losses through lack of restraint and the consequences of taking ill-judged risks. Resistance to restrictions can lead to conflict.
I have a friend who, like me, has been an astrologer for a very long time. Professional astrologers tend to branch out into various methods and techniques, finding exactly what works best for them. My friend has a very down-to-earth approach and one of his regular sayings is, "Never ignore the symbolism". What he means is that it's not always necessary to dive into the deepest meanings of planetary aspects because the literal appearance also provides relevant information. In the Synastry between Putin and Zelenskyy, Putin's natal Mars is conjunct Zelenskyy's natal Ceres. Mars symbolises aggresson, weapons and war. Ceres symbolises the land, crops, fields, agriculture and the environment. Ukraine is known as 'The Bread Basket Of Europe' because of it's fertile plains. The literal symbolism is: Putin's war on Zelenskyy's land.
Putin's Saturn in a square aspect to Zelenskyy's Mercury indicates serious, negative attitudes and a generally uncommunicative atmosphere. This connection is literally all gloom and doom. Perhaps both of them are too single-minded and stubborn. Either way, there are many obstacles to overcome.
Putin's Saturn is conjunct Zelenskyy's Pluto. Sound familiar? Yes, Saturn conjunct Pluto - the same influence of January 2020 when the Covid Pandemic began. This planetary aspect indicates that Putin feels threatened by Zelenskyy who wants to distance himself from Putin and all he represents. It also symbolises great hardship. Interestingly, this planetary combination is due to appear again during the next few years as transiting Pluto will be conjunct Saturn in the Ukraine national chart from 2023 onwards.
With Putin's Uranus in opposition to Zelenskyy's Mercury, it indicates that they would stimulate each other to question and challenge accepted beliefs and attitudes. But would Putin deliberately take the opposite view just for the sake of it? Putin's Pluto in opposition to Zelenskyy's Midheaven - the deepest point in Zelenskyy's chart - shows him to be an agent of either transformation or destruction.
There's a lot of karma, fate and destiny between the charts of Vladimir Putin and Volodymyr Zelenskyy. One of these is Putin's natal North Node conjunct Zelenskyy's Midheaven. Bizarrely, there is the potential to collaborate and join forces - although I think that opportunity has never actually happened and never will. Interestingly, this karmic influence tends to.thrust someone in a direction that advances their public and professional image. This is certainly true of President Zelenskyy who went from relative obscurity to being a global icon virtually overnight. He does not particularly enjoy the role of authoritarian war leader but is not afraid to demand the freedom he wants for Ukraine.
Saturday, 24 September 2022
Phillip & Holly - What Lies Beneath?
There's no doubt that Phillip Schofield and Holly Willoughby are the best of friends. Her natal Sun is conjunct his natal Moon, he has Mercury and Mars in Pisces and so does she. Her Sun is sextile his Venus, and his Sun is sextile her Venus. All very harmonious and exactly what you wou would want - or expect - to see in two people who are very close.
However, this is not, as appearances would have you believe, a sugary-sweet cosmic connection. There are dark undertones to this partnership with Phillip's Sun in an opposition aspect to Holly's natal Jupiter Saturn conjunction. This can symbolise difficulty in tolerating differences in each other, such as opinions, outlook, lifestyle, etc. A lot of patience and self-discipline will be required to reach a compromise.
Holly's natal Mercury Mars conjunction in opposition to Phillip's Pluto indicates certain patterns of thinking may clash and will have to be faced head on. There is some sort of unconscious power struggle going on between these two and they both have a need to prove themselves right. Interestingly, there's a sexual component to this aspect which often sustains a relationship despite the fermenting hostility between the two people involved. The problem with this partnership is that Phillip is gay, so there is no sexual attraction to prevent the emotions between them turning into a battlefield. It will be important that they both learn to accept the other's points of view - but have they, or is there simmering resentment lurking beneath the surface?
Holly's Venus is quincunx Phillip's Pluto and his Venus is opposite her Pluto which suggests there may be a certain amount of coercion involved. Her Nodal Axis is squared by his Neptune which suggests guilt, regret, or betrayal. There's also a hint of sacrifice - but who is suppressing their true ambition and who is making them feel as if they have to?
With Holly's natal Pluto conjunct Phillip''s natal Midheaven, these two are on some sort of power trip. This is a very symbiotic connection as both of them will have seen their careers rise to great success. If one of them decides to leave, there will be a definite power struggle and a ruthlessness of epic proportions. This planetary influence tends to bring stratospheric gains followed by a calamitous fall in popularity.
