Friday, 22 December 2023
Friday, 24 November 2023
Doctor Who - 60 Years
The first episode of British sci-fi drama series 'Doctor Who' was broadcast on Saturday 23rd November 1963 at 5:15pm by the BBC in London. An instant hit with the viewers, it quickly became a national institution which ran for 26 series before being cancelled in 1989. Then, like the Timelord himself, the drama was resurrected on 26th March 2005, becoming more popular than ever.
When Doctor Who began, the Sun had just moved into the 'travel and adventure' sign of Sagittarius, and indeed, this is highly appropriate, as the Doctor's adventures include travelling over vast distances (very Sagittarian) both in time and space. Sagittarius also symbolises people from faraway places, and of course, the Doctor is an alien from another planet whose enemies are also aliens. This Sagittarian influence is further enhanced by the fact that this sign contains more planets than any other in the Doctor Who chart.
The Doctor Who Moon is in the sign of Aquarius - perfect for a futuristic drama! Aquarius represents everything scientific and electronic, and the Doctor's exploits are positively saturated in scientific data and electronic devices. In many ways, the Doctor is actually a scientist. However, Aquarius is also the sign of humanitarianism and philanthropy, and this too is a major theme of each episode. The Doctor is one of life's 'good guys', he literally wants to save the Universe. This Moon sign brings logical thinking, combined with a powerful imagination, and prophetic insight.
The Doctor Who Ascendant in Gemini is very intriguing. Gemini is a Dual Sign, and so many things connected to the Timelord symbolise this theme of duality. The Doctor himself has two hearts, and he never acts alone, always having a partner by his side. Also, the very first episode was actually broadcast twice, due to rescheduling because of the media coverage surrounding the assassination of President Kennedy the previous day. This Ascendant imbues the Timelord with eloquent speech and fast thinking. In fact, the Doctor is a lightning-quick communicator who often talks his way out of danger!
Click to enlarge |
A really interesting area of the Doctor Who chart involves a conjunction between Saturn and the Midheaven, making Saturn the most elevated planet in the chart. Saturn is the planet which rules old age and time - and is often referred to as 'The Lord of Time'.- Timelord. People with a strongly placed Saturn in their charts often study science, mathematics and history - three subjects in which the Doctor excels. Also, Saturn rules people who have titles. So, instead of their surname being preceded by Mr, Mrs, Miss or Ms, they will have Lord, Lady, Sir, President, Professor...... or Doctor. One other curious thing: Saturn represents authority - and what guise does the TARDIS take - a Police Box.
Tuesday, 31 October 2023
Michael Kitchen
Actor and television producer Michael Kitchen was born on Sunday, 31st October 1948, in Leicester, England, UK. No birth time available.
As a Sun sign Scorpio, Michael will feel intense emotions, even if he doesn't show them. He may find it hard to trust others as he fears betrayal. Should that happen, it will be difficult for him to forgive or forget. However, his sense of devotion means that he cares deeply for those who have proved their loyalty.
With plenty of willpower, as Scorpio is one of the fixed signs of the zodiac (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius) he will be extremely stubborn. He will always have known what he wants from life and then set out to get it when the moment is just right. If something is worth having, it's worth waiting for.
With his natal Sun in a sextile aspect to Saturn, Michael is reliable, patient and dedicated. Not afraid of hard work and responsibility, his success is in no small way down to his own talent, ambition and effort. He is someone that others feel they can rely upon and he is definitely a trusted person to confide in.
In Michael's natal chart, Mercury is situated in the sign of Libra. This indicates that he is good at making decisions by weighing up all options and reaching a balanced viewpoint. He is very sociable and enjoys the company of his close circle of friends. With a sparkling love of words, he communicates easily and is a very sympathetic listener. Sensitive and kind, he has an elusive magnetism which makes others feel special in his presence.
Natal Mercury in a sextile aspect to Jupiter and Pluto gives Michael a fertile mind and a wonderful sense of humour. He has an eagerness for information and is never short of constructive ideas. It's likely he has an interest in subjects such as psychology or mysticism. His intuition and perception are razor-sharp and he will want to learn what makes people tick, why they behave the way they do and how they are likely to react in any given situation. This would be of great benefit to him as an actor.Michael's natal Venus is not only conjunct a World Point, it it also the apex planet of a T-square configuration. This involves an opposition aspect between Jupiter and Uranus, both squared by Venus. In any chart, the apex planet becomes the dominant influence, therefore, Michael's suave and sophisticated image, his beautiful voice, as well as his acting and musical talent are all from within the realms of Venus.
With his natal Mars in the sign of Sagittarius, Michael is probably quite competitive and has a love of contests whether they be professional, intellectual or physical. He is honest and direct, he will say exactly what he thinks and probably relishes a good debate. This planetary combination also symbolises a love of adventure, discovery and exploration.
Mars is in a square aspect to Saturn in Michael's natal chart and this shows that he has probably faced more obstacles than most during his life. It's possible that he was - and to some extent still is - quite shy. At times, he may even have considered giving up on reaching his goals but with patience,and perseverance,as his strong points, significant achievements ultimately paved the way for much deserved recognition.
Mars sextile Neptune in Michael's natal chart shows that he has a rich imagination and powerful emotions. He is intriguing to others and they will want to know more about him as he leaves a lasting impression on everyone he meets. He sees every side of a situation and won’t jump to conclusions or take anything at face value. In fact, his instincts and intuition are second to none and with his heightened sense of perception, he won't be fooled by anyone.
In Michael's natal chart, Mars is in a very positive trine aspect to Pluto making him passionate, determined and focused. With a natural tendency to investigate anything mysterious, hidden, buried, or controversial, the darker side of life will fascinate him.
Michael's natal Uranus is on a World Point at 0° Cancer. This influence symbolises someone who has broken away from the expectations and traditions of their background. There is definitely a rebellious streak in him. He will be very private about personal matters and his home life will be a sanctuary of peace and freedom although possibly a little unorthodox.
Michael has a natural magnetism that will make him impossible to ignore. According to his fans, he is "hypnotic"; "alluring" and "mesmerising". The perfect description.
Sunday, 8 October 2023
Holly Willoughby
When I did a forecast for Holly Willoughby and Phillip Schofield almost exactly a year ago on 28th October 2022, they were in a very precarious position due to their mysterious queue jumping incident past The Queen's coffin. An incident for which there has yet to be a credible explanation. The seeds of doubt and suspicion were sown and the golden couple of daytime TV had their images permanently tarnished. Although they smiled their way through the controversy, things didn't quite return to normal and in May 2023, with more drama surrounding him, Phillip Schofield resigned.
Since then, despite calls for her to leave, Holly Willoughby has remained in her position as presenter of This Morning. However, this week, on 4th October, her situation took a sinister twist when it was announced that a 36-year old man had been arrested for planning to kidnap and murder her. The circumstances surrounding this have yet to be revealed but at the moment Holly and her family are under police guard at their home.
So, what's going on her chart right now? Firstly, I must point out that I have no birth time for Holly, so therefore, her entire chart is not available. That means no Moon degree, no Ascendant, Midheaven, Vertex or house cusps. Despite that, there is rather a lot going on.
In my previous article, I wrote:
"In March 2023, Saturn will enter Pisces and will conjunct Holly's natal Mercury and Mars, giving her a serious, possibly gloomy outlook and a lack of confidence which will test her ability to endure setbacks." This planetary influence has been affecting her more strongly during the last two months. It will ease off slightly until mid-December 2023 when it picks up again for one final hit throughout January 2024. Not pleasant at all.
On 4th October, transiting Mars was in an exact conjunction to Holly's natal Pluto. This influence brings the threat of violence and situations in which negative reactions such as anger, fanaticism or ruthless behaviour have to be dealt with. Fortunately, it won't last long.
Transiting Uranus is currently in a square aspect to Holly's natal Sun. It is a very stressful planetary combination and represents sudden separations and reversals of circumstance. Ideas definitely don't go according to plan under the effects of this influence as it brings unrest, inner tension, and unexpected setbacks which result in a restriction of freedom. This aspect began in May 2023 around the time Phillip Schofield resigned and it won't end until June 2024 with a slight relapse from mid-December 2024 continuing until mid-March 2025.
At the same time, and lasting until May 2025, transiting Uranus is forming a configuration called a Yod with her natal Neptune and Pluto - the planets of shocks, scandals and secrets. Under this influence, Holly will find herself in a haze of confusion while simultaneously facing the challenges of the real world head-on. Extreme confrontations and abuse of power. are common with this configuration Gradually, Holly will experience an awareness of the need to make profound changes in her life.
Friday, 8 September 2023
Thursday, 24 August 2023
War In Ukraine: The Conclusion - Part 1
Today is Ukraine's Independence Day and exactly 18 months since the invasion began. Throughout the last year, I've been focusing my research on the astrological cycles associated with war and although I don't know exactly when peace will return, I now have a pretty good idea of when the war will be likely to end.
Many military experts claim that the war in Ukraine could continue until 2025 or beyond. Obviously I respect their analyses as this is their area if expertise just as astrology is mine. However, although the war could trundle on for a long time in its present form, there is always the possibility that some unexpected event may occur which would cause it to drastically change course and thereby accelerate the return of peace. In other words, what is required to finish the war quickly is some sort of 'bolt from the blue'. What that might be is anyone's guess, although personally, I can think of several possible scenarios, as I'm sure you can too.
In this study, the war of shortest duration lasted almost six months and the war of longest duration, nearly seven years. I began by analysing the charts for the beginning of each war, followed by the charts for the end of each war. These were all associated with European-based conflicts. They included both World Wars and the Crimean War, as well as several others. Using wars that did not take place on the European continent was pointless, as the goal is to discover the end of the current war in Europe - Russia's invasion of Ukraine
The Crimean War began in October 1853 and the illegal Annexation of Crimea took place on 18th March 2014 which was officially the beginning of the war between Russia and Ukraine. (The invasion of 2022 was an escalation of that war.) Here is some data:
In both charts the Moon was in cardinal signs - Aries & Libra.
In both charts Mercury was situated at the start of Water signs
In both charts Pluto was in the element of Earth.
In both charts the Lunar Nodes were in Air signs.
Neptune was in Pisces for both.
However, between those dates, on 27th February 1954, Crimea was actually transferred to the Ukraine Republic by Russia,
Quote: "It was hailed as a gesture of friendship between the Ukrainian and Great Russian peoples during this year's celebration of the 300th anniversary of the accession of the Ukraine to Russia."
Sixty years later, in 2014, Putin reclaimed it. Illegally. As you can see, the relationship between Ukraine and Russia is a very long and complicated one.