Coming soon..... Queue-gate and Beyond
Thursday, 8 September 2022
Wednesday, 7 September 2022
My Top Tips For Astrology Beginners - Part 2
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This is not an astrology chart |
Wednesday, 31 August 2022
Monday, 15 August 2022
Transiting Mars Through Gemini
So much that's present in our daily lives comes under the domain of Gemini: Communication, transport, electronic devices, commerce, education, information. The people we see: Neighbours, siblings, friends, colleagues. The places we go to: School, college, university, shops, train stations, the local garage and the equipment we use: Cars, computers, phones, any hand-held tools or gadgets. Having Mars there for seven months will bring a sense of aggravation to all of these. This planetary influence will make people argumentative and outspoken, and impatience could lead to ill-considered actions.
Mars in Gemini is mentally assertive and competitive. Speaking forcefully or bluntly is a trait of this planetary effect which could bring tension with neighbours - and on the world stage 'neighbours' are countries which border each other. We already have trouble between Ukraine and its neighbour Russia, and China is on the brink of attacking its neighbour Taiwan. Will this escalate or will there be yet another threat somewhere else?
Impulsive decisions, or a lack of attention to detail may cause major problems. Over the next few months there will be a surge in communication output. But could the wrong decision be made, resulting in serious consequences? A cyber attack is one possibility. I'm getting a sense of communication in overdrive, or some sort of dramatic event affecting commerce, telecommunications or the media. Words and information will be high in quantity but low in quality. There will be an abundance of disinformation and misinformation. Gemini also rules infrastructure: roads, railways and airports.
Sparks will fly, that's for sure!.A tendency to react - or overreact - to even the most constructive criticism will be taken as a personal insult under this planetary influence, making this a bad time for subtle negotiations. A lack of tact may provoke needless arguments or aggression. Social media will go into meltdown - as if it's not bad enough already - and is quite likely to become a virtual warzone. Be careful!
Mars will be retrograde in Gemini from 31st October 2022 until 13th January 2023 - bringing a sense of moving in the wrong direction. Mars symbolises focus, clarity and decisiveness but when retrogrades occur this trait is weakened. In the ambiguous sign of Gemini, the effect is compounded leading to duplicity, switching allegiances, mixed messages, confusion, or doubt. Normal rules might not apply in warfare because of Mars (the god of war) in retrograde. Could there be some sort of mutiny? Will the wrong targets be hit? Perhaps even a surrender?
On a personal level, if you are a *Sun sign Gemini, then over the next seven months, as transiting Mars conjuncts your natal Sun, you'll become much more competitive, compulsive and hot blooded. Full of energy, you'll have the desire to achieve more or be in charge of some important situation, whether this is in your personal life or your work. Be confident - but don't be aggressive.
*If you want to know exactly when this will happen for you, just comment below this article with the day and month of your birthday. For example: 8th June.
Monday, 8 August 2022
Boris Johnson - Part 2
With Solar Arc Jupiter in a sextile aspect to Boris' natal Pluto, there was a danger of squandering potential success by using unscrupulous means. Conflict with authority, inflated sense of self-importance and traumatic losses are all indicated. Jupiter is also in a square aspect to his natal Ascendant bringing difficulty in reconciling the need for freedom with obligations to others. Both of these planetary influences will continue until 2024.
Solar Arc Jupiter began to form a conjunction to Boris natal Midheaven this year. This aspect will be exact in 2023 and will continue throughout 2024 before ending in 2025. Although Jupiter is often seen to have a beneficial effect, it's actual function is to accentuate and amplify. Therefore, it often acts as a destructive influence by producing over-confidence leading to downfall. Former UK Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher had this same influence - by transit - when she was forced to resign.
With Solar Arc Saturn in opposition to his natal Moon until 2024, Boris will be reassessing past deeds and seeing himself in a more realistic light. This planetary influence will be very difficult for him emotionally. He will need to feel a sense of inner fulfillment in his work, but during this period he may experience conflict between the demands of his career, activities in the outside world, and his need for personal happiness. This planetary combination will bring a time of perspective during which he may need to make some adjustments to the organisation of his life.