Sometimes, if a certain planet moves by retrograde motion back to the position it occupied when an event began, then that event can reach its conclusion. In other words, the planet finishes what it started by returning to same degree and then moving away, thereby bringing the influence to completion. At the beginning of the Russia-Ukraine war in February 2022, transiting Pluto was at 27° Capricorn. It will return to that same degree at the end of September and throughout October 2023. Could this possibly suggest the end of the war?
During that same period, there is a key influence based on the planetary positions at the end of the Crimean War in March 1856. Back then, the North Node was positioned at 25° Aries. It will return to this degree in October 2023. Again, another possible indicator for the end of the war.
However, this is all happening within another timeframe which involves a planetary influence that was present in ALL of the war charts included in my research. This influence occurs around three times a year and the next one begins tomorrow on 25th August 2023 and continues until 13th October 2023 - with the most positive phase happening from 16th September. Combined with Pluto returning to 27° Capricorn and the North Node returning to 25° Aries, this period holds the potential for a possible conclusion to the war in Ukraine.
My research is still very much a work in progress and I'm discovering new information which will produce further results over time. I'll be revealing more in Part 2.
Tuesday, 8 August 2023
When Good Astrologers Go Bad
Astrologers tend to support each other's work as well as astrology's reputation. Yes, we are, to a certain extent, competitors, but we respect and learn from each other. In recent months, I've been discussing and debating with other astrologers about various upcoming planetary trends up to and beyond 2025, and let's just say, it has been very enlightening and stimulating. These astrological get-togethers and brain-storming sessions are invaluable as both a confidence booster and a source of inspiration.
Social media is full of 'astrologers' who post nonsense about astrology. Some of them are amateurs who are trying to get ahead of the game by pretending to know more than they actually do. Others aren't astrologers at all, just opportunists who want to exploit astrology's popularity in order to gain attention. It's important for all professional astrologers to call out anyone who is tarnishing astrology's image. Unfortunately, that's exactly what I had to do a few weeks ago - except the person giving astrology a 'bad rep' was, in fact, a very famous astrologer herself.
Just like everyone else, we astrologers have likes, dislikes and our own opinions. However, as part of our training and ethical code of practice, we must remain neutral and impartial. What we certainly should not do is allow our personal prejudices, biased attitudes and political allegiances to influence our work. So, for example, if I analyse the chart of someone that I don't like, I still give them a fair and balanced reading. In astrology, you interpret the chart, not the person. So whatever your preconceptions might be, when you see that person's birth chart, it can completely alter your view of them. Usually for the better.
So, imagine my dismay a few weeks ago when, during a trawl of my social media page, I came upon a very famous, successful astrologer manipulating facts in an attempt to 'prove' a prediction she made a while ago - which has yet to come true. She obviously cannot wait, so therefore, decided to speed things up by pretending that there was 'evidence' of it from another, non-astrological source. There isn't any - and there won't be until her forecast proves to be accurate - but her irrational dislike of the person she wrote about in her prediction is driving her to break the rules of astrology. This is appalling behaviour from a high-profile professional! No wonder people mock astrologers and accuse us of making things up. In this case, the astrologer was literally making things up.
When we astrologers do a forecast, we allow what we have predicted to become a reality over time. Sometimes we get it wrong, but when we get it right, it can often take several months for the event to take place. We have to be patient and to be fully committed to our knowledge and expertise. This astrologer is not doing that. She is pre-empting what she wants to happen by presenting false information.
Needless to say, I called her out and exposed her lies on social media. I was instantly blocked. No discussion nor debate, presumably because she knew I'd sussed her and she didn't have any excuses. I won't identify her on here because 'naming and shaming' isn't my style, but if you are familiar with her then you might recognise her from what I've written. It's such a disappointment when professionals resort to tactics like this. It makes you wonder what else she has pretended to get right....
Sunday, 23 July 2023
Ephemeral Arc: 10th Anniversary
Coming up with a name for the blog wasn't easy as many of my ideas were already in use. I eventually settled on Ephemeral Arc which means 'daily curve' - the path taken by the Sun across the sky every day. This was important and relevant, as it was - and still is - my mission to promote real astrology and not Sun Sign horoscopes.
Real astrology does not place the population of planet Earth into 12 segments of the zodiac circle - it defines each and every one of us as a unique individual by the analysis of our personal birth charts. That's the reason I'm so stubbornly passionate about spreading the word. I want people to take this subject seriously, respect genuine astrologers who have studied hard and who work hard, and to realise that astrology is not a superstitious fantasy, but something which, if used correctly, is a tremendous asset to us all.
The last 10 years of blogging have not always been a smooth ride and not without problems and unexpected setbacks but I love interacting with my readers - and you know you can ask me anything at all about astrology. I am proud of my work on here and I know you appreciate it too. So, here's to the next 10 years of Ephemeral Arc and many thanks for your loyal support.Monday, 3 July 2023
France On Fire
The France national chart is a very volatile one. The Sun is on a World Point, making the country a very important global influence. Jupiter is in opposition to Saturn, both in the stubborn Fixed Signs of Scorpio and Taurus, indicating a tug-of-war between restraint and freedom. But the real showstopper is a Fixed T-Square comprising an opposition of Uranus and Pluto, both squared by Mars.
Right now - and for some time to come - the Jupiter Saturn opposition is being squared by transiting Pluto. This brings a fanatical, wasteful, self-destructive and militant attitude, as you can see from the current riots taking place across the country. Ultimately, resulting in severe losses and physical and financial hardship.