There are many aspects involving Uranus in Boris' chart this year, so it was no surprise that there would be a few sudden and shocking developments. Uranus brings change - whether you want it or not - and has a 'flip-over' effect turning a current situation on its head to suddenly become the opposite way around. This is exactly what has happened to Boris as his Solar Arc Uranus has been in conjunction to his natal Moon since 2020 and will continue until 2023, bringing unpredictable, disruptive but liberating experiences. He may not feel positive about his current situation right now but as the months roll by, he will realise that he has been set free from a restrictive environment.
Boris' Solar Arc Ascendant will be in a square aspect to his natal Uranus until 2024 bringing a highly energetic but frustrating couple of years during which he will fight very hard to assert his independence and personal freedom. He'll be unwilling to conform to the expectations of other people and will be restless, impatient and impulsive when dealing with them. He will want to present himself as a unique individual and as a result he may act in outrageous ways. Relocation is likely too - and I don't just mean moving out of Number 10. There will be a lot more surprises to come during the next two years.
Wednesday, 27 July 2022
The Mars, Uranus, North Node Conjunction
The last time transiting Mars was in conjunction to Uranus in Taurus was on 18th January 2021. This took place 12 days after the storming of the Capitol, two days before the Inauguration of President Biden and on the day Twitter banned Donald Trump from its platform. This was also the day after opposition politician and activist Alexei Navalny was arrested upon his return to Russia.
The last time Mars made a conjunction to the North Node was at the end of March 2021. At that time, Facebook blocked the account of Venezuelan president Nicolás Maduro for spreading fake news related to the COVID-19 pandemic. The grounded container ship 'Ever Given' was refloated and towed north, allowing the Suez Canal to reopen. More than 350 ships were waiting to pass through.
Of course, given the current circumstances, this planetary aspect will also be connected to the war in Ukraine.Transiting Saturn was situated at 18° Aquarius on 24th February 2022, so therefore, it becomes part of the official War Chart. Everything has a starting point including events like the invasion of Ukraine. This means that when transiting Uranus is positioned at 18° Taurus from now, on and off, until May 2023, it will be in a square aspect to the 'war chart' Saturn, which means the war itself will be affected by this planetary influence. But how and in what way? War is not a static situation, it is continually changing and evolving. With the influence of Mars, Uranus and the Nodes in hard aspect to Saturn, we can expect some significant - and possibly shocking - developments. It will be a particularly tense period in the days around the Full Moon on 11th August.
Because this planetary aspect is taking place in a Fixed Sign, it means that anyone - or anything - with planets in those signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius) particularly if they are on, or close to, the relevant degree (18) will be strongly affected by this influence. On the political world stage, I've already mentioned the War Chart but this also includes:Ukraine itself, it's leader President Zelenskyy, Boris Johnson (even though he has resigned), President Macron, Putin, President Biden, the UK, USA, Russia, Canada and Poland. President Zelenskyy gets the most hits from this planetary influence which is not really surprising as he is currently the most high-profile person on the planet. The list is endless and the ones I've mentioned are only the countries and leaders I've had time to analyse. Look out for controversy surrounding other people in the public eye too as I'm sure there will be interesting stories about certain celebrities.
On the positive side, pioneering, scientific breakthroughs often take place when Mars and Uranus line up. This is because they both symbolise innovation, technology, discovery, new beginnings and looking to the future. Another interesting perspective of this triple conjunction is in connection to the entertainment industry. Mars rules ambition, confidence and drive. Uranus rules glamour and the North Node represents the zeitgeist - i.e. being in the right place at the right time and tuning in to what the public wants. Add to that the fact that this aspect is situated in Taurus, the sign of talent, I think we could see a phenomenal new performer emerging. Equally, this person could appear from the science community or the sporting arena. However, their identity will probably not be revealed until later this year when transiting Jupiter makes its next conjunction to 0° Aries.
Astrology provides the ability to understand the past, analyse the present, and anticipate the future. Throughout the first half of 2022, we have been in turmoil and the second half will be just as dramatic. The only difference - and it's a very important difference - is that because of our experience during the last six months, we have the information and knowledge we need to deal with any new problems that are thrown at us. As the old but very true saying goes: "Forewarned is forearmed". With astrology, we can be prepared. For better or for worse, the next few weeks will be potentially explosive for all of us.
Monday, 25 July 2022
President Zelenskyy - Part 3
At the moment, President Zelenskyy is experiencing some uplifting energy from transiting Jupiter in a positive sextile aspect to his natal Sun. This planetary influence began in June and will continue until the end of September 2022 with a final burst in late January 2023. Interactions with other people during this period will bring a positive attitude and fresh perspective, inspiring him with a renewed sense of faith in what’s possible.