Meanwhile, the Fixed T-Square of Mars, Uranus and Pluto is being triggered by transiting Uranus in Taurus - exactly the same position it was in at the start of World War II. This planetary influence indicates tremendous tension which explodes violently. Again, this will continue for a long time - until May 2025 - with periods of reasonable calm followed by explosive outbursts of anger.
The Solar Arc Sun is also triggering the T-Square at the moment by squaring Uranus and Pluto bringing anarchy and upheaval until 2029. This will become more aggravated as it moves closer to an opposition with the national chart Mars. Turbulent times lie ahead combined with an uncompromising attitude, stirring up opposition and in the mood to do battle..
With the Solar Arc Moon in opposition to the France national chart Ascendant until 2026, there will be much emotional discord and over-reaction. In a national chart, the Moon symbolises the population, the people who live in that country. It represents what the citizens want and to whom, or what, they give their approval. Social unrest will not end for good anytime soon.
The President of France, Emmanuel Macron, has had transiting Pluto criss-crossing over his natal Ascendant at 28°.Capricorn since the start of 2022. This influence brings dramatic changes and drastic upheavals amid power struggles. Right now Pluto is in retrograde motion and moving back towards this point for one final hit from the end of July 2023 until mid-December 2023. It won't be fully over until November 2024. A tough time ahead.
Sunday, 25 June 2023
The End Of War
Given the unfolding drama yesterday - Wagner versus Putin - people were understandably optimistic about Putin's reign coming to an end. That doesn't necessarily coincide with the Russia-Ukraine War coming to an end as his successor could be just as - or even more - tyrannical.
Astrologers know that whenever transiting Saturn conjuncts transiting Neptune, the current social, financial and political structure of Russia collapses - and is forced to alter/ change/ regenerate/ re-evaluate. The next transiting Saturn-Neptune conjunction will occur in 2025. This process has already begun, there's no doubt about it. But, for now, we must be patient.
Transiting Mercury (communication, media) is currently in a square aspect to Neptune in the War Chart. This indicates mixed messages and misinformation. Was the 'mutiny' by the Wagner Group all that it seemed? No. Is was probably a stunt, or a propaganda exercise.
Transiting Mars is in a quincunx (inconjunct) aspect to the War Chart Mars, indicating that the action is being deflected in some way. Now that the Wagner Group has been relocated to Belarus, it is now closer to Kyiv and away from the main battle zone.
Astrology is not only useful for analysing current situations in order to gain insight into what's really going on, it also provides a timeframe for future events or opportunities. For more than a year I've been researching the astrology of war in an attempt to find a likely date for the end of the war in Ukraine. It hasn't been easy, to say the least, but it has been fascinating.
To cut a very long story short, I have discovered a series of planetary periods which indicate the potential for ending this war. These have been derived from other major conflicts centred in Europe, including World War I and World War II. I don't want to say too much just yet but from mid-August to mid-October 2023, there will definitely be a window of opportunity for peace. It's not the only one as these periods occur in cycles, but it is a very optimistic phase, particularly in the first half of October.
More details in a few weeks.
Sunday, 4 June 2023
Transiting Venus In Leo
On 5th June 2023, transiting Venus will enter the sign of Leo and stay there for four months until 9th October 2023. A normal Venus transit is only four weeks, so we are in for a treat. I'm not saying that all of our problems will disappear - they won't - but this will be a pleasurable interlude during a year of uncertainty.
Thursday, 4 May 2023
King Charles III
His Majesty King Charles III was born Prince Charles Philip Arthur George on Sunday 14th November 1948 at 9:14pm in London, England , UK.
The King has his natal Sun in the sign of Scorpio, his Moon in Taurus and his Ascendant in Leo, so extremely stubborn and very tenacious. People born under the influence of the Fixed Signs always have a vested interest in the future. This is very evident from Charles' ecological connections. Long before it became 'trendy' to be green, he had been environmentally friendly for decades, ahead of the curve and leading the way.
His natal Sun in Scorpio and the 4th house indicates early struggles against the family background and a difficult relationship with his father. Although King Charles seems outwardly tough and shrewd, he is very emotional and sentimental. Extremely intuitive, he is also nurturing and protective of those he cares about. The Sun in a square aspect to Pluto indicates that he will often have power struggles with other influential people and authority figures.
With his natal Moon in Taurus and the 9th house, King Charles is down-to-earth, practical and values stability. He remains calm in a crisis and like his mother, the late Queen Elizabeth II, he has tremendous stoicism. As the Moon is the ruling planet of his natal 12th house and situated in the 9th, it's easy to see how this manifests as a spiritual affinity with the customs and cultures of foreign lands.
The Moon opposite Mercury in his natal chart shows that the King is full of common sense, and is very perceptive with excellent language skills. Quick witted and humorous, he comes across as a normally quiet and introspective person but will become very talkative and entertaining in the presence of others. The Moon opposite Mercury brings conflict between thoughts and feelings, or logic and intuition. His heart may say one thing, but his head will say another. This inability to find inner balance could, at times, make him very sensitive and anxious,
With his natal Moon in a trine aspect to Saturn, the King is loyal and down-to-earth. This positive planetary combination indicates a strong sense of duty. Conversely, his Moon in a sextile aspect to Uranus shows that he is original, unorthodox, progressive and offbeat. He is a curious blend of old and modern, ancient and futuristic, traditional and unconventional.
King Charles Natal Chart [click to enlarge] |
The King's natal Moon is conjunct the North Node. For someone destined to have a life in the public eye, this is an excellent combination. The Moon symbolises the people, the population, society at large and the North Node represents the zeitgeist. He has an intuitive feeling for what people want and is very sensitive to his public reputation.
There will be a Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio on 5th May - the day before the Coronation of King Charles III. He was born under this influence but in reverse - Sun in Scorpio, Moon in Taurus. Major royal occasions such as births, marriages and coronations take place on, or around, the date of an eclipse. This eclipse takes place on trigger degrees which activate the World Points. These are situated from 13° - 18° of the Fixed Signs, and on this occasion, 14° Taurus and Scorpio. Therefore, the Lunar Eclipse will not only have an important effect globally but also personally, as the King has three planets positioned at World Points and his natal Pluto also on a trigger degree at 16 Leo. A very powerful influence.
The King will also have a Nodal Return in the week leading up to his Coronation and these nodes will be square the position of the nodes on the Coronation day of HM Queen Elizabeth II. An interesting case of one person's fate intersecting with another. Significant moments of inevitability are marked by Nodal Returns and they are associated with powerful events and feelings that herald a turning point in personal destiny. Charles' destiny. is being fulfilled. This was meant to be.
Sunday, 16 April 2023
President Zelenskyy - Upcoming Eclipses
When astrologers want to make a forecast for a world leader, we have to study not only their natal chart and the aspects being made to it from transits, solar arcs, etc, we also have to incorporate other data into our astrological analysis too by using Political Term Charts. These are the dates on which the current leader won the election that made them the president or prime minister and subsequent elections that bring forth a new term as leader.
Volodymyr Zelenskyy won the presidential election in Ukraine on 21st April 2019. Twenty-nine days later, on 20th May 2019, he was inaugurated as the President of Ukraine. So, when we look to see what's coming up for him, we must analyse him on a personal level and also as a political leader.
On 20th April 2023 there will be a Solar Eclipse at 29°.Aries. As with all eclipses that fall on, or close to, a birthday or anniversary date, the effect will last for the next 12 months. This Solar Eclipse will conjunct the Election Chart Sun, Uranus and Descendant, leading to a significant event or change. Although, at first this may not be welcomed as a positive development, in time it will be perceived as a blessing in disguise. The President will somehow be removed from a situation that has run its course. The truth will be exposed and something which has been hidden or ignored will be brought to the surface.
The fight continues but there's an indication that authority figures will step down or be overthrown. The President may feel isolated during the next few months and might have to re-assess who his true friends and supporters really are. There will be tension in a close partnership and a clash of opinions with a friend or colleague. Someone will leave. This will be a challenging time.
President Zelenskyy Election Win [click to enlarge] |
The Solar Eclipse is located in the 6th House of the Election Chart and will bring issues related to daily routine, work and health. The nature of the President's work, the working environment and people he employs will all be affected. There could be a change of appearance, identity, or location, perhaps in response to something from the outside world.
The following Lunar Eclipse on 5th May 2023 will be in the 7th House and will form a square aspect to the Election Chart Midheaven. Again, the theme will be those the President considers to be allies or adversaries. Additionally, it will have an effect upon partnerships, contracts and agreements. The focus will also be on anyone who represents or collaborates with him. There will be opposition and a possible change of direction.
During the next 12 months, President Zelenskyy will somehow be propelled into the spotlight in much the same way as he was on election night. That was his night of victory - will this be his year of victory?
Sunday, 2 April 2023
President Zelenskyy - Upcoming Transits
Transiting Uranus will square the President's natal Midheaven from 24th April 2023 - 12th May 2024 bringing a period of uncertainty, unpredictability and change of direction. On a personal level, he may begin to question his position in the world, what he ultimately wants for himself and his family, and because of this, he may begin to reassess his goals.
During this planetary influence, President Zelenskyy will want the freedom to make personal decisions and choices, but current circumstances - and the events happening over the next few months - will make that very difficult. The changes and disruption to his career and professional status could start to bring a deeper sense of insecurity and might also affect his loved ones too, leading to restlessness, anger and frustration. As a result, he may resort to impulsive actions and sudden life-altering moves. The best option will be to adapt to these changes and use them as opportunities that will eventually bring greater freedom in the future. Otherwise, he may be tempted to accept the offer of 'a ride' and leave Ukraine after all.
Transiting Pluto began to oppose President Zelenskyy's natal Mars:in March 2022. It will gain traction during 2023, be on full power throughout 2024, before easing off in 2025 and finally fading away in 2026. During this period of time - which spans several years - he will feel an increased surge of determination. This will demand his full attention and is not without problems and frustrations. However, he is capable of a great amount of hard work and although he might suffer from exhaustion, he will be unwilling to slow down. The President may find that he has to deal with another person's anger which may be connected to professional partnerships or negotiations and contracts. The potential for coercion or intimidation is very high and he should be more vigilant than ever in avoiding dangerous situations.
Mars is the ruling planet of President Zelenskyy's natal 11th house, so therefore, it represents friends, groups, allies, the gathering of people for a common purpose. With transiting Pluto opposing it, does this suggest a possible change of heart by those who are supporting him? In his natal chart, Mars is situated in the 2nd House which represents stability and security, so this planetary influence could increase the threats to his safety.