When the invasion of Ukraine began, transiting Saturn was at 18° Aquarius, in opposition to President Zelenskyy's natal Moon and about to make an exact conjunction to his Midheaven. It has since moved away from these aspects but is now on its way back and will again oppose his Moon and conjunct his Midheaven from the end of August 2022 until January 2023.
The Moon signifies a person's instinctive, emotional response to their environment, so when transiting Saturn went into a headlong confrontation with his natal Moon back in February, President Zelenskyy will have felt extremely vulnerable as this planetary combination tends to bring worry, pessimism and a fear of failure. He may feel like this again, particularly during October and November 2022. However, this time it will be accompanied by transiting Uranus in a square to his natal Moon bringing emotional turmoil and extreme tension. This transit from Uranus started in June 2022 and will continue until mid May 2023.
So a new and disruptive planetary influence from transiting Uranus is being added to the mix, affecting both President Zelenskyy's private life and how he is seen by the public. Could his public image be damaged in some way? Or will he perhaps be prevented from communicating because of security issues such as computer hacking? He is a prolific broadcaster, publishing several video messages every day on various social media platforms, attending virtual meetings and giving speeches. This is a vital part of his mission to stay connected to the world at large and to make everyone aware of what is happening in Ukraine.
In the meantime, there is another dramatic influence to deal with. Approaching in late July and reaching its peak on the 1st and 2nd of August 2022, transiting Mars, Uranus and the North Node will form a Stellium, joining forces in a powerful triple conjunction at 18° Taurus. This will form a square aspect to his natal Moon and Midheaven, an opposition aspect to his natal Uranus and a quincunx to his natal Neptune and Pluto. As this planetary influence will take place in House 11 of his natal chart, it will probably affect his alliances with those who support him. The 11th rules friends, allies, groups, teams, associations and organisations. Could there be a problem in connection to the UN, NATO, or the EU? Perhaps the problem will be closer to home and involve his own government in some way? The aspects being made to his natal planets will bring much upset and anger involving hasty decisions, disputes and conflict. The atmosphere will be tense and there will also be a high risk of accidents during this period.
On 20th August 2022, transiting Mars will enter Gemini for an extraordinarily long journey lasting seven months. During this period because of direct, stationary and retrograde phases, it will move back and forth through the 12th House and into the 1st House of President Zelenskyy's natal chart. Mars transiting the 12th can bring health problems. He may need more sleep, or feel disorientated. Mars is the planet of confidence and physical energy but in the 12th all of that is depleted. When Mars enters the 1st house on 4th October, he will feel a surge of vitality and optimism which will last until 23rd November, after which Mars will move back into his 12th and again, he will feel drained. It won't re-enter his 1st House properly until 6th March 2023.
In astrology, the 12th house is a very misunderstood area of the chart with many 'astrologers' wrongly claiming that it is all about misfortune. This is mainly because the 12th is strongly connected to Karma. But, just like all the other houses in a chart, the 12th has both positive and negative attributes. With transiting Mars in his 12th House from 20th August - 4th October, President Zelenskyy might need to keep a low profile for a while. This could be at his own instigation or it may be forced upon him by circumstances. I've already mentioned in a previous paragraph that he could be prevented from communicating for some reason, so are these two situations connected? Certainly, on the world stage, Mars in Gemini will bring the risk of cyber attacks and if that happens the president would become a prime target.
Another indication of Mars in the 12th House is 'covert operations'. Although President Zelenskyy informs his citizens - and the rest of the world - about what is happening in Ukraine, most of what he knows will be kept under wraps. All political leaders are obliged to do this for security reasons. As a member of the secret services once said, "If you tell your friends, you tell your enemies." So, there is a lot of action going on behind the scenes that only the president and those he trusts the most will be aware of. A key phrase associated with house 12 is: Potential, planning and preparation. I think something is being planned and prepared over the next few months, the potential of which is yet to be revealed.....
Transiting Mars will be a very positive influence for President Zelenskyy when it first enters Gemini, sextiling his natal Mars, Sun and Venus until 4th September. When he won the presidential election on 21st April 2019, Mars was at 14° Gemini. Transiting Mars will hover over this degree from the 12th - 21st September, again in mid December and for a final hit in the second half of February 2023. Will there be some sort of threat or challenge to his presidency?