Intense conflict is indicated by this planetary combination but whatever formidable opponents President Zelenskyy encounters, he will demonstrate considerable strength in asserting himself. Important issues may reach a critical point but, true to form, he will not fail to stand up for what is right. His willingness to persist unrelentingly to overcome the most challenging obstacles will continue to inspire the world. Compromise may be difficult but there can be no success without sacrifice. He will continue to demonstrate strong leadership and remain in full command. He knows what he wants and this planetary influence will provide him with the courage and the perseverance to achieve it.
Thursday, 23 March 2023
Transiting Pluto in Aquarius
Today, transiting Pluto enters the sign of Aquarius for the first time since it left in 1797. It will remain there until 11th June 2023 when it turns retrograde and re-enters Capricorn.
It will enter Aquarius again on 21st January 2024, then back to visit Capricorn one last time from 1st September 2024.
Pluto will then re-enter Aquarius for the long haul from 19 November 2024 until it leaves for good on 19th January 2044.
In 1776, just before transiting Pluto entered Aquarius, America declared independence. The US Constitution was established in 1787, followed by the Bill of Rights in 1789. The French Revolution also began in 1789. Astronomer William Herschel discovered the planet Uranus in 1781, the first hot air balloon flight took place in 1782 and the first successful vaccine for smallpox was developed in 1796.
No-one who is alive today has ever experienced a Pluto transit through Aquarius before, so apart from these (fairly).recent historical events, there's not much to go on as far as predicting what the next 20+ years will have in store. However, this is where astrological knowledge comes in. Pluto in Aquarius brings revolution and revelation as well as huge creative potential. In past times, this planetary influence would have brought the urge to exploit the environment - this time, it will bring the initiative to transform it and to renew it.
Psychologically, the human race will undergo some sort of desire for change and improvement. This will gradually come about through an increasing sense of self-awareness and facing up to the past. As Pluto transits Aquarius, it will collide in a square aspect to the transiting Nodal Axis, starting in April 2023 and lasting until November 2023. This is when there will be a massive turning point in the future destiny of, not only the human race, but of planet Earth.
The generations who were born under Pluto-Uranus aspects will in some way come to the fore, be more involved in society and receive a higher social profile during Pluto's transit of Aquarius. These include:
Those born between 1962 - 1968 when Uranus and Pluto were conjunct in Virgo.
Also, those born from 2010 - 2017 when Uranus and Pluto were in a square aspect to each other.
Anyone born when Uranus was in the sign of Scorpio - November 1974 to November 1981.
Everyone born under the sign of Aquarius will receive a conjunction from transiting Pluto to their natal Sun at some point during the next 21 years, starting this year with those whose birthdays are on 20th or 21st January. This will bring events which will herald a major new direction in your life. This is a very powerful, fated planetary influence.
Friday, 17 March 2023
The Astrological New Year
I don't usually post about the Astrological New Year but March 2023 is a very exciting month. With a New Moon at the Spring Equinox and three planets changing signs, this will truly be a time of new beginnings.
Transiting Saturn has already started the trend as it moved into the sign of Pisces on 7th March. It will be followed by transiting Pluto moving into Aquarius on the 23rd (more on this coming up) and transiting Mars, after seven months in Gemini, will enter the sign of Cancer on the 25th.
The Spring Equinox takes place on March 20th and just a few hours later there will be a New Moon at 0° Aries. This conjunction of the Sun and Moon is also joined by transiting Mercury - so, a Stellium at the very beginning of the zodiac circle.
Intimate conversations are lucky during this Sun, Moon, Mercury Stellium, so if you have been thinking about marriage, the 20th/21st March will be an excellent time to propose. If you've already 'popped the question', this will be a beneficial influence - particularly as Venus (relationships) and Saturn (commitment) are also in a very positive aspect to each other - for taking things further and getting down to some serious wedding plans. If you're due to get hitched on either of those dates, your marriage should be a successful one. Congratulations!
With transiting Mars finally out of Gemini and into Cancer on 25th March for eight weeks until 20th May, we can expect new developments connected to women, the environment and the oceans. Mars will be on a World Point at 0° Cancer, so there's a possibility of disruption caused by deeply felt emotions. Perhaps this refers to public protests of some sort. There will be a lack of control in headlong confrontations throughout the Mars in Cancer transit and accidents resulting from hasty actions - or reactions - will be a danger. When Mars reaches 22° Cancer from 3rd - 12th May, it will be in opposition to the degree it was in when the Ukraine war began - 22° Capricorn. Expect something significant. Mars is, of course, the planet which rules war and aggression. It symbolises the weapons of war and in Cancer, this could mean attacks involving the sea - torpedoes, submarines, sea-to-air missiles, etc.Interestingly, in traditional astrology, the sign of Cancer represents Scotland. The First Minister of Scotland, Nicola Sturgeon, recently announced her resignation and as a result the race is on to find her successor. There are three candidates and two of them were born under the sign of Aries - the sign ruled by Mars. So, when the new First Minister is revealed on the 27th March - just two days after Mars enters Cancer - it looks like a win for one of the Aries.candidates.
Tuesday, 7 March 2023
Transiting Saturn In Pisces
Transiting Saturn enters the sign of Pisces today where it will remain until 25th May 2025. This is the first time Saturn has been in Pisces since it left there on 7th April 1996.
In many ways, this will be a prelude to the Saturn Neptune conjunction at 0° Aries which will take place from 13th May 2025 - 20th March 2026. A rehearsal period for this major planetary influence. Which is why this Saturn transit through Pisces is so unique.
I do feel that we'll see some very interesting creations under this influence. For example, there is a well-known brand of smartphone available right now which has a flexible screen. Expect more of this sort of thing over the next three years - making what is normally rigid into a flexible material - and vice versa.Technological innovations during Saturn transits of Pisces tend to include taking what already exists and giving it physical structure. Taking what is normally invisible or undetectable and channelling it into something that we can control and which will be of great practical application. Saturn in Pisces represents mixing practicality with idealism. We'll imagine, then create. The popular saying "If you can dream it, you can be it" will seem to make more sense under this planetary influence.
Architecture and construction are also Saturnian themes - all the grand structures around the world that the human race has designed and created are an example of this. But Pisces is the antithesis - it symbolises erosion, disintegration, fragmentation. Reducing what is solid to rubble, dust or sand. So we may see the destruction of large buildings, bridges, monuments, etc, either as a result of natural disaster or human sabotage. On the other hand, large structures which have already been lost may reappear. Raising the Titanic has been a quest for decades - could it happen under this influence? Or how about finally discovering the location of the lost city of Atlantis?
Both Saturn and Pisces symbolise fear. However, Saturn's fears are based on reality while Pisces' fears tend to stem from imagination, illusion, delusion, hallucination, etc. When combined, it could be the case that Saturn might bring our collective fears to the surface by making them appear more real. So, what is the human race afraid of? Another pandemic? The start of World War III? An alien invasion? Or could this indicate an end to conspiracy theories which, of course, are specifically designed to provoke fear? The deceptions and delusions of the last few years will be up for scrutiny, that's for sure. Secrets will be revealed.
Saturn rules barriers, boundaries, blockades, buildings, etc. Pisces is about the dissolution of obstacles. So the easing of routes to progress could also be a feature of this planetary influence. Saturn tightens up what is loose and Pisces loosens up what is tight. Therefore, rules and laws which are too strict will be relaxed and conversely those which are too lax will have restrictions placed upon them. This includes political boundaries too, for example during the last Saturn in Pisces transit the system of apartheid was abolished in South Africa.
Under the influence of Saturn in Pisces spirituality will be taken more seriously. I'm not talking about religion but pure spirituality in its various forms. I feel there will be some sort of breakthrough in paranormal research. Perhaps the harnessing of supernatural phenomena such as ESP, clairvoyance, psychic healing, etc. Also, stronger evidence towards proving the existence of ghosts and the afterlife. Saturn teaches us about what's real. It makes things official. It also represents the laws of the Universe and Pisces symbolises that which is mysterious, intangible, unseen. Saturn in Pisces will alter our understanding of the limitations of the physical world.
Saturn rules rock and coal. Pisces rules water, oil and gas. Be prepared for some sort of revelation involving one or more of these, particularly in connection to fuel extraction. Also, I'm getting strong vibes about a city in the desert. I don't know what this could mean, the name of the city, or in which desert, but there's something on the way.
Crystallisation is another Saturn theme. This includes the crystallisation of water - ice. Pisces represents dissolution, so melting ice-caps, glaciers and icebergs will continue to feature in the news. Also, expect some significant information connected to the continent of Antarctica.
To find out how Saturn's transit through Pisces will affect you on a personal level, check which house(s) it will be passing through in your natal chart. Need advice? Ask a question in the comments section below.
Friday, 24 February 2023
Tuesday, 14 February 2023
President Zelenskyy's UK Visit
On Wednesday 8th February 2023, President Zelenskyy made a surprise visit to the UK before heading to Europe. Ordinarily, I wouldn't have mentioned this in the blog as it wasn't his first foreign trip since the beginning of the war in Ukraine and also because I'd already analysed the chart for his visit to the USA on 21st December 2022. However, the chart for the UK trip is just as jaw-dropping.
The USA visit and the UK visit were exactly seven weeks apart. Obviously, the Sun had changed signs, but intriguingly, in both charts, the Moon was in Mutable signs.- Sagittarius (USA) and Virgo (UK).
Mercury was in Capricorn on 21st December 2022 and because of retrograde motion it was still in Capricorn on 8th February 2023.
Venus was at 14° Capricorn for the USA trip and at 14° Pisces for the UK trip. On both occasions it exactly aspected President Zelenskyy's natal Mercury - which is not only the planet of communication but is also his chart ruler. Venus in aspect to Mercury brings compromise, tactful communications and a charm offensive in business and professional scenarios, so an excellent influence for important speeches.
Mars is situated at 11° Gemini - in both charts. Again, this is due to the fact that Mars was in retrograde motion, moving back as far as 8° Gemini throughout January 2023 and then resuming direct motion. But to end up being on exactly the same degree for both of President Zelenskyy's visits is extraordinary. A degree which shows up time after time when similar events take place is what we astrologers call a 'hot degree'. I'll definitely be keeping an eye on this one.
Jupiter had moved from 0° Aries to 7° Aries - conjunct the President's natal South Node.This is an indicator of considerable luck. It certainly brought good fortune during his journey, so let's hope there is also a lucky outcome too.
Wednesday, 25 January 2023
President Zelenskyy's Speech To Congress
Intriguingly, the transiting Moon was in the same place as it's position on the day the war began - 8° Sagittarius. Yes, I know, the transiting Moon hits this position every month, but to be there on that particular date when all those other planetary aspects were also active makes it highly significant.