For the first four days of October transiting Mars will be trine President Zelenskyy's natal Midheaven. It will then conjunct his natal Ascendant until 9th October. Mars goes retrograde on 31st October, conjuncting his Ascendant again on 23rd November, before forming a trine aspect to his Midheaven again on the 26th. It will then be back in House 12 until 6th March 2023 when it will enter the 1st House for the final time until its return on 20th July 2024.
When transiting Mars is in a trine aspect to his natal Midheaven, President Zelenskyy will feel increased motivation, initiative, and self-belief. Working in high-pressure situations will be stimulating and he will know instinctively when, or if, to take risks. He will take decisive actions calculated to bring tangible results.
With transiting Mars in conjunction to his natal Ascendant, President Zelenskyy will feel increasingly strong and courageous. However, this may provoke aggressive responses, ending in confrontation. He could experience a lot of anger and resentment - either directed towards others or from others. He should focus this energy towards achieving his goals as success will be more likely under this planetary influence than at any other period.
Apologies for so many paragraphs and slightly rambling descriptions, but there is just so much to say it's hard to condense it. President Zelenskyy - Part 4 will be published in January 2023.
Saturday, 23 July 2022
Ephemeral Arc - 9th Anniversary
Thursday, 7 July 2022
Boris Johnson
Today, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced his resignation.There's no doubt that Boris Johnson, like many other people at the top of their game and in a position of great status and authority, is extremely stubborn. In fact, an above average number of current world leaders have this trait in their natal charts: President Biden, President Macron, President Zelenskyy and more. Being stubborn is often perceived as something negative when it's actually the opposite. It provides tenacity - the ability to hold on, stand your ground, dig your heels in and refuse to be swayed by anyone or anything. It's this quality that has enabled all of the above people to reach their goals. Without tenacity, we would never have heard of them.
Transiting Pluto is currently in opposition to his Solar Arc Mars. When aspects are made to planets by transit, etc, they don't just trigger situations and circumstances, they also trigger psychological and emotional changes. This particular planetary influence in Boris' chart is not only bringing a destructive phase into his life by way of others baying for his blood, it has also given him great courage and the determination to fight back.
Yesterday, transiting Mars entered the sign of Taurus and for the next few days it is in an opposition aspect to Boris' natal Moon, bringing out his fiery emotions, strong will and fighting spirit. Tempers run high with this planetary combination and there will be intense emotional reactions, disagreements and grievances. Transiting Mars conjunct Saturn and opposite Uranus in his Solar Arc chart indicates his efforts were blocked by circumstances beyond his control and his normal routines are being disrupted. Rebellion is rife.
However, if you think this is the end for Boris, think again. His premiership may be over but we have not heard the last of him yet. Not by a long chalk.
[More to come....]
Friday, 1 July 2022
The Age Of Aquarius - Part 2
During the first few years of their unparalleled success, The Beatles were releasing on average two albums per year and a new single every three months. However, by late Spring 1967, there had been no new Beatles albums for almost 10 months. Then, on 1st June of that year, they released Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band - an album which would revolutionise music, culture and art. The album cover was an art form in itself, and it became the first rock album to win the Album Of The Year Grammy Award. The Summer Of Love was inspired by Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band and reinvented pop LPs. It’s no coincidence that 1967 was the first year in which albums outsold singles. So, why 1967, and what were the astrological triggers?
Transiting Uranus conjunct Progressed Composite Mars and North Node brought important changes in their situation that allowed more opportunities for creative expression and individuality in their work. They became capable of unusual achievements that set them apart from the rest of their peers and competitors by being willing to experiment in ways that others had not considered. In a word, The Beatles were: Revolutionary.
In the second half of 1967, as transiting Jupiter passed through the sign of Leo, it formed an opposition to its original position in the Age Of Aquarius chart of 1962. This is called the half return, meaning that a planet is halfway through its cycle. Interestingly, every time transiting Jupiter makes a full return to its position in the Age Of Aquarius chart there are major musical events or large gatherings connected to love, philanthropy, humanitarianism.
On the next Age Of Aquarius Jupiter Return in 1985 the world saw a phenomenon called Live Aid. This took place in several locations around the world but primarily in London on Saturday 13th July. Live Aid was a benefit concert held to raise funds for relief of the 1983–1985 famine in Ethiopia. It was one of the largest satellite link-ups and television broadcasts of all time; reaching an estimated audience of 1.9 billion, in 150 nations, watched by nearly 40 percent of the world population.