The transiting Sun was conjunct President Zelenskyy's Solar Arc Uranus, square his Progressed Mercury and was just leaving a trine to his natal Saturn. The Sun is one of the 'activator' planets which, when connected to a Solar Arc planet, triggers that planet into action. I expected his Solar Arc Uranus to bring shocks or surprises, particularly as it was conjunct a World Point which indicates breaking out of a place of safety and doing something dangerous. This is exactly what he did by making his first foreign visit since 24th February 2022 at great personal risk.
Transiting Jupiter conjunct his Progressed Mercury not only symbolises his foreign travel on that day but also his speech to Congress which he conducted entirely in English. This is one of the best planetary combinations for legal issues and the signing of contracts and agreements as it indicates that negotiations will be well received. President Zelenskyy was particularly eloquent and forthright in presenting his speech.
Transiting Jupiter and Ceres were both square his Solar Arc Uranus. Jupiter rules the USA and Ceres has a strong connection with Ukraine, so this planetary configuration was very symbolic of both nations. Jupiter on a World Point indicates a famous world leader capturing the attention of the people. He certainly did that! Transiting Jupiter was also making it's final trine aspect to President Zelenskyy's natal Mars. This planetary influence is excellent for making fortunate decisions. I've said this before in another post, but I'll say it again: I wouldn't be surprised if President Zelenskyy receives astrological advice. He makes major decisions on very auspicious dates. This one is a prime example.
The planetary configurations present on the Winter Solstice will be re-activated on 21st March - the day after the Spring Equinox - when both the Sun and Moon will be positioned at 0° Aries, making hard aspects to the Sun, Jupiter, Ceres and President Zelenskyy's Solar Arc Uranus. Closer still will be the Full Moon on 5th February when, in combination with transiting Uranus, will trigger all the World Points, so expect significant developments.
Tuesday, 10 January 2023
Prince Harry - Part 2
When the planets - transits, progressions, solar arcs, etc - make aspects to the natal chart, they don't just predict events and experiences, they also reveal the psychology behind it, and the current behaviour and emotions coming into play as the result of new, albeit temporary, planetary influences. This, I suspect, is the reason for Prince Harry's out-of-character display over the last three years.
Harry's Progressed Mars began to conjunct his natal Ascendant in 2019. When any planet - transiting, solar arc, progression, etc conjuncts a personal point in the chart - and the Ascendant is the most personal of all - it tends to alter the attitude and outlook of that person as well as bringing changes to their image.
Progressed Mars has created a very stressful state of mind leading Harry to become argumentative, abrasive and prone to making rash decisions. He will feel a sense of urgency and the need to prepare the ground for future action, but there could be setbacks through upsetting others. A spirit of compromise will be required to head off conflicts. He is angry and this is what has been driving him headlong into constant trouble throughout the last three years. This influence is coming to a gradual end during 2023. The question is: Will his antagonistic attitude ease off when the aggressive influence of Mars is no longer around to trigger it?
Transiting Uranus has been in an opposition aspect to Harry's natal Midheaven since May 2022 and won't be leaving until mid-March 2024. When a planet is opposite the Midheaven it is conjunct the Immum Coeli (IC) which is the most private personal point in the chart. This is the point at the base of the chart which symbolises the most important and fundamental areas of your life - home and family. I'm sure I don't need to tell you what a transit to the IC from Uranus the planet of chaos means. As we have seen and will continue to see for some time to come, his unreasonable outlook has turned his private life upside down. He is cut off and rebelling against his family, attempting to discredit and dismantle everything that has made him who he is. One thing's for sure, this won't end well and it won't end anytime soon.
Transiting Neptune began to oppose Harry's natal Sun in mid-April 2021. Lasting until mid-February 2023, this influence will have been quite challenging as the result of misunderstandings, fear or mistrust. Honesty may have been hard to come by during this period and there will have been many deceptions and delusions along the way. The structures that he has built up in his life were challenged by circumstances which forced him to make a lot of changes.
Harry's natal Pluto will be hit by three major transiting planets which are changing signs in 2023: An opposition from Jupiter which will bring the urge to drastically change his circumstances in some way, a trine from Saturn which will herald the end of a chapter in his life and the need to start aiming for more self-control, and a square from Pluto which is a generational influence, one of the first 'Mid-Life Crisis' aspects. A Fixed Sign T-Square configuration comprising Mars, Jupiter and Pluto will rattle his chart in the week from the 18th - 25th May by squaring his natal Pluto. This will trigger a ruthless attitude either from him, or towards him.
With his Progressed Midheaven in a square aspect to his natal Sun until 2024, he may find the road to success becoming much harder.. Although he has an arrogant belief in his own abilities, setbacks will lead to a loss of confidence. He will identify strongly with issues concerning another person, or group of people, but a temptation to hijack the spotlight might land him in trouble.
In his Solar Return chart for the period up to his next birthday, the Initial Indicators are the letters O and S. After his birthday in September 2023, the letters will be I and S. These letters represent people, places or products that will be relevant in his life. I'm assuming the 'S' will include the title of his autobiography - 'Spare'. But it will also be connected other things too. So, keep a lookout and let me know what you find.
Harry's autobiography 'Spare' is officially published today. At this moment in time, transiting Mars is in opposition to his natal Uranus. A very explosive influence which will bring many repercussions over the coming months.